Make an official set of Generic Minimap Icons to be used by mappers to highlight points of interest and give additional informations, such as Refineries and their multipliers, flags (yes I know they *can* show up on the minimap) and what they do. Icons: - Refinery: Needs to be easy to recognize and have a numerical indication of the multiplier from 1 to 8 (at least) - Flags: Icons for flags that do not show up on the minimap (if the author wants people to know where a flag is but not who captured it) and icons for if the flag has an ammo box, health box, is a bleeder, gives tickets, gives resources. Any more ideas?
I think we should inform @Devourawr . Afterall, he's the official iconer, the maker of icons, the iconest of them all.
We could do with icons for entry points into higher/lower areas on multi-level maps, it's sometimes hard to tell where they are.