Eyes and Ears: The Scout and Squad Leader

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Alceister, Jun 6, 2009.

  1. Alceister

    Alceister Member

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    I'm gonna bounce an idea off of your guys that I've been thinking of, more or less a prototype, but anyways, it goes as so: Commander can only see enemies on the minimap through the squad leader or scout class.

    This has multiple advantages. For one, commander retains the ability to designate certain targets for destruction if so desired, which would normally be lost in several other iterations. It makes those classes more important to overall gameplay, since without them, commander can't give out targets.

    Just about the only flaw I see here is that it comm targeting as it is is a bit of a flawed game mechanic that does not require any skill to use.

    But single target highlighting can be very important, and so should be retained. Again, multiple target detection should go to Scout or another infantry class.
  2. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    its only good in theory, a good com pays attention to what people with mics say, so if there is an apc rushing or 5 enemy in ruins com will know it even without scout marking them

    (but giving "normal" squad members a little cooldown on the spot ability would be nice)
  3. Roflcopter Rego

    Roflcopter Rego Member

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    There would be unclear definitions as to where to place buildings, and where people are. Can people alone not have targets? What if an unmicced com wanted to give an attack order on the com? As of now, scout class is a bit shit, we don't want people forced to play it for the sake of being forced to play it.
    also I loathe the statement, 'flawed game mechanic that does not require any skill to use' with passion. You know what else requires no skill? Moving, W key should be disabled. You know what else requires no skill? Dropping mines. You know what else? Building walls. spawning. being able to see. dropping buildings. All these things, and more, should be removed then, yes?
  4. Alceister

    Alceister Member

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    No, because you'd still be able to see the map terrain, just not enemies on the map or on the minimap, and so place buildings. You'd also still be able to see your own units.

    As for loner non-scouts, no. The purpose of this suggestion is to encourage usage of the Scout class in the role of actual "reconaissance" (possibly grant 1 rank point every 5 minutes spent in contact with the enemy?) with a culpable benefit for the entire team.

    Massed attack orders lack any sort of tactical utility for the commander. All it does it make things easier for people to shoot at, which should not be the point of attack orders. Attack orders are to tell people what to destroy. Targeting assistance should be the role of another class altogether.

    *Addendum* Maybe you could be able to see buildings through anyone's eyes, but you should not be able to see individual units unless through the Scout or squad leader.
  5. Chris0132'

    Chris0132' Developer

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    Breaking a vital part of the game for every class but scout is not the way to fix it.
  6. Alceister

    Alceister Member

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    What do you mean, breaking?

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