I like 1) best suggestion regarding this matter so far, but not 2), It's pretty lame if you have to jump out of your tank to build a ref or stuff and have to reenter it from a certain spot, makes it hard to figure out where to enter and is boring ...
so i can use rails on a std engine be heavy without overheating if only 2 engis repair me constantly? idk ...
Well I would assume that the rate that engy's remove overheating would be fairly slow, so you would need more than two. But at the same time that would incorporate some wicked cool teamwork if someone pulled that off. EDIT: And by fairly slow, I would say that depending on the tank's amount of heat already on it, the amount of heat that the engys' can remove will change. i.e. For an engy to bring down overheating from 25% to 24% it might take 0.5 seconds but to bring down overheating from 98% to 97% it might take 2 seconds. Of course just to add that the tanks will still naturally cool down on there own too. This is just a stacking effect to slow down tank healing but still promoting teamwork.
I thought you meant that the tank should cool down first and then be repairable, not that the engy can do anything to cool it ... wouldn't make sense to use calc charge to cool it down, to costly if you still need to repair your tank and it cools down fast enought anyway
Oh actually that makes more sense to be honest. And be easier to implement. Huh. I like your idea better.
I didn't read the whole thread, but it made me remember Operation Flashpoint. Getting in and out of tanks was a short, simplified animation there, during that you could get shot. It sure feels better to have a chance to shoot the guy who left his tank than to see him instantly become immune to rifle bullets in the tank or apc. I think it is as annoying as the revive tennis. People get out, repair, you get out to shoot, other guy presses E, you press E, you shoot each other, repeat. Here is an example of such an animation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sfAK9NYjrQ
I'm new on the forums. What do you mean by no one? Is there currently no animator in the team? Ok then to plan B, use the ladder climb animation instead.
Yep, source doesn't have one because you never see anyone do it in HL2. In episode 2 the bit where the vortigaunt climbs down the ladder after you is actually scripted to only occur if you jump into the inescapable hole, so you can't run round and see him teleport.
I know . But the models aren't in their default pose (arms spread) either. Just thought it fells more intuitive when ppl can't get into tanks instantly than reduced repair speed while no one is in the tank or similar obscure code changes.
I like the "can't repair tanks until they cool off" suggestion because it would fix the problem without really effecting anything else or causing problems for people repairing tanks outside of combat.
I dont drive a tank, I just run around the battlefield repairng tanks lol. Most of the time I get nailed though. Its pretty hard to efficiently repair a tank DURING COMBAT, unless the person driving and the engy repairing are two different people. I thinks its just fine.
tl;dr, but I have to oppose this one. Empires is a communication fuckfest already. Having 4 guys shouting "You there johhnysucksmyballs180! GEt in my tank so I can repair it faster and get points!!!!" at the same time would make me wanna hit something. HARD.
I was just using BF as an example as to how they don't let people just gain points from being lone wolfs in tanks. Obviously tanks can live longer in empires so it has to be treated differently. But trust me McFadden its an issue when the tank driver turns his weak side away from you and hops out and repairs it while your over heated or only hurting his strong side then he hops back in and kills you with ease. It really gets rid of the need for team work since they can drop ammo for themselves as well as repair faster than you can damage them. Even using it to diffuse mines and getting repair points out of it.. Makes engineers thee class to use in tank combat.
on my fell not problem is on repair rate of armor. The most big problem is on mobility of tanks... they can rotate turret "instantly" to any any side even for 180 decrease. Bigger tanks, slower turret turning rate. That will be fix problems where 1 tanks can instant "aim" to any incoming infantry from different sides, make that to riflement/granadiers to much more easly destroy them. Especially on escort wouldnt be possible any more, to drive into flag killing fast enemys by "instant" tank turret rotate. I agreed with that hull shouldnt be repair by using engy calculator. Hull of any vechicle including CV should be repair on repair pad and only here. And maybe little improve of repair pad? decrease armor repair rate from 1.0 to 0.10, but repair pad will be repair all 4 sides at same time. I think the most great solution is here: If you wonna slow down exit/enter engys from driver side, we dont really need it "ladder animation". Temponary we can implement "info" -> "eject from vechicle in 4sec .... 3 sec... 2 sec... press any key to cancel exit" on same way we can turn it on already existed vechicle: "turn on engine in 4...3...2..." and on my fell that "ladder animation" will be fix most of problems "lonely wolf's". Wouldnt be possible repair tank alone, when you get it enemyfire, enter it to vechicle and insta shot down enemy infantry/vechicle. Now you will be must really be ware where you repair tanks... coz "reenter" to driver side... take some time... 5 sec... is really much time to really hurt badly or even destroy most of tanks, especially that dmged one. Yea i know my english is really crap
to reduce turret turning speed you'd need to change the way you aim with tanks or it would become a drag to turn your turret around (look at bf:bc2, it just feels like shit there) i think the basic idea of different turning speeds for tankturrets would be a good addition to tank balance and might lead to more diversification.