Empires Pug #1 (reschedule) Sunday 19th 20 : 30 GMT - 13 : 30 PST - 16 : 30 EST Time (click for local time):https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Empries+pug&iso=20170319T2030&p1=1440 Server: Jekotian pug server [US] Maps Emp_break (warmup) Emp_temple Emp_traders Emp_tropicvendetta Teamspeak:http://pmuris.com (empires teamspeak) Possible Commander's Please post a comment if you want to be a candidate for commander. (only accepting experienced commanders that have previously commanding in large scale games and pugs.) The reason for the reschedule is as follows the map drygultch would not download for some people and they just kept getting the missing map error even though some players had the map. The issue did not lie with the fast download server i know this because i tested afew other maps to make sure they downloaded correctly and they did. Sorry to those who couldn't download the map and sorry the pug did not turn out well. Hopefully we will get a better turn out on Sunday.
When we got to play, it was a great time. However. Setup needs to be considerably shorter: at one point, the commander vote was set to 10 minutes. We should be able to organize ourselves in three minutes tops. This especially stung when we'd spent a bunch of time setting up only to have the comm rushed and end the game very quickly. Map selection could improve/prevent such a thing. The event effectively started 30 minutes after it started. Comms should be able to sign up in advance to ensure we have experienced commanders at the ready. Otherwise a great time with little (apparent) "drama" that I feared would take place.