Couple of suggestions more or less ideas

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Goose, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Goose

    Goose Member

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    Have you guys ever thought about making a trip mine for the defusal skill. Having one mine that the defusal skill cant run over, and they must defuse it maually.

    Automated squads?, I hate the fact you spend the first 2-3 mins getting ammo and squads together just for the fact you can get your much needed one skill. Maybe a feature that just automatically assigns squads. or just changing the format to make you maually join squads but it detects nearest person not in a squad and adds them.

    Increasing damage: Mines. If you place a mine directly on or near a ladder and they trip it going up it doesn't give them the full damage. Same as if you place it right around a corner and they are still partly around it doesnt kill immediatly. I have the fact that someone with increased health can just run over a nicely placed mine and only take major damage and normally not a kill. I do not like having to waste 2 mines to take out one person, better yet having to hide 2 mines. With health upgrade the skill really in general only effects the likes of an attacking grenadier. A scout still have no problem getting the 1st shot off even killing then having the 2nd shot to finish off. Before the guy even sees him. Riflemen this means 1 or 2 more shots of a rifle that basically my friends 8 year old brother could use. Maybe another .5 seconds of holding the trigger. Engineers now you just have to use a whole clip in trying to kill someone. But the Grenadier, He cannot mortar one shot or even mine with 1 shot. But hey with the mortar he gets a second shot. IF you have ever played someone you know its soo easy to dodge a mortar and return fire as any class making after the first time pretty pointless if it wasn't a direct shot. So I propose increasing the damage of both the mortar and mine to 130.
  2. SwampRat

    SwampRat Member

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    the mortar can really be quite effective when you hit with it, not sure if it does need boosting much. Does it have much of a smokey trail? if it does then that could go to make it less obvious, boosting power so that shots came down more (ie went higher in the first place) could be interesting but would mean more time to move, harder aim and problems with the sky.

    I don't see why the defusal skill should let you drive over mines at all anyway, walking on them is fair enough given that lack of a tool to use on them but I dont see what a person could do to not make their tank set them off. How about some sort of weird visiual effect, like the minimap mine locator but just making them very obvious on screen (so you can see them around corners, be it the mine or a red glow or something) then if you drive on them you're being silly. Might make mines too powerful but would make defusal a skill to defuse mines not just to ignore them.
  3. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    Defusal is an extream sacrifice at the loss of ammo. it's really quite tactical to get it, and the idea of defusal is that you serve as Anti-Mines for your team. Defusal is excellent for breaking deadlocks, and offers the team another tactical situation.

    but I do agree with the corner thing. i guess it's a bug.
  4. mr_quackums

    mr_quackums Member

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    games shouldfocus on balance and then rationalise what they did in real worl terms. thus i see no prob with defuse as it is.
  5. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Weakening mines that are laid near ladders and past corners? Are you nuts, that nearly defeats the en-ti-re purpose of infantry mining...
  6. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    I vote for nerfing the goose
    any mines laid down by goose will malfunction, any mortars shot by goose will have a 60% chance of going in the other direction and last but not least the voice comm should warn you atleast 500 meters in advance when goose is approaching
  7. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    Nah, that would render me useless against him with my deadly mortar-fu.
  8. Goose

    Goose Member

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    I'm not saying to nerf them. I am saying right now, they are bugged and do less damage. If a mine is on the ladder and some guy runs his head into it, it doesnt seem to kill them, and alot of times when a mine is around a corner and you clip it and it goes off, it doesnt always kill. This is without a health upgrade too.

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