This is an area to discuss everything about clans. Want to recruit for your clan? Want to set up a match against another clan? You're in the right place. This is only for Empires clans. If you are apart of a clan that does not play Empires, then your clan is not recognized here. Don't post about them and try to recruit for another game. If you're trying to start an Empires branch, that's fine.
And keep it civil. This is not the place to vent your anger towards, trolling other clans' threads or complain about any particular clan you have a problem with. Thank you
It is already on the wiki. What could be useful is a topic with link to it. But doubling the effort (editing) would be bad. Also some moderator needs to update topic on forum while everyone can edit Clan Listing on the wiki.
It's sad to see that this is not the case. Browsing any clan thread you can see there is constant arguing and bashing especially between GK and BSID, obviosuly due to thier match. Please do something about it because there are many pointless posts in the threads and it's gonna make it difficult for the clans to convey the info they want to, with other clans bashing them in thier own post. It may not be as bad as I make it sound but it is annoying the crap out of me IDK about everyone else. I'd be especially annoyed if I was the leader of any of these clans. I'm not a MOD but please, just chill
One possibility is that once a recruitment thread gets posted, it gets immediately locked by whatever mod comes along first. That'll FORCE it to be civil. Play nice, or the mods will hurt j00!
I have noticed several snide comments being made between clans. So far it hasn't been too serious. When I suggested a clan section be made, I was hoping it would help the clan scene but if they're just going to bicker like rival schoolyard cliques all the time... Well, I'm not sure if having this section is all that worthwhile.
To me it seems just playful competition on who has the biggest e-..... :D Nothing harmful yet. Try to give this section some time to mature up. I'm sure it'll pay off.
I'm not touching any of the "my e-penis is bigger than yours" threads with a 10-foot e-pole. I hope this section doesn't turn into Black Hole #2.
Black hole thread The clan arguement thread should be in "The Black Hole" With the "Elections" LOL:D I thought this is beta mod test and dev? :D Have nothing against clans but they tend to generate "popularity", "electorial" that for the tournaments. 1v1 Gameplay should say how good you are as an indivual. I sorta mediochre to sux depends on day?<LIKE TO PLAY!