So ... yeah ... I realise this forum is dead, but ... ah well Hello everyone. It's been a while. With HL:Alyx coming out in March, and owning the Index headset, I got giddy when I read it would ship with an updated version of Hammer and mod/workshop support. Now I stopped making maps for Empires because Hammer was getting way too old and frustrating to use, and Empires itself was getting old as well and the servers rather empty. So yeah , spending 200 hours on a map that might be played twice a year wasn't very appealing. That said, creating a map for VR in a new and improved Hammer editor, with access to the HL:Alyx models and textures ... now that could be interesting. I'm not gonna be able to make anything decent these days, but then again VR games are much more than regular games about gameplay instead of graphics. I am however completely out of the loop when it comes to games and mods but I know some Empires players are still quite active in the gaming world. So ... if in the coming months/years someone learns about a rather public/open mod for HL:Alyx, feel free to inform me. Or tell Destroyer to tell me. He'll find me. It could be interesting to make custom maps for.
I'd be happy enough with Source2 and some new tools. But being the first VR mod would absolutely be something to crow about.... even if I don't have VR.
It really is amazing to have a place in 2019 that feels like new ground. The VR community might be relatively small, but it's a brand new area with pretty much no competition yet either. There's no pubg, fortnite, minecraft, gta, etc. Free mods for a game that many will have bought should attract a lot of attention if done well. It reminds me of the old days of counter strike, day of defeat and tactical ops. The golden age of mods. These days there's so many mods out there it's nearly impossible for them to differentiate. In VR however everything is still quite new, and there's stuff possible that has never been done on pc. Gaming had become stale for me over the past decade and I'm looking forward to this new start.