Exploits and Griefing to the extreme!

Discussion in 'General' started by Tea&Cookies, Jun 2, 2008.

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  1. Tea&Cookies

    Tea&Cookies Member

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    So yar, tonight was a night of epic porportions HSM exploted like four maps in a row, One of which Recon claims to have made a demo and said he was posting it somewhere.

    So lets start with crossroads, BSID nine mined a apc up behind the NF base then managed to go under the map to kill com from under map.
    ---Nothing was done as this wasn't documented.

    So lets move on to Canyons! HSM leads an epic Failsploit attempt to put his com on top of the middle Mesa, after two attempts he succeeds. As NF is bewidlered as BE spawns from a new barracks up their and proceeds to rocket snipe their com everywhere on the map it looks hopeless.
    ---What happens nexT? Tea & Cookies joins bren for epic grief to give NF a chance. I join up on bren with gren and extra ammo and ninemine com off of the mesa then switch back to spectate. I let everyone know it was me, somehow HSM manages to still pull that one out of the shitter.

    Then we get to escort which I admit I may have handled the wrong way! HSM starts exploited (as I told my fellow spects he would) to get off the map.

    ----What I do? I join up and say stawp or I waste tickets. Obviously they either ignored me or thought I was kidding. 67 tickets gone to kill in console spawn later HSM goes WTF and they start arguing. Recon who had previously been fed up with HSM exploit Bullshit starts talking shit to me. HSM contines so NF gets down to 5 tickets. HSM stops realising he will cause his whole team to lose because he knows I wont grief if he doesnt exploit. So Nf is down to one ticket and Brens WinArties get a lucky shot killing five more people. Instead of respawning I go spectate. HSM and the BSID do the obvious thing, try to kick me from the server and when I tell them Its not going to work they try to ban me. That brings Epic lols because if I had been ban't the universe wouldve crashed. Since when is leveling the playing field worse then explointing?

    On Urban Chaos Recon joined me in spectating to talk about it. He didn't get at first what I did it for then I sat there and calmly explained it to him. So I think he still doesnt agree with my methods, but I think its time somethingi s done about these bullshit exploiters. BTW there was even a BSID in spectate on crossroads n canyons, so don't turn this into a crusade against BSID or @@@@ or TEa or anytjhing. I just say its time to fix sploiters.

    Recon if you want to post a demo from tonight, post both the one you made of me and HSM, Really I don't care how people look at it, on the canyons one I handled that perfectly fine since I just got com to a reachable spot. The escort sploiters however I may have been a bit harsh about. ;)

    Some say I handled it Wromng
  2. Cheomesh

    Cheomesh Member

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    Some of those BSID guys are trouble. I've seen the above and below map exploit before, but I've never seen a com taken out because of it.
  3. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    The exploiting that occurred late Sunday evening and early Monday morning was despicable. Exploiting, cheating, hacking or what ever you choose to call it is not allowed. I honestly can't believe that members of BSID were immature enough to pull this bullcrap three maps in a row. What's sad is that they showed everyone on their team new ways to exploit and ruin the game for the honest players like myself.

    The first exploit that I saw was on Crossroads. The BE team abused an exploit to go under the map. They then proceeded to kill my CV from under the map. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to get a demo before I died as I didn't know what the fuck was going on until my hull was yellow.

    The second exploit was on Canyon. The BE team had about 5 grens 9 mine their CV on to the middle hill. They then proceeded to rocket snipe out the NF CV. I have an excellent demo of all the players participating in this exploit.

    The third exploit was on Escort. The NF team used turrets to get on top of the spawn point in the last flag. This really isn't that bad, as there isn't much you can do from there.

    Just so you all know, this was consecutive. Three maps in a row totally and completely screwed up.

    The demo of the second exploit can be downloaded from here. For some reason, the spectator bar isn't there. It was when I recorded the demo. Maybe there's some key you press when your viewing to get it back... Anyone know what it is?

    I do NOT recommend that any bans be issued. Why? This exploit stuff was probably a once a year kind of thing that won't happen until BSID gets bored.

    If this kind of shit happens again, I think server admins should issue 1 month bans for the individuals involved.


    The answer to people abusing exploits is NOT to greif. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. The answer is to get an admin on and ban the assholes or use voteban. I can see why you did what you did but it wasn't okay.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  4. Avair

    Avair Member

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    i was on the other team, it was organized exploiting and they did it on atleast two maps in a row
    it was hsm, littledog, other people
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  5. Sonata Arctica

    Sonata Arctica Member

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    oh ho. don't get me into this. i supported tea and cookies.
  6. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    I don't like Tea and Cookies. I got up on top of escort with headshot, but I dare you to fucking call that an exploit. Its no different than NF building a turret to get up on the sides of the BE base on escort, and nading the VF or capping the BE flag. It happens ALL THE TIME, no one stops that, and there was absolutely no difference on escort in what we did, just a turret. I got up for 3 minutes, realized it was pointless ANYWAYS, and got down.

    NONE OF WHICH justifies the GREIFING tea & cookies did to the NF team. He must have fucking suicided over 50+ tickets off the NF team, completely crippling what could have been a good well matched game. AND on the map where what headshot was doing was hardly qualified for exploit. I don't think he will do it under normal circumstances, but if there is anything on that map that was done that actually crippled gameplay for anyone, it wasn't headshot on top of the NF spawn, I can guarantee that. So good fucking job protesting "exploiting" with blatant ticket griefing you noob

    Oh, and in support of that fact, lets also note that Recon, and many others who were complaining about exploiting the map before, were much more interested in complaining about tea&cookies in escort. I also didn't see any votebans of Headshostmaster, but you were almost votebanned. Seems funny that you would feel justified at all.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  7. LittleDog

    LittleDog Member

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    First let me say this. I think Griefing is WAY worse than exploiting. Griefing is something that can't be fixed. Greifing is things liek stealing the com vehicle and driving it into the water, Or spamming kill in the console to make your team lose. Exploiting is something that can be fixed if the map makers weren't so fucking lazy. A few simple clip brushes could fix ALL of the exploits that are in this post. The map makers just need to get off their ass and put a simple "Clip" brush in areas players shouldn't go. It only takes about 5 seconds to do it.

    At that time there was basically nobody on the server and we were just screwing around.

    So you purposly tried to kill your own team? Why didn't you join NF and rocket snipe our com? Or you guys could have kept driving the com around and gotten arty. There were many ways to deal with that situation, But you've griefed in the past, and your first thought was "LOL 9MINE OWN TEAM"

    Headshot stopped LONG before there were 5 tickets left. He stopped when there were about 35, because he kept getting killed. You however continued. And yes you did stop at one point. But then later, when nobody was doing anything wrong, you started again. Also, when you were spamming kill, You didn't war us of it what so ever until Recon said something about it. If he had not said anything I am sure you would have continued doing it until we ran out of tickets. Why didn't you just join the other team and kill him? He was in a very easy to shoot area. ITS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AIR. But like I said before, your first thought is " LOL GRIEF" wich I commonly see you doing.

    Tea you have also been known to spam jeeps constantly out of the VF costing your team many resources. You have griefed many teams in the past. I personally think you should be permenantly banned from all servers. I have always seen you doing some kind of griefing, but never this severe. YOu have griefed at a completely unfixable level. They can't simply remove kill from the console (well they could, but then if people got stuck they wouldn't be able to suicide etc so it would be illogical to remove it) The griefing you did was completely unacceptable.

    Ok, Yes we exploited. But give me the damn VMF's for the maps and I can fix it. But you can't fix what you did. You griefed at an un-fixable level.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  8. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    See my first post for a demo of the second exploit.
  9. Tea&Cookies

    Tea&Cookies Member

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    You see this is the lol factor in all this. I was almost votebanned by all the BSID memebers in the server as well as you. His previous achievments on crossroads wasn't warrantable as an exploit you say? So you wont carew if I drive a jeep under the map and nine mine your com would you? (You'll say you wont now but when it happens you'll bitch.)

    I remember the map after crossroads ( Canyons) I watched yall 40 mine the damn thing up there. And when you did I sat there and watched you missle snipe the NF com. Their com was doing their damnedest to get away. So I figured I'd level the playing field. The ninemining your com off the cliff I have no regrets of. I didnt proceed to chase it down and wall it in for NF to have, I just put it back into the playing area.

    Escort I may have handled a bit on the poor side I'll admit. Headshot however, despite popular belief, continued to attempt his exploit until they were down to five tickets. Thats when he realised I was serious, sadly his realization came to late as the BE arty wiped the last of their tickets out.

    You say these things arent exploits or that they are no different then past exploits, but they are. Because in the past no body wanted to do anything about it. From now on though If Im specing and I see you exploiting and their isn't an admin free I WILL level the playing field. I may not kill tickets again like exploit because I can see where that is a bit unfair to the nonexploiting team members, but I will find some way to make the game even.

    And for the Record, I gave Headshot ample oppurtunities to stop, you should blame him rather then me.


    Well they could, but fucktards like you guys would just find a way around it. AKA Usign 40 mines to fly even higher to places that have already been fixed to prevent single 9mines...

    Thats a load of Bullshit and you know it, I had to wait a few secounds after empires crashed to rejoin because it was fucking full. Considering Me, Jake and I want to say sonata(could be mistaken but point is there were only 3 spectators) and the game was full. You have about 7 grens ninemining you up in canyons alone and headshot was an engy. So don't pull the the server was empty bullshit.

    I love how you try to make it look like I've griefed alot, considering I did it maybe once or twice in my earlier days. Maybe if you count the times where [TPF] Silent-Warrior Com'd and he asked me to try and grief him for fun (I usually didn't get him but the few occasions I did I would be sure to flip him back over before he died.)

    No he stopped when he noticed me doing it and said something. I explained to him I was doing it because he was exploiting. I did stop when it looked like he was going to quit. It turns out he was just waiting for a "boost up"
    When that failed you were down to 10 tickets so he ran to the other side of the dugout and attempted to get up their hoping I wouldn't see. I did and you lost about 3-5 more tickets because of it. Seeing it was going to cause you to loose he stopped...but too late to save the game.

    Oh I warned you long before I switched out of spectate. I said something at least twice then switched to NF and said something on mic. You either ignored me or didn't hear me.

    First off I'll say I have you on my steam friends, and I rarely see you play Empires So dont give me this I commonly see you bullshit. Second if you've been raped by this exploit before then you know how hard it is to counter it, Especially when someone as good as HSM is doing it.

    I love how a before I called you on exploit we were Jeep squad buddies, now I'm just a jeep spammer. (Granted today I did have a brainfart as com and accidently factory build like four jeeps when we needed the res badly, but that was an accident and I was tring to build heavies and prevent res waste Ironic meh) It's also funny that in the past two weeks of Gameplay I've only attempted about 9 Jeep squad missions, 4 of which were successful.

    Actually it was pretty fixable, Alls HSM had to do was stop exploiting when I asked.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  10. Sonata Arctica

    Sonata Arctica Member

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    (PPF)Tea & Cookies |Ldr|: were you there when I ninemined HSM off the exploited hill?
    (PPF)Tea & Cookies |Ldr|: on canyons?

    He didn't start again, the noobs on NF were draining all the tickets.

    You guys could've stopped exploiting and Tea wouldn't bitch so much. But eh.
  11. LittleDog

    LittleDog Member

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    No he hadn't stopped, because recon said "He's doing it again" That's when we started to voteban him. Also, It wasn't only BSID votebanning, Average Joes did too.
  12. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    I wonder why the spectator bar is missing... I had it on there while I was recording... Maybe there's some strange cvar that's causing it not to display.

    Posts bug report.
  13. =PVCS) Cpatton

    =PVCS) Cpatton Member

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    Regardless, it wasn't an exploit. AT ALL. Everyone has accepted that building a turret to get onto the BE ramparts is an acceptable tactic in the game, no one cries greifers, or exploiting. I'll wager you find it hard pressed to find anyone who will tell you that turret jumping is greifing. Don't flatter yourself with your righteous masterbation of your ego, like this:

    Yay Empires vigilanti. You will do ANYTHING to stop explointing. Whats more, is YOU get to define exploiting as anything you want, even stuff most people find acceptable. And to top it all off, you arm your righteous self with the weapons of greifing to stop these sploiting evildoers. Go find a comic book to read you dumb self inflated tard. INTERNET- SERIOUS BUSINESS.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  14. Tea&Cookies

    Tea&Cookies Member

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    The only Average Joes votebanning me I saw were people who were on NF that Didn't understand what was going on. I believe thats why your voteban Failed? Because a majority of the server had their wits about them maybe?

    As for Recons last post:

    I think recording programs cut off the spectator bars as mine are cut off too in my fanvids.

    Oh and Patton, If memory serves me you were one of HSM's fucktastic Explotastic 40mintastic Grens that helped him 40mine up on canyons. So take your Ego and tough guy bullshit and go shove it, I've already said my part about what I did on escort, I stated that it may have been too rash and harsh. As for arming myself with griefing, I try not to grief ever but if your exploiting to give yourself an advantage, I feel it should come with a disadvantage. So go ahead and rocketsnipe NF com from the middle canyon, It doesn't change the fact that Your com has to stay at a reachable point.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  15. LittleDog

    LittleDog Member

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    Or because there's that dumbass bug with votebanning that you can just rejoin, so nobody bothered to vote, or they weren't paying attention.
  16. Tea&Cookies

    Tea&Cookies Member

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    IDK I'm pretty sure alot of people were saying no to it I know at least 90% of bren was and all 3 of the spectators were.
  17. LittleDog

    LittleDog Member

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    You were helping them win, why would they vote you off?

    Also, you still never answered why you didnt just go BE and kill him. You make it sound like he was in the worst place possible. He was a Grenadier, basically hovering in the air in a nice and open position. You could have eaisly killed him, hell even just shooting him could have knocked him off.
  18. Tea&Cookies

    Tea&Cookies Member

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    Because I never had any intentions of playing the game. I saw something unjust going on and moved to correct it. The only thing wrong about the correction was it hurt other people, which I do regret. As for why I didn't kill him its becasue:

    A: Brenodi was wasting it rescources on heavies to have them killed by his 9mines dropped from exploited areas.
    B: As soon as I came in even If I did manage to get one shot off he would have killed my heavy, respawned, and had one of you guys push him up again before I even got a new heavy.
  19. LittleDog

    LittleDog Member

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    I'm not even saying with a heavy, He was on a LEDGE, you could have just walked out about 10ft and shot him.
  20. Tea&Cookies

    Tea&Cookies Member

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    That ledge is pretty big, It would take me about 10 seconds to zero in on him, in those 10 seconds a sentry may have killed me, or your team may have killed me.
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