Empires League Game #3 (reschedule) 24th of june - 20:00 BST - 19:00 UTC - 13:00 PST - 16:00 EST This is a reschedule of the league game 3 that was meant to happen on the 18th however it did not due to unforeseen circumstances Map Map - Duststorm Time (click for local time do not ask me what your local time is) https://www.timeanddate.com/worldcl...empires+league+game+3&iso=20170624T20&p1=1318 Server Jekotian [US] Server Config's (these server configs were dicided by the captians of the teams) Stock wages All resource nodes will output will depend on the map, there will also be no resource node player multiplier. no player refinery multiplier max walls 64 max turrets 30 max buildings 48 Scripts will be default tank limit will be half the team player count so if we have we have 10 per team the tank limit will be 5 vehicles per team Advanced grenadier upgrade will be disabled Empires Teamspeak - jekotians pmuris.com Discord - brenodians https://discord.gg/npDYXRa For those of you who haven't joined a team please do so SIGN UP HERE!!! https://forums.empiresmod.com/index...ue-2017-sign-up-and-information-thread.20916/ For information on the maps and dates for each match please look here! https://forums.empiresmod.com/index...hread-and-recordings-for-score-keeping.20920/
We as a community need to stop letting spike organize shit. The only reason he organises anything is to feel in controle and to power/ego trip over it. He's an addict.
I believe we need to conclude the league at this point in time. I don't want to point the finger at anyone in particular, but the actions of Spike during game 2 was vulgar. I'll explain the sequence of actions such that the other team can have perspective on why we do not wish to participate anymore. After losing game 1, we tried discussing the reasons we lost (e.g. bad play, player disadvantage, having 'everyone' killspawn to main, lack of mobility around chokepoints). Spike has priority speaker in Teamspeak 3 and thus yelled over everyone calling us all shit tank drivers. I do not think he is wrong. We are very bad at driving tanks as a team, especially on open maps such as emp_duststorm. During game 2, the majority of players on the team decided to vote in Hobbes as commander. Our rational was because we had lost 5 games up to this point, we having nothing to lose. We opted for a vehicle rush, which was extremely well played out until Guns and Whamo (who I believe is not even on our roster) placed walls, forcing our APC to halt in place and lose most of its hull. In the meantime, Spike slayed Hobbes and stole the commander vehicle. The team was in disarray. We were sure to lose the game, so I requested a vehicle factory and we got lucky. And what did Spike do? Attack us with his vulgar vernacular, chiding us that we cannot win by "conventional means". Thank you for everyone that showed up for all the matches. I hope this experience does not deter you away from competitive Empires but rather encourages good habits that every player should have (e.g. dropping walls as engineer, communicating with squad leaders).
Eh, we were bound to loose one round eventually. Not a fan of the NF CV because I couldn't do my pitmaneuver and forced to drive forward. If I drove backwards it would be even slower than it normally is. Not to mention its a giant hitbox. I should of stayed in middle instead of driving.