Defensive Variety!

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Doctor Mexinugget, May 3, 2009.

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  1. Doctor Mexinugget

    Doctor Mexinugget Member

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    You heard me ladies. Sure walls and turrets are neat but your kind of fucked once you get rushed by a couple tank platoons backed up by infantry. Also with the walls in place you can't fire back, only fired upon unless you leave cover COMPLETELY! As you can imagine this is bad for the defending party as any reasonable sized rush could easily break through or simply go around and basically kill absolutely everything behind said walls and win said game very very quickly with little opposition.

    Here are a few suggestions,

    Slit Trenches, A squad sized foxhole trench of sorts (think company of heroes) able to hold five or so men and just wide enough to support an ammo crate, it could be built by an engineer but not a commander and it would be just deep enough to hide a man crouched, you would have to stand to shoot. The sides could perhaps be lined with some metal material similar to the walls and the bottom could be a woodish substance. (like the HL2 pallet.)

    Normal WW1 Style Trench lines, Big ol mofos that are essentially the same as slit trenches with the exception of being built like a wall in whatever length the builder chooses. These could create whole battlefronts between armies and prevent quick games. A well manned trench system would easily fend off rushes thus forcing the two armies to develope bigger and better machines such as heavy tanks. I suppose the only con for this would be that games could have the potential to last alot longer than usual but thats a good thing in my book. (most of the time)

    Hedgehog style tank traps, The medium sized tank trap comprised of only three steel I-beams. These could be layed by engineers infront of walls or trenches in order to prevent being rushed by light vehicles and the occasional medium tank. Heavy tanks should be able to break through them though and enemy engineers could of course de construct them.

    With options like these, and if used properly by either side, games would last alot longer. Stalemates would be far more common thus forcing teams to research vehicles and better equipment before attacking. And I personally believe Empires needs a bit more zest right now, especially in this department.

    Prevent quick games.
    Prevent ninja rushes with APCs.
    Put greater dependancy on the research tree.
    Prevent 1-2 enemy vehicles from ending an entire game, why is this so common?
    Make larger scale conflicts a reality. Rather than skirmishes.

    Dreary stalemates.
    Games that are too long?
    Casualties too high. (If you care that is.)
    Last edited: May 3, 2009
  2. Morcam

    Morcam Member

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    I believe that the general consensus on these ideas, and with defensive ideas in general, is that they should be decided by the mapper, since it can be difficult to balance something that can be placed anywhere.
  3. Omneh

    Omneh Member

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    Suggestions 1 and 2 are impossible with the source engine.
  4. zenarion

    zenarion Member

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    Suggestion 3 yes plz.
    Overall, I dont like long games that take forever to win.
  5. Vessboy

    Vessboy Member

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    "Hedgehog style tank traps, The medium sized tank trap comprised of only three steel I-beams. These could be layed by engineers infront of walls or trenches in order to prevent being rushed by light vehicles and the occasional medium tank. Heavy tanks should be able to break through them though and enemy engineers could of course de construct them."

    IDK about engy placed. what if they wer left when a tank dies? Would provide cover and make epic battlefields where the fighting takes place. I know it's wierd but Id reather they be a semi random occurance then another engy tool.
  6. arklansman

    arklansman Member

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    Please use the search function before posting a suggestion. :)
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