District402 Flag positions (1.05)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tokenekie, May 22, 2006.

  1. Tokenekie

    Tokenekie Member

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    There feels to be a major problem regarding flag positions in the District 402 map.

    It feels as if Bernodi always gets the upper hand as explained below.


    Sorry if the picture is a bit small but hopefully you can make it out.

    Label 1: The 2nd-3rd Northern flag is the major killer in this game, problem being is that to get the the third flag, the northerners have to spawn back at their crowded first spawn and walk almost 1/5th of the map to the third flag to capture it. Ammo and health become real big issues here since there is no place to rest and recover.

    Label 2: Since the map is meant to be a close mirror image, I want to point out the difference in the Bernodi side 1-4th flag.
    The first three flags are relatively close together so it makes it extremely easy to cap and defend the 3rd flag. Then from the third flag, all one has to do is either nade spam or mortar spam their way into the 4th flag allyway because the health and ammo box is so close (and safe) to the bend in the road as opposed to the Northern side.

    One might argue that theNorth faction would be just as well off as the Bernodi if they got the third flag, but the chances of getting that third flag are very slim, plus if the Bernodi have lvl 3 turrets set up in that allyway, when the north faction spawn, it will be a sheer bloodbath. Difficult defending.

    Play a few games and you can clearly see the advantage Bernodi has.
    Last edited: May 22, 2006
  2. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    What I hate/find funny when i do is when you become scout and walk/hide into the enemies base, especially on escort. So a word of advice, if you see a scout, make sure you have a person with hide detection inside your base
  3. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    In all of the games on district I've played, I have never seen Brenodi win. Ever.
  4. Trid3nt

    Trid3nt Member

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    Other way round for me
  5. Artemas Ward

    Artemas Ward Member

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    Really? Have you noticed any decisive turning points in the battle? What were they?
  6. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    whoever gets the mid wins
  7. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    I went NF 4 times, and won 3 times as NF, I have also seen NF win 1 time when I joined BE late.

    Altho I do feel that BE has some better places, dont feel like writing 2 pages about why I think so right now, but the 2nd and 3rd flag of BE are really close next to each other and a lot easier to get as NF

    in comparison the 3rd flag from NF side is a lot harder to get, the alley isnt anywhere near it, there are 2 sides to it for the NF to defend, while the 2nd and 3rd flag from BE side, have a very nice alley for the NF to get at, the alley stops next to it, there are some nice crate placements (at 3rd flag from NF, there are no crates where the BE can hide behind before reaching the flag building, last crates are in the center at the center flag)
    Last edited: May 22, 2006
  8. the_6th_monkey

    the_6th_monkey Member

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    In all the games I've played I've never seen a game end by every point being captured apart from once where I joined the server as brendori right at the end of a game and we only had one flag left lol so we were all stuck in that alley and nades were flying in all over the place and killing us :rolleyes:

    I've played like 12 district games and thats the only one that ended lol
  9. Bishop Gantry

    Bishop Gantry Member

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    revive:D and denying the NF to revive

    BE has a distinct advantage with their riflemen since their guns are superior to NF riflemens choices...
  10. Jn.

    Jn. Member

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    I've won with BE and NF about 3 times each, even after being pushed back to the last flag. It seems that almost every team I join stages a successful comeback leading to a victory. I've also lost a couple times on BE. I was an engineer with two turrets left at our last flag, and I kept running back and forth trying to repair them, but eventually the rockets and grenades took me down. Not without taking out most of their team though :)
  11. aaaaaa50

    aaaaaa50 Member

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    Usually its the nf thats in the corner, but whenever someone caps the middle after someone else gets it, then things change. However, whenever someone gets lvl 3 turrents defending a certain position, then one group is forced into perminant defending. If people could mortor, then that might be

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