Did anyone know we have 33 pages of users who have registered but NEVER posted? Are they all bots or shy people? Can we set some kind of auto delete for members who havn't posted more then 3 times and have not been active in the last year(62 pages out of 104)?
I didn't log on to this account for more than a year, I thought empires was dead. But seriously mass extinction.
leave them there could always be some guy that only lurcs if you really want to do things like this, remove the accounts that have not logged in for a couple of years + no posts
I'm sure I posted a reply to this off my phone (was stuck somewhere and bored), but it didn't post apparently. This is a stupid idea. There are many people who have a forum account purely to use certain functions than cannot be used without a forum account. It also makes the mod look more active. It's a retarded suggestion to try and create a problem out of nothing. Kill yourself.