I thought it would be cool to share some opinions on what everyone's favourite vehicle configurations are with the current research tree. This is intended to be more of a no-holds barred kind of thong:mad: . Feel free to discuss how it fits into a game too but I'm just asking what you find most fun and most effective - not what are the best research I always had a soft spot for the NF LT, gas turbine and reactive with a std cannon and an ML. Reactive gives me two hits from grens to run them over before I have to run away quickly with my tail between my legs. When there is enough room for it I'm loving DU, fission and regen APCs. I was playing a round of forest and we were juat making swiss cheese out of medium tanks. Even at top speed you can hit just about anything and still dodge everything. Turret spam was easily dispensed with a handbrake turn to distribute the damage over multiple sides then back in for another hit and run attack. On the NF medium I'm also all about the fission engine, I find that I don't really have to avoid obstacles, I can just use them as ramps! Add in some Compo so I can still get a bit of regen whilst flying around shooting off homing ML and HE cannon. BE meds it has to be 3phase and regen with HE cannon and Bio missle. Great versus tanks or infantry, really manouverable, fast and has enough firepower to get most things done. There are tons of ways to configure a heavy and I'm not sure I've made my mind up. But in contrast to the lighter chassis I'm usually happier at a distance using overwhelming firepower. Advanced coolant is usually a must have and I'm really fond of extended range cannon and uml for the pointy-clicky huge dps.
Apc: Compo or regen and 3phase with either upg.nades or some anti tank mg or no weapon at all, depending on the map and the situation. Get radar stealth and vehicle speed and become surprise sex on open maps. (BE)Med if it's an open map like duststorm: Regen and 3phase with homing and bio mg And for chokepoint maps: Compo, coolant and HE+UML BE Heavy: Compo+fission with dual ranged and salvo homing +some anti infantry mg if there is space. This config has always been my favourite but it's very rare to see it and even rarer for me to get to use it. NF heavy: full chem(abs, coolant HEmg and UML) I rarely get to use it but I really like Bioml too.
My favs are the Physics and Bio research trees, except for LT (which I don't drive often). In those I prefer reactive with fission, Std Cn and CG as weapons. Perfect for harrassing and trolling the enemy :D DU or .50cal for APCs with reflective and fission. Sometimes I put UGL on my APCs, depending on the map / situation. Mediums? Bio ML, HE Cannon, Bio Diesel Engine and Regen always works. Heavies... Nukes with Regen and Bio Diesel OR Salvo Homing ML and Homing ML with fission and reflective. Always depends on mood / situation. edit: forgot BE heavies Double HE Cannon with reflective and fission = best :D
BE IMO should usually just go chem/bio for dual HE regen biodiesel heavies. The time it takes to cool one tick is roughly the same as the cycle speed for the HE cannon, so you can effectively fire forever without worrying about heat, and you both anti-infantry and anti-tank capabilities along with regenerative ability, all for a relatively low price.
HE + BioML with a regenerating (regen or compo) armor and bio diesel, this combination rapes infantry, can scare off vehicles, damage buildings if needed, and laughs at your RPGs.
guided was and still is my fav. You can do shit with it that you can't with homing. I have developed a way to fire my entire clip while keeping them all in flight circling me and then landing them all on a target behind a wall.
Whatever that does not include fission, ubless its a joke jeep match. I have more grip while driving over 70 kmph on a snowy road.
Fission doesn't seem to have any grip issues, it's really 3phase that does. I probably won't fix that for the next patch, but I'll start looking into it for the one after that. Vehicle handling is really messy business and to be entirely honest with you, I just really, really don't want to start looking at it. It's a fucking minefield.
Fission is the best engine right now, speed, good grip and very good cooling. I dont get why most comms dont research it. If you dont want to go into the physic tree for fission just get gas turbine which is also a good engine now. 3phase is the worst, shitty cooling it only has superiror speed but that doesnt help if you cant shot cause you overheat all time. 3phase is a noob magnet that somehow every comm wants to research.
Fission >>> AC > Turbine >> 3-phase > Bio > Standard Fission has superior cooling, handling, acceleration, less stalling and weighs less than 3-phase. Combined with AC and you have every base covered. Physics + Chemistry is rape, I don't understand why comms don't go for it. DU/HEMG > Bio, UML/Salvo > Guided/Homing. Reflective is a damn good armor in its own right, better than Regen if people could actually use it. And if people don't know how to use armor, then get Absorbent, pound for pound it has the highest health behind Composite and tied with Reactive. And on that note, Reactive needs some sort of a buff. The only reason Reactive could be useful is if your tank has a full loadout with Absorbent armor but hasn't hit the weight limit yet. It has the damage penalty against Bio, and nothing actually *special* about it. It really needs to weigh less. If the weight got dropped to the standard 15, it'd have just a tad less health per weight than Compo. At 16 or 17, it'd be right between Compo and Absorbent in terms of health per weight
I could add even more HP to Reactive, but it's already fairly substantial. I'll shove a bit more on I guess. Maybe +10 HP or something.
I think the weight should just be cut to 17. .88 more health per weight than Absorbent, 1.12 less than Composite. A nice value in the middle, which sounds right to me considering having high health is the only advantage it has over everything. If you take into account Reflective's angle modifier, Regen's regeneration and Absorbent's StoD, the only armor it's better than is Standard. In game, it seems like Reactive is strong on tanks, but the simple fact is that it's bonus health is rendered useless because of it's weight. I don't think Machine Guns are affected by StoD last time I checked, so looking at the slowest missile in general use, the Standard ML, shows that against missiles, absorbent has 6 health per weight. Versus cannons (yes I know absorbent was essentially made to beat cannons with StoD), it becomes almost as good as composite for it's weight. Really, this wouldn't be nearly as bad if Reactive didn't still cost 20 resources a plate compared to the 15 of Regen/Reflect and the 10 of Absorb. In the end, this might be just as much of an argument for nerfing Absorbent as much as it is for buffing Reactive.
Not sure how to nerf Fission without making it shitty. I might lower the cooling whilst moving a bit. I kept raising it constantly because it had no effect, but then I realised it was broken and none of my changes made a difference. Then I fixed it, but it was still raised like fuck from before. I'll tone it down a bit when I get chance.
Yeah, we really have some issues with tree combos being painfully effective. Before it was NF Chem heavies, now it's nimble Physics APCs. But DU looks fucking awesome, so they can't take that away from us.