Empires Version X testing (non official) Awhile ago i found some scripts while going though some old stuff from a couple years ago that were never really finished. I never actually got a chance to test them on a large scale i did however test with a few people. If you are interested please join this group for more details about upcoming tests. These are based on 2.6.9 the time when nothing could actually be push because of the push server was broken. I will attempt to play a normal round of empires with these scripts however i need about 20 people to do that. The aim of these scripts is to make the tank combat and infantry combat alot more satisfying and easier for new players and also to have the tank combat alot less stale. Group: (join if interested) http://steamcommunity.com/groups/EmpiresDedicatedtesters Link for scripts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bf4d3c0hwr7pvgi/Empires X 5-18-2017.zip?dl=0 How to install Simply put the scripts folder in empires/empires and overwrite be sure to backup your script folder. Testing time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Empires+Version+X+testing+(non+official)&iso=20170430T20&p1=1318 Server: Empires X Script Test Server Password: testing Teamspeak: pmuris.com There are way too many changes to list so here is the general idea Changes and tweaks include Redone infantry combat Recoil redone on all automatic weapons Redone versions of the engineer sub machine guns to make them alot more deadly at all ranges minimum damage falloff of 10 for all infantry weapons slight tweaks on all weapons redone bear redone spread patterns on some weapons an overall better feel to the infantry weapons Infantry resists - gren = 20% scout = 25% rifleman = 10% engineer = 15% scout is now the close range class tweaks to the rpg that include a faster projectile moving speed and a closed aiming reticle when moving Scoped rifle rework NF 50 Cal Rework (Marksmen Rifle) now automatic with a slow rate of fire however its the hardest hitting rifle vehicle combat changes All of the existing missile weapons redone to make them alot easier to use 4 new light tank weapons to make the early game tank combat alot more interesting All of the existing mg's redone every anti tank mg now have an apc hmg version this includes bio hmg and he hmg be meds and nf meds can now carry the same amount of weapons and Armour to them more balanced Cost of base tank chassis and armor reduced (tanks to be made cheaper and tanks being easier to kill) Armours Regen - 80 hp - 10 cpp - 15 weight - regenerates Compo - 90 hp - 20 cpp - 15 weight - takes 20% less damage from weapons - 10% rpg resist - strongest armour however it is the most expensive - 10 extra hp Reflective - 80 hp - 10 cpp - 15 weight - angle modifier Reactive - 105 hp - 10 cpp - 15 weight - 25 extra hp (25 might be abit too much extra hp) aluminium (plain) - 40 hp - 5 cpp - 10 weight - lightest and cheaper Armour in the game absorbent - 80 hp - 10 cpp - 15 weight - takes less damage from faster projectiles (cannons) The whole idea is for every Armour to have one positive and negative thing about it then composite would become like it was in the past the strongest Armour in the game however to most expensive Planned changes A upgrade for the grenidier rpg to make it more viable later on in the game EG damage upgrade New smoke grenade particle effect (zooms smoke effect that is sexy as fuck) Conncusion grenade = EMP grenade Grenadier specific sidearms - Burst pistol for NF - Machine pistol for BE If you do attended this test please provide feedback it is key. Please not this test is not official THESE SCRIPTS ARE BASED OF 2.6.9 Credit goes to the previous scripter trickster that these changes are based off.