Emp_glycenmountain? or something

Discussion in 'Mapping' started by Varbles, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster Retired Developer

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    Oh wow...that's crazy shit.
  2. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    Found some little issues for this map:

    NF main base is too small. You can't place a VF. You first have to recycle the barracks and put it to another place.

    And some hills are to steep. I tried the hills under bridge to NF base with 3phase + LT. And I couldn't drive uphill.
    Also the ramp to NF base is hard (maybe impossible) to climb with standard engine.

    On BE main it's very risky to fall down and land on the back of your vehicle. I guess that many new players will waste their tanks. And maybe also the cv could fall down and be destroyed, when not being pushed or repaired from teammates.
    Same problem at NF side to fall from the bridge into water.
  3. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Agree with SIP

    also , the minimap is not usefull
    due to low diffrence between hills and valleys textures, its extremely hard to see any possible pathways
    also please draw a lake on the minimap , for obvious reasons
  4. Varbles

    Varbles Simply Maptastic. Staff Member

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    Agreed, will fix most of it.
    Added railing to bridge, smoothed some slopes a bit, expanded NF base and shifted rax, raised ridge surrounding BE base so vehicles cant drive off cliffs.
    Also experimenting with non stretching texture and adding better visuals.

    I found the dx80.vtx file for the tree that was causing the problem so in the meantime they will work, but unfortunately it seems the trees were taken from the dod:s GCF (not by me) so I doubt I will use them for a final release.

    will update with a B2 soon, possibly removing the sliding effect of the snow for those who can't handle a little challenge.

    It was very hard to get an even close to accurate minimap, because of the parallax and max draw distance. I will try to make a better one but I might have to just draw one if the current is unacceptably disproportionate.

    Again this was only a premature release. I will make a proper thread+screens for the next version
  5. [lodw]keef

    [lodw]keef Hobbit

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    use cl_leveloverview 30 for your minimap screen

    your prolly going to have to do cl_drawhud 0 and net_graph 0 to clear your screen though. What you need to do is fly to the center of your map and look strait down before you type in cl_level overview 30(if your map is smaller use a smaller number) so that you can move up or down to get the appropriate view of the map.

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