Compiling Help

Discussion in 'Mapping' started by Destroyer224, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    Ok, I did a search and found nothing that would explain my problem so here goes...

    I am a COMPLETE noob at mapping. I was unable to find a reliable map resource until, thanks to Supaste's guide posted here in this forum, came along. I used Supaste's mapping guide to make my own little map right until the skybox part, (at the time of this posting, the guide isn't finnished and that's where it ends) and decided to just use the block tool to make 4 walls and a ceiling to seal off my map so that it isn't one big leak and 'should' compile.

    Now when I click 'run map' in the menu it gives me an error saying:

    ** Executing...
    ** Command: Copy File
    ** Parameters: "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\Empires\maps\emp_test_map_1.bsp" "\emp_test_map_1.bsp"
    The command failed. Windows reported the error:
    "The system cannot find the file specified."

    Can someone help me, 'the helpless nub' that I sigh at so much at during a game when they ask, "Where can I get ammos?"

    [The Irony, It Burns!!!]
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2006
  2. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    It can't find the file because there was an error that prevented the compiler from finishing and creating the actual .bsp file. You need to look further up the log to see the real problem.
  3. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    That's pretty much the whole log it gives me after the error. Unless I missed a button or something... Even though I looked around, (although it's a distinct possibility) it might be another log you're talking about. But if so... I have no idea where it is or how to find it.
  4. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    You just quoted the end of the compile log. :D It's usually with the same name that your map is(well at least in the HL1 compiling tools it was). :) There's probably a leak somewhere, you forgot to shut the hull from some point or something like that. :) Try to find the log and post it here entirely.
  5. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Wait, does the "Run Map" button work now? I mean, normally? I was under the impression that it was far better to just start up the game and load the map from the console, as the "Run Map" method was a bit twitchy.

    Destroyer, give us your entire compile log. We can't help you a lot with just that.
  6. supaste

    supaste Member

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    you need to add the map stats entitys for the map ill try make a little bit more of the guide today
  7. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    Missing emp_info_params would make the map not run, but it should still compile fine. I think you're probably having a different problem, most likely a leak. As said, we'll need your entire compile log to be of any help (there is a handy button at the bottom which says "copy to clipboard". Just use that to cap the whole thing.
  8. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    If someone can tell me a reliable site to host images I can show you a picture of my room with two raxes, (NF and BE) and the two comms (NF and BE again). The 4 i've tried so far are unreliable and I can't find any other free sites to host them.

    I used the 'copy to clipboard' command, and this is everything it says:

    ** Executing...
    ** Command: Copy File
    ** Parameters: "C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\Empires\maps\emp_test_map_1.bsp" "\emp_test_map_1.bsp"
    The command failed. Windows reported the error:
    "The system cannot find the file specified."
    ** Executing...
    ** Command: ""
    ** Parameters: -game "c:\program files\valve\steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\Empires" +map "emp_test_map_1"

    My map is only 4 walls, a cieling, and a roof, (along with the NF and BE barracks' and CV's) so it doesn't have much to compile. Plus, i've checked 3 times now for leaks, and my map is sealed tight. Hopefully, once I figure out what's wrong, I can begin making my maps bigger and more complex and seeing what you can do and what you can't, and then eventually make Empires-grade maps.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2006
  9. Slasher

    Slasher Member

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    No way in hell that can be your entire log/compile, it's only doing the last two, copying the map file and running the map. it not doing the other 3 thing that are used to make the map, the BSP, the VIS and the RAD, make sure that they are set to normal (or fast) before you compile your map.

    For a free image hosting, try you should registrant before you host images, so you can have access to them later. ImageShack does not use a typical username/password login process. In order to login, you must click on the registration link that was sent to your email address upon registration
  10. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    If this is your whole log, then I recommend not using the expert compile mode. You have not set it up incorrectly, and it isn't running all the steps it should be. Switch to normal mode, and set all the options to normal. This should give you a working map (albeit with screwy displacements if you have any).
  11. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    Check in your settings to see if maps is written as map s.
  12. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    This is exactly what I have done:
    1) Configure hammer settings via the "Configuring Hammer for Empires" tutorial on the Empires Wiki.
    2) Open up Empires and step by step use the 'making a basic conquest map' guide to build my map. At the time I made it, it cut off right before the skybox so I made 4 block tool walls and a cieling (all fitting nice and snug).
    3) Press F9 to 'Run Map' and stayed with the normal settings.

    Plus, the /map s/ was just an accidental space after I copied and pasted the entire log.

    I am still figuring out how to work will the more basic tools of Hammer and Source SDK, so this is still unknown territory for me, and I feel like that one first match as an emp_recruit where I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how to spawn.:(
  13. Broccoli

    Broccoli Member

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    lol, dw about it. You'll get there in the end.

    So you've set up the build programs according to the wiki, and saved them to an Empires profile. Are you sure that when you're launching Hammer, you have your Empires profile selected at the bottom of the SDK screen?

    There are several more stages to creating a working map which supaste hasn't got round to adding yet. Still, this should not prevent you from compiling the map in it's current state. You couldn't play it (HL2 would crash because of missing entities) but it should still compile.

    The only other thnig that I can think of is that your settings are somehow corrupt. Try resetting your profiles in the SDK menu and follow the tutorial again.
  14. Destroyer224

    Destroyer224 Member

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    Yes, Empires settings are selected. That was the cause of a lot of scratching my head when it came to placing the barracks', but I finnally figured it out. I'll try resetting my settings and then do it again.

    EDIT: I hit another roadblock. In the guide it says:

    At first I mistook this for the mapsrc in the actual Empires folder. But then I saw it said, '$SteamUserDir\sourcesdk_content' instead of '$SteamUserDir\sourcemods' and the farthest I can go is the sourcesdk_content folder becuase I cannot find a folder called Empires.

    Am I supposed to build the program or something like that? The link to the guide is here for all of you to look at:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2006

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