Final Fantasy VII. Still Rocks.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Hendar23, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    I think most JRPGS are shit. So why do I keep trying to play them? I realized it's probably because the first one I played was FFVII. In the same way my first experience of manga was Akira, it has left me with a positive view of a genre that's actually generally shit.

    So to find out if those golden memories are justified, I've dusted off my gamepad and settled down for some console RPG goodness. Verdict? FFVII is still awesome. Maybe I can relate to the sci-fi setting more than the generic fantasy? Maybe because the bad guys are an evil corporation screwing the people and fucking the planet? A bit more relevant today than of some vague evil thing that's just evil for the sake of it wanting a bunch of crystal for some reason. Maybe because it has adult themes? Or perhaps because the main character has some of the most fucked-up psychological problems of any video game character ever? Wait until you get to the trippy bits when your walking around inside his subconscious, and you find out the truth about his backstory. Seriously, the dude has issues.

    Whatever. It's great. I felt the need to give a shout out and rant a bit.

    Oh and I found a mod that gets rid of most of the 'Lego' character models:



    Get it here.

    My copy of CD3 has a big motherfucker scratch on it which stopped me playing yeaaaars ago. The PC version is hard to get in stores, but the internet has all the answers now.

    SPOILERS I think my first instant-bonding-with-a-total-stranger-over-a-videogame-moment (you know, one of those moments) happened because of FFVII. I was walking with a buddy when we met a friend of hers in the street. I had never met the guy, but within moments the subject of FFVII came up for some reason.
    "Your playing it too? Have you got to the bit with the girl yet?"
    "the bit where the girl dies?"
    "YEAH! Oh my god the bit where the girl dies!"
    "Oh god yeah, it's so sad!"
    "And he lowers her body into the water!"
    "Yeah I was like 'I'm gonna get than Sepiroth bastard!'"
    etc, etc...
    Obvious, our female non-gaming friend was just sighing and rolling her eyes at this point :D

    Only niggle is: Would it have killed them to re-scan the baground images at a higher rez? Even back in '98 or whatever I remember thinking this. Even back then 640x480 was getting old. Just because the PSOne was a clunker, should the PC crowd suffer? Even back then it was taken for granted that the PC version of any cross-platform game would be the best. You quickly stop noticing, but it would have been nice. I wonder if that DS remake will ever be made official.....
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2009
  2. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    Yes It does. I think it's one of the few games deserving of rehash.
  3. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I used this for a while, but I just decided to play it stock on my PSP. I reckon one day it'll get rehashed, but I dno when.
  4. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    Neither do Square Enix
  5. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Fuck DS, I want a fucking PS3 one.
  6. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Thrill as our beutifully rendered characters line up and attack sequentially for twenty minutes!
  7. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    Come to think of it, I'm actually perfectly happy playing the current one on the PC. Who needs a remake?
  8. Pope_Homeless_XIII

    Pope_Homeless_XIII Member

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    I do (never owned the game, a Playstation, and didn't own a PC when it came out), I only got up to the end of disc one before my friend lent the game, his Playstation, & his only memory card to his friend. When he got it back his friend had overwritten our files :| .

    Thought about buying the re-released Playstation Network version but having recently upgraded to an HDTV I noticed that it makes old games look really blurry & text almost unreadable without tweaking my TV settings or PS3 settings so that it looks like a picture in picture in the center of the screen. I'm hoping that Square-Enix at least re-releases the PC version on Steam.
  9. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    You have a PC now though. There are, other ways.

    And if you stray to the darkside, not that you would of course, avoid the so-called 'Ultimate Edition'. It isn't. At all.

    Hey, don't look at me like that! My CD was scratched! Gimmes a break!
  10. Cloud

    Cloud Member

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    *Agrees with title* I still have my old fully working ps1 cds.
    I generally like the majority of square's games. And i'm planning on getting a ps3 once they release ffxiii or nier.
  11. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I used ultimate edition. It was ok, but I missed something and used the save editor to give me it later. It felt dirty. I was also too lazy to breed gold chocobos aswell. So I put it on my PSP where I can't touch the save. Did it properly, although I missed out on 1 key item so I could never get the steal-as-well materia :(
  12. Hendar23

    Hendar23 Member

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    I played five hours and realized I'd missed an elemental materia. I had to restart the whole game I couldn't bear it...
    Now I use rolling savegames. Always a good idea but I'm usually too lazy.

    The Ultimate Edition is missing a lot of stuff. A lot of music is missing, and you don't want to miss that in FFVII. The music is generally excellent throughout. The filesize is about half the original so god knows what else they must have cut to make it so 'ultimate'.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2009

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