Current development projects and status

Discussion in 'Dev Blogs' started by Empires Dev Blog, Sep 1, 2009.

  1. Empires Dev Blog

    Empires Dev Blog Dev Blog RSS Feed

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    Current development projects and status

    Here is a summary on current development projects:
    • Kylegar is rewriting the skill system to make it easier for developers to add or modify skills
    • I am still rewriting parsers stuff and implementing some suggestion
    We're slowly preparing to release 2.25. We probably will fix most bugs and after that, do a feature freeze for 2.25. Then there will be several testing/bugfixing iterations, then we will do the final release builds and release.
    The next big thing will be 3.0, which will be our main milestone after 2.25. There probably won't be any release for est. 6 months, but quite a lot of testing as there are going to be quite major changes (and helicopters!).


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