[Guide]The first minutes

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu

    [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu Member

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    I just played 2 matched and we lost both, because of some chaotic moments, so I decides to write a little guide about the Commander.
    It won't explain everything and is far away from beeing perfect, but it will keep you away from making terrible mistakes and will help everyone of you, even that ones, that are called or call themselves "bad comms", to get at least a good start, because the first 5 minutes are extremely important for winning or loosing a match.

    In the first minutes you need more Engineers. Not all, but most of you should start as one. You can chance later with no regret. If there is only one engineer at the beginning, you won't be a prophet, saying, that you'll loose.

    Don't run to far. Form one squad and everyone should join it.
    Go back to the barracks, select your free squad skill and click OK. Now you don't have to wait for the respawn after your first death to use it!

    Don't just run out of your Base, thinking someone will do the Commanders job.
    Everyone thinks so, so you'll have no Commander at all and that's something you don't want. Instead, jump into the CV and begin building your base, while asking if anyone else wants to command. If someone wants, don't just exit the CV, but wait for the new Commander, so you can still build up your base until he arrives. Every Second is important!

    Rush for the Refinery nodes! One Engineer guarded by one Scout or Riflemen to each resource node, while at least one Engineer and perhaps one Grenadier will stay at your base and build it up and put some mines.

    You don't win as defenders. So instead of spamming turrets, even if level 3, use vehicles. They can do the same job. Of course, you need some turrets, but not to much. Put one of each kind (machinegun and rocketlauncher) to each capured res node, so that the enig-scout/rifleman-team can go on to the next node. And perhaps two of each kind around your base. But don't put them to close together or they might be destroy easily by one and the same grenade!

    Don't build a radar until you have not at least 2 working Refineries. Research is expensive, you'll run out of cash soon if you do without having at least 2.
    The same with vehicle factory, except this time you'll need 3 Refineries.

    Use your "Enemy spotted" function to tell your teammates, from where the enemy come and what it is. Do this before attacking the enemy, you might lose and then you can't mark the enemy anymore and you'll have the write.

    Best off all: Using voicecomunication. I haven't lost a single match when at least half of the team used it. No need of writing anymore. And don't be afraid to speak: everyone thinks, his own voice sounds strange.

    When a enemy is spotted, it's the same as in the beginning with having a Commander: Don't think someone else will take care of the enemy. Even if, that one might be killed.

    If there is Infantry attacking the CV and you're Com, don't just exit the CV, thinking, you can defeat the attacker. You might lose and then? The CV, YOUR CV as a birthday present for the enemy.

    No need for an armory until the first big wave of respawns.
    The Engis can put up some crates, that's enough for the Greandier staying at home and the eni-scout/rifle-teams to don't run out of ammo while rushing for resnodes.

    That's it for now. Perhaps some knows some more or better tipps, but if you follow these, you are already on a good way. Shall you loose anyway, remember: It's okay to loose against a better team, but you mustn't make it too easy for them ;)
  2. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    This is for 1.07 no?

    Good tips though
  3. picard131

    picard131 Member

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    It seems to work for both. Excellent advice.
  4. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    This is a good general guide, but only one exception: a VF might be handy quite early on, especially if you decide to do an APC rush or even a small LT rush, something the commander must decide more then anyone else on the team. This can be useful on maps like valley or duststorm where a particular location is especially important.

    This is especially true if you're going up a veteran commander who probably has a few such tricks up his sleeve.
  5. Avneet

    Avneet Member

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    I dont agree with the level 3 turrets deal. I have won SOOOO many games because we had a good amout of them in well placed areas(not spammed). Usually 1 MG and 2/3 ML in a straregic place is impossible to get by. Most tanks never waste time attacking them because while they do that, you use your tanks and finish them off. Only arty's are your real problem with turrets, but it shouldn't be with good tankers.
  6. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    I think the general idea about the turrets is good, because newbies tend to place WAY TOO MANY, and relying on turrets more then relying on tanks is a sure way to a bloody death. But a small caveat must be made that says to place more turrets at chokepoints or important areas, like T.t.D. said.

    The important thing to realize is that Arties >>>>>>>>> Turrets, and turrets are a stopgap measure, not a permanent solution to your defense.
  7. [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu

    [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu Member

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    Should work on both, 1.07 and 1.08, as these are very generell ticks (don't want to say advises).

    Of course, if you have an expierenced and good Commander, he might wanna try other tactics like building an VF as soon as possible.
    But theses guys don't need this guide. So for whom did I wrote this guide?
  8. Jcw87

    Jcw87 Member

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    Nice list and stuff, but really, I bet most of the noobs that inspired you to write this don't even visit the forums.
  9. The Buttery Lobster

    The Buttery Lobster Drama Queen.

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    *sigh* yeah... same with the wiki.

    wtf do i bother editing it?
  10. [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu

    [RTFM]Major_Tom_CosmicBlu Member

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    Well, as I read, there shall be something like "tipp of the day" on the loading screen. Perhaps some things from the wiki can be used there. Or from this guide.
  11. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Most people will spam turrets because that's what they do in RTS games, but they don't understand MG's will not hurt vehicles, and ML's will not (normally) hurt infantry.
  12. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    a lev 3 MG and a couple lev 3 ML's == imidiate area denial. no one is crossing that point in the next five minutes, and coupled with infantry, no-one will ever pass that point.

    You should also stress the point that the game is about controlling territory. if you take and hold the center points that will be hard to take later, then you can easily send a lone engineer to capture all the stuff between there and the middle later on.

    oh, and mention the importance of having a spawnpoint near where the action is; making you're team run or two minutes to get to the front line is a surefire way to loose.
  13. picard131

    picard131 Member

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    Until the second that arty is researched.
  14. rat

    rat Member

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    good tips, thanks

    I think this is one of the most important tips, especially for larger maps where there is competition for the middle refs. SMGs just don't compete against rifles. As commander I think it would be good to make sure that there is not too many engineers as well as not enough. I'm sure everyone has been on the losing team because everyone started as engineer only to get mowed down at the middle refs (you also lose valuable time this way).

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