It began as little more than a joke. Through aimless cavorting with comrades was my fate sealed. I donned the emp_recruit moniker and set about making light of a grim oppression. It was all in good fun... It was all in good fun... 26.9.06 A silent awakening Keeping with the mood, I turned my attentions to the heavens, a place where silence seemed to last for eternity. However, all was not so silent. A great battle was being waged amongst the stars, a classic battle of red vs blue... How could I resit? The fighting was intense and chaotic, our capship under constant attack with many victims claimed by that synical lady war. It was this field of nothingness where I first realised what was to become of me. A pilot named ES Newbie... I found it ironic; this was certainly no newbie. For a great deal of time did we engage in combat. Our ships maneuvering and evading through space as elegantly as a balet dancer infront of her audience. The battle was raging, it mattered not, to me, what was transpiring elsewhere. All I cared about was defeating my worthy oponent. After a great effort, the battle was won. With a blazing ball of laser as brilliant as the sun itself, this newbie was felled. I should have been satisfied. I should have felt proud of the victory but something inside me was awoken. A great lust took over. A burning desire for the battle, a need for combat. Victory meant nothing to me as all I now cared about was the fight. My first prey was claimed and now I was hungry for more. The hunt begins. 28.9.06 A natural choice Once again I found myself in space; aboard a murky vessel over run by vicious alien xenoforms. I had tagged along with a squad of marines with the task of exterminating the xenoform infestation... I, on the other hand, had a darker mission in mind. It was rumoured that a creature called NSPlayer was amongest this hive of unnatural beasts. Even still, I could not help but think to myself "I've found it! the prey to feed this burning addiction!" It simply wasn't a choice but to join the fight. As soon as we arrived, the xenoforms were all over us. Some of them as small as a dog, some bigger than a rhino but all of them after nothing more than our blood... It seemed fair enough, we were after their's after all. None the less, it was soon clear to me that I had no choice in my enemy. Wave after wave, these creatures swarmed us. Some even sacrificing there own existance, just to end ours. There were many casualties on both sides. I wanted to feel sorry for my fallen squadmates but it simply was not within me. My armour soaked in blood, my life dangling by the thinest of threads while death surrounded me more and more as the bullets eject... I was in ecstacy. Despite this, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Amongst all the bloodshed, I had yet to claim the prize I longed for. That elusive NSPlayer when surprisingly, the greatest of opportunities was at my very feet. Cocooned and defenseless. I had thought of letting it go. Allow it to defend itself but the desire was too strong. I had to end this creature as my desire wished and with a hail of bullets, my victory was achieved. It felt beautiful. But now I am left with the same problem before. That unattainable need more. Where will this need guide me next? I can only assume time will tell. 28.9.06 Revolutionary revelations To the blood soaked battlegrounds of america did my quest take me, my target was a mere private of the american revolutionaries and disappointingly, his skill lived up to his name. The battle (If you could even call it that) lasted but a fraction of a second. Around a corner I turned when I saw my prey, cowering in a corner like a snivelling dog. With a single crack of gunpowder, the foe fell at my feet where even he barely belonged. Still, prey is prey and a kill is a kill. Though I'm not eally sure if I can even accept such a pitiful victory as a worthy trophy. At the very least, this... minor encounter only reveals how ill-contempt I am with a mere victory. Nothing but the lust of battle may guide me now.
I dont see the NS tag in your sig. Man, now you have me wanting to do this, like a badge of honor or somthing
, Dee. . Perhaps The Specialists should be your next haunt? Or maybe Dystopia would be more in line? Either way, your growing tag collection makes me squeal with glee. Brilliant.
:D Heh. Where are you planning to travel next for a kill? The Trenches(one TrenchRat to the list)? Funny idea.
28.9.06 Revolutionary revelations To the blood soaked battlegrounds of america did my quest take me, my target was a mere private of the american revolutionaries and disappointingly, his skill lived up to his name. The battle (If you could even call it that) lasted but a fraction of a second. Around a corner I turned when I saw my prey, cowering in a corner like a snivelling dog. With a single crack of gunpowder, the foe fell at my feet where even he barely belonged. Still, prey is prey and a kill is a kill. Though I'm not eally sure if I can even accept such a pitiful victory as a worthy trophy. At the very least, this... minor encounter only reveals how ill-contempt I am with a mere victory. Nothing but the lust of battle may guide me now.
You should hit up Garry's Mod online next & bag a MingeBag. Oh BTW good luck with that, G-mod online is pretty strict when it comes to to players using the default "MingeBag" name, some server won't even let people join until they change the default name.
If you're going to kill someone in Gmod, you've gotta do it with style. Style and rockets. And explosives. And falling crushy things.
you should make a tally of how many of them you got and how many of them got you, that way we know your, "KICKING ASS FOR THE LORD" - deadalive quote
Prehaps we should make this into a sort of competition? See how many different mods a lowly Emp_Recruit can invade
I know that there are at least two Emp_Recruits playing Iron Grip. Me and SinKing. To cut the chase: It was me. :D Edit: And yes, there have been games with two emp_recruits running around killing people in the same server. :p
How about we all try and kill the "Nub Tag" from every game as an emp_recruit, then poll every one killed into a giant tablet :D
We also need an Emp_Recruit hunting MingeBags in Garry's Mod. By God, the Recruits will conquer all Souce mods!!