How to be useful infinitry/not give Emp_Recruit a headache

Discussion in 'General' started by FishThePirate, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. FishThePirate

    FishThePirate Member

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    This is sort of the counterpart of Emp_Recruits thread (found here) that gives some advice on commanding. It gave me the idea to give advice on being an effective infintry man, because a good commander isn't everything.
    If you are infintry:

    1. Go, do! This seems obvious enough, but some people don't seem to get it. Don't dawdle in base yelling for ammoz, get the fuck out and start doing something useful.

    2. Scouts are not always useful. I know you "be infiltratin' the trees and shit!" but your team needs engineers at the start of the game. A rifleman/scout or two to help out the engineers is ok, but for the most part engineers are the most useful at start.

    3. Join a squad. For god's sake you get a free skill. This isn't a rumor, I know some people don't believe me, but it's true (note: the squad has to have atleast one other person in it).

    4. Engineers: get the repair upgrade skill at start. This gives you an unbelievable edge. Ever wonder how the other team manages to put a base at the ruins in emp_duststorm in 1 minute flat? It's because of the upgrade (revive skill is also useful at start).

    5. Listen to your commander. Even if you don't think it's a good order, just do it. If you fail the game then you can blame it on your comm, but if your team fails because you have no resources because no one listened to the commander when he told them to go capture resource nodes then you only have yourselves to blame.

    6. More resources is always good. Res is the lifeblood of your victory machine, you cannot operate with out it. If you can capture a refinery point, do it. Even if your team has a comfortable amount of res, continue to get refinery points. Consider it an investment for the future.

    7. Always go out of your way to destroy enemy refineries. Deny the enemy their refinery points, even if you can't capture them yourself. If you can't have it, neither should they.

    There is a lot more but I have class now. Any other bits of advice are welcome.

    Additional suggestions from...

    8. If you have a lot of resources, spend them! Tanks are key to winning most of the maps, so don't feel restrained when your team is rolling in dough to buy them.

    9. Stick together: 1+1=3, so use that to your advantage and stay in groups (read: squads), preferably with a revive-equipped engineer. (Private Sandbag concurs on this point)

    10. If you know that the commander is saving up for some research item or construction, don't spend every last penny as soon as it is available. It will only force them to limit the VFs, which doesn't benefit anyone.

    11. Conserve your tanks, don't go rushing in unless you have a clear route out again, especially if you have a heavy, and therefore expensive tank.

    12. Don't shoot tanks with small arms - it doesn't damage them, and it gives your position away

    13. Choose your targets wisely - Killing a barracks stops the enemy spawning, and killing a Vehicle Factory prevents them launching an effective attack against you, however, if you do these, you might give the commander time to get away.

    This is the key to teamplay. And especially with so many people having head-sets it is easier than ever.
    Need a vehicle to stop so you can get in? Use the mic! By the time you have found out that there is an "I need a transport" command, the vehicle is gone.
    See an enemy heavy tank advancing on a friendly position? Use the mic to tell them etc...

    Private Sandbag
    15. If you don't know what you're doing, just go engineer and follow a player that seems to know what he's doing. give him ammo, heal him with your engineer tool, build things he builds, sprint when he sprints. You might not know why but you'll be massively helping your team, and it can be fun too

    Dubee Grapehead:
    16. SQUAD LEADERS USE YOUR FUCKING POINTS AHHHHHHHHHHHH (What dubee is trying to say here is that each squad has special "squad powers" that the leader can activate. These skills range from mass revive of your whole squad to calling down artillery strikes on a marked target, they're very useful, so squad leaders should remember to use points that accumulate. Also, the tpe of squad skill depends on what class the squad leader is).
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2007
  2. cpugeek

    cpugeek Member

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    6 and 7 are INCREDIBLY important, in my opinion, maybe more than the others. Too many times as commander i see undefended resource points that no one bothers to take because they're all fighting in one big battle on the other side of the map. Resources = win especially early in the game. Also, i have another one to add

    8. If you have a lot of resources, spend them! Tanks are key to winning most of the maps, so don't feel restrained when your team is rolling in dough to buy them.
  3. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Amusing, yet informative :D

    9. Stick together: 1+1=3, so use that to your advantage and stay in groups (read: squads), preferably with a revive-equipped engineer.

    10. If you know that the commander is saving up for some research item or construction, don't spend every last penny as soon as it is available. It will only force them to limit the VFs, which doesn't benefit anyone.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  4. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    first thing first: I loled at the scout thing.

    Second, those last two aren't necessarily true: on the servers where they fucked up the res flow, if your team has SIXTY THOUSAND res or even 30k res, it's safe to say res nodes are not top priority. Still priority, yes, but not TOP priority. As long as you have a few then that last one probably won't make a huge difference. (Not saying I like it this way, though)
  5. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Doesn't K = One thousand anyway?

    Also, 11. Conserve your tanks, don't go rushing in unless you have a clear route out again, especially if you have a heavy, and therefore expensive tank.

    12. Don't shoot tanks with small arms - it doesn't damage them, and it gives your position away

    13. Choose your targets wisely - Killing a barracks stops the enemy spawning, and killing a Vehicle Factory prevents them launching an effective attack against you, however, if you do these, you might give the commander time to get away.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  6. theotherjms

    theotherjms Developer

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    This one is more important than every other:

    This is the key to teamplay. And especially with so many people having head-sets it is easier than ever.

    Need a vehicle to stop so you can get in? Use the mic! By the time you have found out that there is an "I need a transport" command, the vehicle is gone.

    See an enemy heavy tank advancing on a friendly position? Use the mic to tell them.

    Want to know what the comm is researching? Mic to ask him

    Have a question about gameplay? Mic!

    Need an ammocrate? Mic!

    Need somebody to pull a two-man attack? Mic!

    And so on and so forth.
  7. FishThePirate

    FishThePirate Member

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    Sadly this is truth. Pretty much all the rules go out the window with the fast resources and research. Hopefully the devs will take action in this area.
  8. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    broccoli's is the most important thing by far imo. If i could add to that.

    if you don't know what you're doing, just go engineer and follow a player that seems to know what he's doing. give him ammo, heal him with your engineer tool, build things he builds, sprint when he sprints. You might not know why but you'll be massively helping your team, and it can be fun too :D
  9. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    mainly on infantry maps.. I was telling noobs on district yesturday for 10 mins how to use them and they never did.. we lost with 85 squad points
  10. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    Landmines are filled with delicious candy, of which you should open up and distribute to all of your teammates, or as many as possible. The best way to do this is to wait by an enemy mine, and when lots and lots of people walk by, tell them how you're going to give them so much lovely lovely candy goodness. Then jump on the mine. They'll thank you for the happy yum yum treats!

    No, seriously, though. FOR GOD'S SAKE GET DEFUSE IF YOU DRIVE A TANK.
  11. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Scouts can do other things than snipe.

    If you're a scout, pack hide, enhanced senses, either smoke or conc grenades, and a SMG.

    Move in support of your squad, use your enhanced senses with a zoomed minimap to tell your squad about enemies approaching (do they show up on everyone's radar?), use your conc grenades to blind enemy infantry or smoke grenades to stop enemies shooting your team from an alley, or to cover a retreat. Use your hide skill and sabotage to disable turrets for your squad.

    This works best on infantry oriented maps, but can be equally useful in classic if you get lucky.
  12. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Skippy list?
  13. zergl

    zergl Member

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    AFAIK: No. At least not according to various descriptions, wikis and manuals, IIRC.
    But then again, the documentation is known to not be 100% precise all the time.
  14. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    enhanced senses only works for you. Which is why i REALLY have to buy a microphone.
  15. Chahk

    Chahk Member

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    Do NOT jump into the CV the second your current Commander gets out to help build something.

    Of course there are always special circumstances when it would be alright to take over (e.g. the CV is on the front lines and the Comm has just been killed and cannot respawn nearby, so you might want to drive it to a safer location), but in most cases please leave the CV alone.
  16. Rexz

    Rexz Member

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    When someone yell that's there a mine on the ground, look around you before you step another step.

    There's lots of time where the whole team is camping near an enemy entrance and there seem to be a mine or two near the entrance. The whole team is waiting for a grenadier to come and defuse them, until some noob didn't listen and just run straight out. This type of action will kill your entire squad. Not only do mine insta kill the person steping on it, it also has a pretty wide radius that would insta kill any team mate nearby.
  17. zergl

    zergl Member

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    Another good reason is when you see the comm disconnect. Happened once to me when I was the only one near the CV and at least I managed to place refs until I finally found somebody experienced willing to take over.
  18. Angry

    Angry Junior Member

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    You should add on there on no. 16 that the skills available vary depending on the squad leaders class.
  19. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Rifleman and Scouts are support classes. alone, you will be almost useless to your team and at best a pest to your enemies. help an engineer or grenadier and you'll help your team a lot more.
  20. Doctor Who

    Doctor Who Member

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    in the beginning of every game
    i choose rifleman w/ HMG, and choose the accuracy skill then the assault rifle later in the game
    my combo is accuracy, ammo increase, speed upgrade, then health upgrade
    is that a good combo?

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