Commander Ancesteries

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}--, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. Empty

    Empty Member

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    I'm not reading this thread any more, the posts are too long and rage inducing.
  2. --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}--

    --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}-- Banned

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    Well, I can agree with you about that, as it seems(to me atleast) now that both of us have the same idea what game mechanics are.

    Yes, I agree - You don't need a certain research path to win, and some teams might be able to win more "easily" with certain research paths.

    Well, I don't know about "as easily" but I have seen teams win with Phys APC's and DU, to me using rail heavies get's the job done more "easily", but other then that -I agree, to me it is actualy more dependend upon the individual(skill).

    Well, if "breaking" something means creating an "unfair" situation, then I agree, Squad aura's do not break the("major") game mechanics(Res gathering, research, costs, ect.).

    And yes, it doesn't cause an entire team to get an advantage.

    But I do think that squad aura's contribute to the teams "succes"(in my opinion, their ability to win). Because they work together in squads, but I find it more likely that that team will win because they worked together rather then squad aura's(as in, they would in my opinion have probrally won even without those aura's).

    I agree, giving noobs noclip and they might still lose to a couple of "vets", so yes - I agree.

    I prefere to analyse things, I wan't to know what you are saying, or trying to say. I wan't to know to what I am "agreeing" or "disagreeing". And yes, I don't understand what you are saying, I am only guessing what you are trying to say, just because I can't be certain that what I think you are saying is the same as what you are (trying) to say/tell me.(As in - I can't look into your mind).

    Well, about "getting the radar as soon as possible not getting a VF" I don't know, I think that is dependent on the map. But assuming we play a map with a few res nodes, then yes, I agree - You are not going to get an "advantage" if you don't use it(As in this case, build a radar).

    Well, again assuming a map with a small amount of refs - we are probrally not going to have money left for tanks, and assuming the enemy is more "skilled" then our team, I think they are probrally going to kick our asses with their vehicles. And if they destroy our refs, then we are probrally going to have even less resources.

    Ok, I agree you may have faster research time - but at the same time you have no res, no tanks and you are getting base raped by enemy vehicles.

    Well, assuming that they spend all their resources on tanks, then I think that if they did not manage to destroy enemy refs they are probrally going to lose to the "superior" enemy vehicles.

    Yes, I can imagine this happening in game.

    From that point of view, yes, that could probrally happen.

    Well, I assume this "Ancestery" idea is indeed "flawed"(breaks the game), now someone might aswel close the thread.
  3. my_fat_monkey

    my_fat_monkey Oh you're my sister!

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    tl;dr that last post.

    But from the previous pages it looks like --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}-- is getting unnecessary flaming..... Instead of bitching why not build / improve on his ideas?

    If you don't think it will contribute to the game then please just go fondle yourself somewhere else.....

    I also noticed a bit of bitching about calling it "ancestry".... to those people I say this:
    Who gives a shit?

    I like this idea (although it has been mentioned before somewhat) but for it to be implemented it would probably have to be done by one of us seeing as the devs are too busy doing their own shit with the next release.

    On an unrelated note: This is the lamest Christmas ever....... Morning with the family, afternoon spent sweating my balls off.....
  4. Empty

    Empty Member

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    Because his ideas are stupid.
    You can't just change research times, costs or global team stats with the wave of a hand.

    Balance doesn't work that way.
  5. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    ^maybe you should read those posts before deciding that someone didn't give a serious and long response that you were too lazy to read and that we aren't flaming him.

    Stop trolling, it might work better than you want it to.
  6. my_fat_monkey

    my_fat_monkey Oh you're my sister!

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    Yea sorry, I wrote that just after a 2 hour car-sleep. xP
  7. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    good ideas, but two big flaws that will be pointed out by any asshats (Go ahead and make fun of my curcular logic.)

    1#. This isn't civilazation its empires.
    2#. Its obvious some "ancetries" won't even be taken...especially with commanders that will go PHYS REFLECTIVE DU IMP-CAN REACTOR HEAVIES...
  8. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    How does balance work then Empty, and are you refering to the fact it doesn't work that way with coding, gameplay or both?
  9. Empty

    Empty Member

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    You can't balance something easily if you have things which will modify it willy-nilly.

    In theory you might think 20% faster research 20% more expensive research is the same as no modifiers, but balance DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

    Balance is not something mathematical, unless you're talking a very simple game.
    Balance is an abstract, it is metaphysical, you can't measure it, you just have to do a lot of trial and error.
  10. --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}--

    --{[TheÁstroÁr¢hítect]}-- Banned

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    So, I herd Vulkanis and Fat Monkey like necrofelia? :rolleyes:

    Let this corpse body rot please, as I pointed out after several replies of metal smith, we both think this is flawed, and in my opinion several people have said so, therefore - I no longer support this idea.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2009
  11. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    Then don't be an idiot, ask an admin to close it.
  12. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    which he did, however you are an idiot for not reading the posts in a thread you discuss about.
  13. Vulkanis

    Vulkanis Banned

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    :( I durped...

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