Engineer buildable outputs (for mappers)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Broccoli, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    At the moment the potential for some maps is limited due to the I/O available on some entities. I don't know how much work it would be, but it would be very nice to have an onDestroy output for engineer buildable objects.

    This not only allows seek and destroy missions, but also provides greater flexibility overall. For example, the destructible wall on escort could be tied to an areaportal to improve FPS around that area whilst the wall is still in tact.

    What brought this about was an attempt to have several engineer-buildable sticks of dynamite around a building. Once all were built, the building would blow up. At the moment though, there's no way of knowing which are built and which aren't, because there is no onDestroy output.

    If this could sneak it's way into the next patch, I'm sure all of the community mappers would greatly appreciate it. A simple thing like this could greatly enrich gameplay possibilities.
  2. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Engineer buildable objects have an "OnKill" output that does exactly what you want.
  3. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Hmmm, it doesn't appear in the drop-downs for me in hammer. Perhaps it's just another problem with hammer. I was wondering why something this simple wasn't in there somewhere lol. I'll give it a crack just typing it in manually.

    Thanks a bunch Krenzo.

    UPDATE: Yup, it works perfectly. Here's how to enable it for anyone else who might find it useful:

    Find these lines in empires.fgd (empires/mapsrc/fgd)
    They should be under a section titled
    Add this underneath them:
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2006

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