mmmmhhhmmm........ *reconsideres* ...... er... aw shucks... You know the feeling when you say something really stupid....
I just jump out of my arty, kill the enemy and get back in. Artys get a lot of profit from being rifleman or grenadier. Depends on map what to choose. You can find me on stormed or cybernatic servers the time i play. Till i might get an arty, i use rifleman or scout, to boost my ranking points for skills or build up anything as engi. Once i get the arty, i try to finish the game with my skills, not to hunt single fighters. Buildings have higher priority.
Just make art less effective against tanks and prevent it from being used as an assault gun si infantry cna destroy it up close... art should be good at range and thats it...
Let the developers decide how to alter artillery I suppose. They just need to make it more balanced. Nearly all vehicles in the game are balanced except for this. so far I hear arguments for: -half damage to units -delay on shell explosions -long range only -less armor -require deployment -move slower -increase cost more? did I miss any? of course we would only want to add a few changes from the list, question is: which of these would make it a balanced unit? and is artillery supposed to be used strictly for sieging or as a mobile assault tank like siege cannons in starcraft?
I think the only thing it needs is a great speed decrease, and greater angle. This will weaken it severely, but not bad enough to make it super easy to kill. Arty would also still have a chance to get away from attacks.
I heard the suggestion that greater weight restrictions be implimented in order to limit choices (armour or big gun) could someone make a pro/con about this?
I like the lowered speed and 2-4 second deploy time, as long as you get some swivel when deployed. I would also like to add that maybe making 2 types of shells might take some of the total P\/\/|\|493!!!1 of everything out of it. Here's what I'm thinking. 1) Anti-building shells- These would have a small splash damage but would do a large amount of damage to buildings and tanks. They would also kill infantry in a direct hit but since tanks and infantry are moving, it would take a high level of skill to suceed. 2) Anti-infantry shells- These would kind of be like daisy-cutters (Shoots out shrapnel). It would have a large area of effect but would do very little damage to buildings. It should still do some damage to tanks if the tanks are really close because otherwise the Anti-building shells would be used pretty exclusively. If Krenzo felt like it he could add in seperate pieces of shrapnel to this shell maybe even making them bounce. Of course that might cause spawn ownage so it could be a bad idea. If gas shells are included they would kind of be an extreme form of the daisy-cutters in their infantry only capabilities. I do, however, feel that slow and deployable arty might be sufficient.
Or the no change option. Are arties really that strong? Methinks not when you can take a jeep right up to it without gettin' hit. Arties aren't that strong (ducks the nerf).
make the player charge a timer in the projectile by holding the mb (with a max of 10 sec?) holding the mouse button on fire for 5 sec and then releacing will fire a shell timed to explode 5 sec after fire (on land the shell will deal a small amount of splash damage, then when timer expires the shell will explode powerfully (power it is now) thisway for buildings you can time easy, cous you can never time to mutch (buildings dont run) and for infantry it is more difficult, they run away so you need to time them quite accurate (try to guess after howmany seconds the shell wil hit the ground) for slow vehicles it is quite easy to difficult to hit cous of them being slow allso it makes arty a bit more difficult to fire but still easy enoug to make it accessable to all players
Starcraft had it right all along: How about this? --------------------------------------- -When deploying/undeploying artillery tank can not move/rotate/fire for 5 seconds ---Artillery shells do 50% damage when un-deployed ---Artillery shells do 100% damage when deployed ------Range +20% when deployed ------Tank can rotate left/right 180 degrees while deployed --------------------------------------- -current angle of fire unchanged -speed/armor unchanged *Artillery are now vulnerable to rear/flanking attacks or if they rush at you and you miss your initial barrages. They are no longer easily able to solo a tank while mobile but are still formidable versus infantry while mobile. Artillery are also make up for this mobile weakness by having greater aiming capabilities while deployed. - some balancing may need to be done such as deploy/undeploy time, range/damage/attack angle when deployed to make up for weakness while undeployed. also a model for deployed/undeployed may be needed, perhaps just simply "shorten" the appearence of the cannon when undeployed and "lengthen" it when deployed for enemy/friendly visuals.
How about not being able to fire when undeployed with no armour and the player is explosed (to promote sniping him out)
How about a little bomb on an arty so that whenever it fire, it blows up and dies so no one ever use it again to kill me after I finish stacking ammo for 10 minutes only to walk out of spawn, hear the shell, look up, realize that I have plenty of time to get out of the way, run downhill, up hill, look back, still see the shell in the air, laugh at the kid staring at the shell asking where he can build this "C4" he keeps hearing about,change to my rifle, take aim, and die anway. Goddamnit. 80's pop rock is like gourmet soda. The same as anything else but awesome cuz of the sweet bottle.
Maybe we should just eliminate artillery all-together and instead have bombs dropped via blimp. Or flying whales, you choice.
Heh. This conversation is starting to become a small war between artywhores and the rest. But most of us agree that arties are just too damn powerful. I've seen more than once a single arty with HE shells to turn a certain defeat into a victory(for example last night 50 tickets vs. 1 ticket situation in emp_canyon NF were winning and then a single arty shoots relatively inaccurate shots, but still rapes the living daylight out of everyone due to massive blast radius). One could presume that three heavy tanks should easily take down one artillery tank, but this sadly isn't the case. I'd go for reducing speed, armor and a bit of the damage. Currently it's just silly.
someone make sure my "Starcraft style siege tank" option makes it into the organize thread please, along w/ the other changes offered.