Empires Summer League - First Matches - Saturday 30th July 9PM BST/4PM EDT/1PM PDT

Discussion in 'General' started by Trickster, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    If you don't know all of the story, you should ask instead of making a bunch of assumptions out of your ass.

    We had about 15 players all ready in EPIC TS3 for at least 15 minutes before the official match time. I was talking to trickster before that period about commie's team having only about 6 players online and balancing teams. I spent the remaining time getting any remaining teammates (so they can play as ringers for commie's team) while talking to deadpool/commie about their status. I asked, on teamspeak, for someone to get the password while I spam more members. We finally got the password from someone about 5 minutes after the game match.

    When we finally joined the server, there was only 6-7 players for commie's team. So slade changed the map to district while we tried to get more players. After some time, their team was able to get 10 players. We decided on a 11v11 by sending Codur to their side and having a few of our busy guys sit out. The problem started when they brought MORE ringers ~10 minutes within the wait phase and they had more players now. The issue now was that Codur knew their strategy and some of the commie's team didn't want him to play for us. After 1-2 restarts and finally Sgt. Security changing the wait phase, we found a few players (talked to trickster about craig.gates stealing one of our members) and Deadpool agreed that Codur can play for us now.

    In summary, we spent the WHOLE TIME dealing with YOUR TEAM not being prepared (even during the 5 minutes it took us to get the password). Some of your teammates were trolling us for restarting again (which is probably the ONLY "story" you know and based your assumptions on) despite having to BECAUSE they brought more ringers MINUTES BEFORE THE WAIT PHASE ENDS and initially refusing to allow Codur to play on either team.

    Hehe, this is why you have a reputation of asking high and mighty when in reality you are just a kid with no idea what he is talking about.

    1 & 2: I'm not a physic to know that I am the ONLY person that can get the password and you are the ONLY person that can give the password. That has NEVER been done in ANY PUG OR CLAN MATCH. EVER. Hell, instead of telling me of that stupid system, just give me the damn password.

    The same EXACT incident had happened during the very first attempt of picks when you decided ALONE to start a UNSCHEDULED pick, DESPITE missing THREE OUT OF THE FOUR CAPTAINS and THE ONLY CAPTAIN (Trickster) telling you to wait. He told me he wanted to ragequit cuz of you as soon as I got back from work. Then you spent the rest of the time trashing me for not showing up even though I reluctantly agree to accept hobbes' team. And don't bullshit about "not picking a co-captains" because grant already stated that it was something you came up with the last minute after grant couldn't wait. ​

    3: I was also told to try to find a solution. This is why I spent my time getting more of my members before match time. Hell, I was looking to get more players out of other games during the district pre-match. What were you doing? Oh right, playing district. You did a good job organizing teams. (/sarcasm)​

    4: Wait, now I was suppose to ask trickster? Your first two points contradict your last point saying you are "not responsible for getting you guys to the game."​

    It is clear that the you cannot do shit without trickster holding your hand. Please, stop organizing shit (double goes to Devourawr for not showing up to an event he started, AGAIN) so trickster and I don't have to wait our time. You don't have a shred of credibility, which is why every captain thinks you two are incompetent.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2011
  2. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    If anything, this quite frankly proved that if I don't babysit every single round in this, it won't work, because someone will fuck up. Why is everyone so fucking incompetent?
  3. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    missed the perfect chance for a avatar/post combo
  4. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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  5. Deadpool


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    meh, people signed up and had no idea what the thing is because someone randomly spammed invites to the steam group without explaining it to anyone. then those ppl got picked, and still had no idea.

    and our team had at least 4 players playing empires or other games at the same time, yet refused to come to the game.

    i heard two cases of their comp being unable to run empires, and half a dozen more who didnt even respond to my messages about the game, despite being online or even playing empires.

    I was never planning to do all the work for my team, and I really disagree with your claim to have talked to me prior to the game wmg, or commy for that matter. lawliet was being a dink, granted, but don't claim you asked me for anything when you didn't.

    my thought was that people would know all they needed to know from the threads here, and just show up, therefore dp can get drunk and stoned and wait for the game to start.... not so much.
  6. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    I think the problem was the teams weren't announced correctly. Most of the players probably found out about the league through the steam group and not through the thread, and even if they might have looked at the thread once or twice, they were probably waiting on an announcement in the steam group to show what teams are what. I know there is an announcement that shows the teams, but the title was "matches start in 2 hours, contact captains", so I doubt anyone even looked at it when it popped up, and ofc those teams were announced at the last minute, not in the week prior.

    So someone spamming events say "commie's drunken assault show up!" wasn't fixing anything, but just making it more confusing for the players who didn't even know what team they were on. Hell they might have still been confused about the first picks we did so they were like "derp not going to play in this just gonna go play TF2".
  7. Empty

    Empty Member

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    What's done is done, mistakes were made and people fucked up left right and centre, there's no point arguing about it. Get your shit together better next time. I don't want any further flames going back and forth, if you continue to argue you'll ruin the next set of matches as well. Instead of thinking about what others did wrong, question what YOU did wrong, and make sure YOU fix it next time. The league is for fun and some good matches. Further bickering and arguments will result in infractions.

    Once again, whats done is done, you can't undo it, you can only do better next time, so stop dwelling on the fuckups and look forward to a better round next time.
  8. Sgt.Security

    Sgt.Security Member

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    If there's no argument, there will be no improvement.
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    If you spend all your time arguing, there will be no time left for organizing your teams next time.
    Anything that needed to be said on the matter has been said already.
  10. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I don't suck at organizing shit, hint hint trickster, I can get people online to play, hint hint trickster, I know how to tactics and schtuff, hint hint trickster.
  11. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    Are you denying I asked both of you how many players you guys have? My whole team can back me up as we were on all TS3. Slade asked me about 10 minutes before match time to check on you guys again and I pm'ed commie about his player count. He simply replied with "dunno" and we all laughed at teamspeak on how unorganized shit is. I asked you the same exact question seconds later on steam and you said 6 (or 8?) players.

    Maybe you forgot those steam messages, but how the hell can you disagree with my claim of contacting commie if it was a private conversation you weren't part of :p
  12. Emp_Recruit

    Emp_Recruit Member

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    some military grade mad up in here i blame trickster hes so tricky
  13. Deadpool


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    meh, whatever. 1 message doesnt equal me stonewalling you.

    this sucked fucking hard.
  14. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    we should just think about the good games we had, trickster vs craig, there were like 30 people there that can say that at least the second game was fun.
  15. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    I can't be gren on duststorm, only two projectiles of mine hit a target during that apc rush :D
  16. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    I left it as a responsibility for the captains to inform all of their players and organise them. I managed it, and so did Wallmart. Every player on our teams was aware of what was expected of them.
  17. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    You Should have picked responsible captains, wink wink.
  18. Space_Oddity

    Space_Oddity The Shitstorm

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  19. WalMartGreeter

    WalMartGreeter Member

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    Devourawr must be the troll since he started the league then abandon it as soon as the drama began.
  20. communism

    communism poof

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    wait what happened

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