Drop ships and Navil moters

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by polaski, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. polaski

    polaski Member

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    Im baising the info on the bf1942 in game and the hl2 stattic drop ships of the BE but i think the NF one has the same princible that its a heavy lifting craft with a cargo box underneath. As a drop ship pilot in many games i know how important it is to get your cargo to the LZ but somtimes you get hard pressed and either make a fly by or just rtb. Altho this idea has a high chance of being exlpoited, you should be able to drop the box at a cost. Only at a cetian hight should the box be dropable or it will be destroyed on contact with the ground, but the landing should creat an explosian which hostils get hurt like an emergency bombing run if abused. To avoid griefing like that the cargo box rreplacment needs to cost a pretty penny like a composit tank.

    There need to be 4 types of boxes: Troop transport, Armor, resuply, and none.
    1:The troop transport would be an armory with chairs.
    2:The armor box is just shielding to protect the tank inside from fire.
    3:The resuply box might get shot down by all the enginer tankers (whopty do you can repair you tanks and give it ammo but the other classes benifet the tanks to in some ways you cant so back off like crossing that mine field you cant as an example) all it would do is suply tanks with ammo with a greater raidius than the enginer box allowing other classes to fight on this. This wouldnt make the enginer obsolete in field he is just needed to repair the tanks or even resuply them if the drop ship cant make it
    4:This is the most dangerous setup for cargo couse the tank your carrying is vulnerable to AA fire but the drop ship is a little faster do to the box costing weight.

    When we get to navil ships i would like to see that the moter you get wouldnt be speed dependant (yes I know every thing becomes obsoleet when cooling comes around but speed is important on some maps durring some situations). I would like to see that the nuke moter just shines in the watter becouse of the prop on the ships requiring horsepower.
  2. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    the motors dont actually have models, they just affect the stats of the vehicle, and if the dropship is anything like the hl2 1 or halo pelicans, then the vehicles being carried ar exposed, and it could have maby 6 seats normally, but could get an upgrade to carry more people but no vehicle or such.
  3. grayclay88

    grayclay88 Banned

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    Drop boxes should either have to be landed onto the ground for no damage to the tank, or dropped in akin to how a Space Marine drop pod works; boosters fire at the last second to slightly dampen the impact for slight hull damage to the tank. Infantry? Who needs em, they can jump out with parachutes.

    Naval ships? Version 4.
  4. m-m

    m-m Member

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    I think the team is abit off from naval fights, they have their hands full with aircraft and paratroopers as it is.

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