Escort: more tickets added per flag.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Private Sandbag, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Escort: more tickets added per flag.

    the idea is that for each flag taken, BE team gets some more tickets.

    instead of starting at 3600 and counting down throughout the match

    my origional thought: BE starts at 1600, when each flag is taken (1, 2, 3 and 4), 500 tickets for BE is added.

    What this does is if the NF team stops the BE team really well on one flag, stops them so well that it's totally impossible for BE to come back, then the NF team can with without having to go through the grueling process of the next half an hour BE team having to chance of a comeback, many of the giving up, and NF team sitting around doing nothing. If the NF team does really well on the first flag and drops BE team down to 2000 tickets, then generally, the game is over.

    whats more, i'm sure this will lead to more exciting and fast passed games, where it really does matter that you get to the next flag, instead of noobies thinking that it's ok to sit around as you have loads of time.

    my revised ticket add idea is more like this:

    start with 1600. this is actually rather low, but I'm putting it low as a "first hurdle" that BE should be getting over, because although once in a while BE will drop below 2000 tickets in current games and come back to win, there are also dozens of games where BE suck and you're just waiting for the game to end.

    start with 1600
    1st flag taken, get 400
    2nd flag taken, get 600
    3rd flag taken, get 1000

    i.e, if you get the 3rd flag, then NF have to go the distance and hold out all the way. I also merged the 3rd and 4th flags together because I know it's very possible for BE to get a late cap of the 4th flag and take the last one quickly, so it would be dumb for BE to fail just because they didn't have the tickets from the 4th flag that they didn't need when taking the 5th one.

    sound good?
  2. knighttemplar

    knighttemplar Member

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    That does sound like a good plan
  3. newguy

    newguy Member

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    Sounds good. Would certainly make games more interesting and less boring on some occassions.
  4. Awrethien

    Awrethien Member

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    Yea sounds good as it gives an incentive to progress instead of sitting there and letting NF come to you.:D
  5. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    A winternet for you good sir
  6. KILLX

    KILLX Banned

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    Agreed. Should I install it for him? I'm quite handy at installing winternet cabling.
  7. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    nice but it destroys my idea of having endless tickets on escort and nf has
    to force the be players from the server through pure boredom ^^
  8. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    That's just a hack. Instead of making game more interesting you just want it to end earlier.

    The problem with escort ATM is that resources don't scale with amount of people at the server. You need bigger initial resources with 20 people in BE. You also need bigger constant flow of resources. On mitties/KM people can't build turrets in NF because upgrading a turret costs 25 resources. BE can't buy tanks after noobs buy their crappy heavies 10 s after map start.

    You said that there is some problem with BE not wanting to attack because NF defends so well. That's total bullshit. With current tickets BE just have to attack. Shoot someone (maybe kill), die and repeat. Artillery is needed near 4th flag but that's an exception.

    If NF defends well and BE attacks all the time then game is interesting. There's no reason to make anything shorter just because BE doesn't capture the flag. They are getting closer to one of their victory conditions: killing NF 250-300 times.

    To sum up: your solution is not needed because there is no problem.
  9. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    just a hack?

    it's the same 'hack' that TF2 uses. every time you cap a point you get more time. it stops the game stagnating on one point.

    I don't know what game you've been playing, but generally "long games where NF defends well and BE attacks all the time", but BE for some strange reason can't cap the first flag... it never happens. I have been in, 6 out of the last 10 games I've played? 6 games where BE has been stuck on the first flag and it's been utterly terrible. mind numming, chair stomping (i broke a chair by stamping through it :( ) team-screaming-at-because-they're-all-shit uninstallworthy agony.

    i mean seriously: you're happy to play the same ugly section of one map for an entire hour because your team is too aweful to do anything?
  10. Cokemonkey11

    Cokemonkey11 Member

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    i dont think it would make much difference, but it WOULD make it easier for NF to win if they can hold the first flag. I like.
  11. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Giving more resources will solve problem with first flag. 1st NF and 3rd NF flags are almost impossible to capture without vehicles. With 10k (or more) resources at the start it will be easy to cap it.

    Just think from noob point of view: when I was playing escort 1st time in 1.00 I just bought a vehicle and tried to attack. I didn't think a lot about what type of vehicle it has to be. I rushed with APC so it died after 10-30 s. Then I bought another one. Escort ATM is like dustbowl in TF(2/C/FF) where you lose the game when first wave of attackers die. With more resources it may require less skill to attack with so many vehicles availabe BUT IT DOES NOT MATTER. Game is more fun when you just buy a vehicle and attack using it. And your solution ATM is to end the game when 1st wave of tanks dies. It can make a little sense in TF2 where you have dustbowl 24/7 servers and you switch sides after losing but not here. That's too elitist for Empires and people playing in BE on escort will agree.

    I think that limiting artillery to 1-2 and giving lots of resources would make it much more enjoyable than it currently is. Everybody knows that in BE you have to rush to VF to buy your vehicle before some noobs buys something useless that costs 1500 resources. It's better to change this than just end the game after 4 noobs bought plasma heavies. (Game code changes will be required but not that big)

    Another problem with 1st flag is NF roof. I was exploiting it lots of times but it makes game uneven when BE doesn't have vehicles. You can get on the roof of first NF spawn and make turrets there.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2008
  12. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    What if NF retakes a flag then immediately reloses it to BE? Would be get more tickets? This would discourage NF from retaking flags in fear of BE getting stronger.
  13. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    it would only give tickets the first time, and tickets would not be deducted if you lose it again.
  14. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    OK, but sounds simple (watches it be really easy:) )
  15. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Currently i think capping a flag, getting reinforcements, losing the flag, and then recapping it gives you reinforcements again.
    Also, i believe you can create an in-map method of scaling resources, by using a game_zone_player and a large number of math_counter's which will trigger a number of emp_cap_point entities, which will each give 1 res/second more for each additional player.
  16. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Logic entities only work for basic things. It would get complicated as hell. There should be support in Empires code for activating resource nodes after capturing a flag (maybe it's already there). But that's just technical stuff - the whole idea is a hack - it ends the game and doesn't make it any more fun than it is now.
  17. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    It does because it ends games at the point where NF have clearly won without dragging it out and making everyone suffer.
  18. thaile

    thaile Member

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    If you play escort on Mitties you see BE start out with over 20K res and they still sometimes don't make it past the first flag, just adding more res is not going to break a stalemate. Add that fact that Mitties Be has 4000 tickets and NF has 500, with a stalemate the games last almost a hour.

    This is one of the reasons I only play NF on escort. With a bad BE team, you can't wait till the maps over. At least on NF if the BE team sucks you're still having fun and if the BE team good then the map be over quickly anyway.
  19. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    thaile: vehicles are limited on mitties.(they only have 25k I want unlimited res) I only want to limit the amount of artillery. And you just confirmed that I'm right by saying that playing is BE is hardly any fun.
  20. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Unlimit res means i can rush with a tank in and kill maybee two people.
    If I repeat that 10000 times i capture the flag.

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