Sometimes when I pee, it splits into two beams. Very annoying. Just wanted to share that since it's ontopic.
guys i was stuck in traffic for 2 hours and i didnt get any event spam during that so i place the blame entirely on spike and paradox for me being late
So game #1: Feels like a 8v8 game with people I don't really know. But at least Spike ragequit his own pug, that's funny. And I has beer.
Lordz you do realize that i crashed my game has a habit of crashing constantly also i did put up a map vote for the first map and you guys did vote for drygultch. Also for some reason some people couldn't download drygultch for some reason even though the other maps downloaded fine. I will reschedule for another date hopefully i will do it for Sunday i will test all of the maps again to make sure they download correctly.
no, temple was not voted. honestly i was a bit confused why it went to drygulch aswell as temple was stated as the first map in the OP, but it got 65% of votes.
I had to do a vote because of democracy. I didn't really want to go to a map no one really wanted i wasn't sure if everyone would want to go to temple. However i will just stick to a set map list in future pugs instead of doing map votes.