
Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Demented, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Demented

    Demented Member

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    Disables a particular research item from being researched by a commander.

    Disabling only affects whether the item can be researched by commanders and not how the item functions if it has somehow already been researched, nor does it prevent the item from being researched with emp_sv_research_item or emp_sv_research_complete. If the item is already researched, the effect of disabling it will only be seen after it has been unresearched with emp_sv_unresearch_item.

    Might be useful for disabling arty or nukes for particular maps, or for providing more control over what is available to research at any particular time, esp. in combination with emp_sv_unresearch_item.

    Naturally comes with a counterpart, emp_sv_enable_item.

    Also to consider, but more tentatively so:
    emp_sv_research_timescale # or emp_sv_research_time_multiplier #
    Multiplies the time required for research by this value. Default 1.

    Might be useful with smaller, shorter maps either to hasten research (for faster access to the entire tech tree) or to slow research (to increase the amount of time spent not using game-ending weapons). Could have NF and BE specific commands, a la emp_sv_resource_multiplier_be/nf
  2. -=]Kane[=-

    -=]Kane[=- Member

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    I like this idea, it would give mappers way more possibilities, restricting arty f.e.
  3. Drag

    Drag Member

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    You can already set the research speed server/map-wise, whats wrong with that, doesn't work?

    The other stuff: Ye maybe, just need to find proper names for them so they don't confuse the hell out of everybody because we already have a ton of research related commands.
  4. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Seem's like a hackish way of fixing maps if you ask me.
  5. Demented

    Demented Member

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    U mean hackish way of fiksing empires, amirite?

    But seriously, there are some things that just cannot be done, and as far as I know, one of them is preventing a commander from researching a specific item. You can unresearch it periodically or you can remove the commander, but you can't do that.

    There also doesn't seem to be a way to detect when something has been researched by the commander, which might be handy for capturable research nodes. Though, if that research were disabled, one wouldn't have to worry about it for that specific example, and only that specific example.

    I've never seen it before. :o What's the command?
  6. Drag

    Drag Member

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    Well if you use the new disable specific weapon command. This weapon can not be researched again because the RESEARCH ITEM itself is still researched, thus it is gone for certain.
  7. Grantrithor

    Grantrithor Member

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    YES! Why?? Because the devs should've implemented it when they created the game! It could be seen in the map settings, or an entity with the info(and if you don't place one the research tree will stay the same) and here you will get one of them charts with allow and disallow, and you move the items from each side to their respective position.

    an example is if you wanted all research, BUT, you didn't want bio missiles, you'd find the bio missles in the allow(oh and to add here so that its not a big jumble, it will look a bit like windows explorer with the + and - boxes to expand/collapse respectivley) and click "Disallow", and in game you will see the bio missiles greyed out and cannot select it.
  8. Demented

    Demented Member

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    A[sub]1[/sub]. So what happens if someone unresearched it with emp_sv_unresearch_item and then researched it again?
    A[sub]2[/sub]. Does it work before the item is researched?
    B. What scenarios is that for?
    C. What/where's the research speed svar? Hmmm?

    Also, it occurs to me that the idea in the OP would probably be better as a map entity with corresponding inputs instead of using server console commands.

    emp_research_controller (pointclass)

    Team (choices)(be,nf,both)
    Start Enabled (boolean)

    SetItemResearched Researches a research item.
    SetItemUnresearched Unresearches a research item.
    SetItemUnrestricted Enables a research item.
    SetItemRestricted Disables a research item.
    InputCancelResearch Cancels currently ongoing research.
    GetItemState Triggers OnGetItemState output for a specific research item.
    GetCurrentResearch Triggers OnGetCurrentResearch output.

    OnResearchStarted Outputs when a Commander begins researching an item. Includes name of research item in parameter.
    OnResearchCancelled Outputs when a Commander cancels currently ongoing research. Includes name of research item in parameter.
    OnResearchComplete Outputs when research is completed. Includes name of research item in parameter.
    OnGetItemState Outputs the state of a research item (unresearched or researched) when requested.
    OnGetCurrentResearch Outputs the name of the item currently being researched, or is blank if no research is underway.

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