Clans and a whole bunch of things

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Cyber(Gunner_Yeyz), Sep 17, 2006.

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  1. Cyber(Gunner_Yeyz)

    Cyber(Gunner_Yeyz) Member

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    I am just woundering about clans, is it really worth it?

    I have been in clans for other games and in this game it is wierd. I have noticed many major things. People I know, are in FB and BSID and ONE. Frankly to me clan battles are nice but not when they become clan battles for real. FB banning BSID people and BSID trying to flame that for something BSID shouln't of done in the first place.

    Then there is the fact if your not in a clan you can join any sever, without getting banned or judged for being in a clan. At this point BSID or FB or ONE can't handle having privite severs.

    Then there is the other fact that if you are in a clan and someone you like is in the enemy clan, you should think the same thing about him as the clan does since the leaders will.

    I also think some or the clans are being pushy. Some clans are recuiting noobs like crazy and then other clans try to recuit you till they get banned. What is wrong with that?

    Then there are other clans besides ONE or BSID or FB that are too small to join and will get massed by the bigger clans.

    I know this isn't the case for all people and all clans but what realy and the benifts for joining a clan right now? Don't give me @^*$% and tell me a real good reason.
  2. picard131

    picard131 Member

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    Ask clan members of various clans of their experiences, and if it doesn't end with 'WTF PWNED', you've got a keeper!

    Ok, real response now. Some of those smaller clans you mentioned won't actually get squashed by the bigger clans. Some could argue they have leet skills, but the fact of the matter is that the big clans don't have as many members on at once. At this point in Empires clans, there are no real clan wars, as the clans are both too few and too small to host any long-lasting hostilities.

    Some people may say there are benefits to joining a clan, while some think there are none. It's really personal preference, but I recommend asking around the members of the smaller clans, as some will accept any old noob, while others will recommend you only after your skills have been noted on the battlefield.

    I am in a small clan myself. While we have a rather high recruit rate, I've seen each member of our clan in combat and none are too bad. As I said before, it's your choice.
  3. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    well dno but Im hoping there will be some more clan matches soon, too bad the other clans dont think the same
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2006
  4. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    good question.

    Edited for flamebait

    As is, I would encourage (groups of) people to try and start their own clans and add some variety to the somewhat sorry state of the clan scene.

    Given the rather... Limited playerbase empires currently possesses, I know this is easier said than done - for a variety of reasons. However, I would certainly like to see a greater vitality injected into the clan prospects of this mod


    EDIT: I guess I ranted on more than I really answered anything ^-^;

    humm, I know from experience that a good clan (not necesarily skills) can elevate your gaming experience, playing with/against friends whom you talk to often is always fun. Some prefer the greater organisation of games that go hand in hand with playing with friends. If you're the competitive type, you may may find clan matches against other co-ordinated teams to be much more invigorating than your casual pub play. Not to mention the sense of community one would get from a closely-knit clan.

    However, as I said, I really don't see that offered by any current - or at least any of the better known clans - so I'd sooner start my own clan than join one.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2006
  5. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Eh? FB banned us? [​IMG]
    Something we shouldn't have done? Like what? Trying to recruit on their server or something? :p

    Only ON|E banned us. In fact, I think they banned all the clans from their server, because we were recruiting on it.
    Enemy clans? You're sterotyping a bit here. We (BSID) don't think the other clans are our enemies. We think they're fun people to play with and against :p
    You want a really good reason? Teamwork. All the time.


    Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2006
  6. Thor

    Thor Member

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    I completely agree with Dee there for once. You guys should et on our ventrilo once and listen to our conversations. BSID has been the most fun I've ever had online. We are a pretty hilarious group of guys and some of the conversations we have are pretty funny. It's alot of fun to joke around on vent while your playing and during downtime. It makes gaming that much for fun. Hell, Beerdude is my unrelated brother pretty much.

    If your competitive, it's a ton of fun, as we really get into games where we are extremely close to losing, and somehow we get an amazing comeback.

    Some people just judge clans wrong. Everyone hates BSID, which I like, as it makes people that much more pissed when they lose, but if you actually got to know us, we are normal people with normal lives, not just uber pwners who whore empires 24/7 like some kind of machine, haha.

    People need to actually understand what a clan is and what goes on in a clan before they make opinions and just assume. You can't judge a book by it's cover. I mean, Dee thinks BSID is teh suck, and that we should get mowtarred to death, but she doesn't really know us or how we operate, so her opinion isn't really valid. We wouldn't really accept her anyway as you actually have to play empires alot to join. (Not to jab, but i've never seen you ingame and I've played since 1.0)

    I don't even consider BSID a clan anymore, it's more like a brotherhood. We're all friends and accept newcomers no problem. People join and stay in the clan, because the clan is a lasting experience, and actually makes you want to play more. We may have about 18 members, but it's really a close-knit clan.

    For the record, we don't ban entire clans form our server. I'd never even consider that, regardless of what other clans are doing to BSID, as thats incredibly lame. We don't bash either, unless first bashed upon. It's a simple clan rule. You bash us, we bash you right back. Karma.

    I haven't even talked to the leaders of the smaller clans, nor do I intend to phase them out. New clan? Awesome, lets have a match or two when you get enough members.

    It's kind of annoying when people say BSID is a huge clan. Statistics show that 0.05% of everyone who has played on our clan server since it was up are mebers of the Brenodi Sixth Infantry Division. Trust me, we aren't big at al. GK is a big clan with 400 members. We have 18 active members.

    Now Cyber, I think I have shown some good points on the benefits of a clan. It's almost entirely social, and feeds the needs of some people's love for competition. It really enhances the gameplay, I think everyone in my clan will agree. If you want an opinion, as lion, beerdude, RPG, goose, whoever.

    Okay, well I think I'vr covered everything. I'm on the nightwatch tonight, and bored, so I decided to make a long post.


  7. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    I'm giving a first crack on an organized, regulated and a clan on Empires with rules on morality against trolling, profanity, and other childish matters.

    So far I only have one person that wants to join, I hope it'll get better once I go and do live recruiting.
  8. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Dee: skill, teamplay "social behaviors" all of that you get after some time. Game is still in quite early beta so don't expect mirracles.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2006
  9. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    All these rules makes me feel like in the year 1984. :D I'd like to ask if it's OK to ram enemy cv into water with a tank or an apc. I think I've done that at least once, but I can't remember the server.

    Let the game mature a bit Cyber. Then we can talk about real clan work. :) I think that next version is going to change the gameplay quite a bit. Iron Sights, Aircraft, Fixed Scout Rifle, Fixed (s)hitboxes... I begin to wish I'd have as much time as I had last summer.
  10. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    what? ramming? water?

    Well because we know you very well and you're a good player and always fun to play with you, you're banned. Forever.
  11. tkeracer619

    tkeracer619 Member

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    My thoughts exactly

    First off, the clans can handle there own servers.

    Second, I agree with 90% of what was said here.

    Third, Wereaser.......... You are exactly right

    These rules are absolutely stupid, its like my niece complaining that her friend played with her Barbi vette too much and opened the door wrong. I can't stand it.

    I can't spray a spray thats just a fucking non text img. Damn guys, I laughed at on|e for banning you guys, I laughed at bsid for retaliating in the same childish ways, I almost left FB because we started to follow suit.

    I think its childish at most to not let clans recruit on your server, this game isn't large enough to be like that yet. You know I could handle that, whatever. When I talked to Eth0 and told you guys why your server crashed all the time it sounded like he had his shoulders on strait. After today and having several bsid throw a temper tantrum b/c of some sprays I'm not so sure I understand why he lets kids make these rules on his bandwidth. I run our server out of my business just like eth0, granted my server sucks, it has found a few Linux bugs that required 2 new releases to date.

    I'm not here to piss on anyones shoulder but hell I guess I just don't get it. I deal with kids all the time, but would never let bs rules like that make it on to anything I host or involve myself in.

    I almost dropped my clan which I enjoy playing with because of a rule that stemmed from the childish clan behavior exhibited. It was squashed and I'm still here. I'm 26, I guess I have just about had it with immature antics and have better things to do than arse myself with them.

    I can't tell you how to run your own server, but I can tell you what I think about it.

    I'll still play there, and when I am trying to squad up the whole team into A I am going to lay down some paint to let people know were to go to get into my team, during the game play, as that is game play. Then im going to ZOMG PNZWER teh noobs.

    As for those who think we can't get along. I cannot tell you how many times I have said over the mic "Yo, beerdude lets take the right side" We play together and pwn together all the time. No offense to the independents but I would rather squad up with a clan member any day and take the match than run around like a bunch of one man armies (which can work out fine).

    My thoughts,
  12. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    I only base opinions on what I know and have seen and so far, I've mostly seen the negative side of bsid. Who knows, you could be the best most superest clan ever but I, myself, have yet to see much that would alleviate my opinion of bsid :)

    ps. Although not by you, I've been asked to join bsid a couple times but you're right. My personal feelings and opinions aside; I don't really play as much as would probably be needed and I've never been one to play a game when I have to rather than when I want to :P
  13. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    This is not the forum to discuss why you got kicked, whats wrong with the way clans run their servers or how many unwritten rules you can dodge. Obviously no server is going to add +200 rules because fact is they are allowed to kick you for no reason at all or ban you, or be a complete dick.
    Its their responsibility to deal with the consequences, so go spam their forum.

    The empiresmod forum will always be a neutral place to discuss things, just choose your words wisely.

    For the record, I wasnt pointing out any rule in particular, infact I just randomly said some numbers, but you had to take it over the edge and thats where I close this thread, not in name of BSID, not because I really love to lock threads, well maybe the last one.

    The point is that this isnt going anywhere, I apoligize for people that were trying to have a good conversation.
  14. Cyber(Gunner_Yeyz)

    Cyber(Gunner_Yeyz) Member

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    My proof clans arn't the best to join now.

    I had created a tread about why should I join a clan on Empires. I wanted it to give me real points and maybe even join a clan. It lasted for about 12 hours and got 3 pages of posts before it got closed beacuse of primalry as dizzyone called it flamebait. It did have some real points but you guys proved why joing clans right now are not the best. People flamed each other and there was a mass of trying to bash clans. The fact is people shouldn't try incressing your clan with people, but with recuiting real mature people who often know quite a few people. Once you see a clan like that then it is worth joining, and so far there are none like that known to me and I play a lot.

    Close this right now moderators if you want, I just wanted to say something about the post I created, and got shut down before I could say anything.
  15. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    Thread cleaned and re-opened upon request. I believe this is a highly valid thread if kept on course.

    As such, any flaming, bashing or general asshatery from this point shall be dealt with.

    Keep it civil and keep it constructive.
  16. Sonata Arctica

    Sonata Arctica Member

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    Well imo, if you want to be better known in the community, you either gotta play in hte pubs a lot or join a clan.

    We did? Thats news to me.

    ?_?. So, if you're a pubber, you're either banned for no reason or banned for being in a clan?

    mmm. Kazu is a cool duder but he's in BSID. Should i change my opinion about him?

    o_O. "K noob, i'm gonna ban you, BUT, if you dont' want to be banned even though there's jillions of other servers, you gotta join my clan." IIRC, no one is doing that.

    Clan bullying. Yum

    K, right now, joining a clan is no big deal. It's just something to pass the time (i.e. clan matches). Joining a clan isn't a life changing event like joining Scientology (where you become from poor to really really poor :o).

    We're at a period where all these clans are starting to pop up. Some clans might come and go (LoC and Psy) and some are here to stay (BSID, FB).
  17. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Currently we are witnessing the creation of all the major clans of the future, to me personaly this is exciting stuff; no matter what has happned, I wouldn't change the history of how things went for anything; this is what gives this game its charachter, not only things ingame but on the forums...

    I never joined a clan, they seem to cold and distant to me; tried once while still playing NS, it didn't turn out all that well...

    I would rather regular a server and get to know other regulars; maybe thats how clans start in the first place people meeting together in the same place and then deciding to start something of their own...

    Currently the player base is quite low, I agree; and any serious clan activity is hampered by it...
  18. Wizzy

    Wizzy Member

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    ^ True, and it's nice that people are taking the initiative of starting a competetive scene, even if it's not quite working out as well as people hope.
  19. Slithzerikai

    Slithzerikai I for one am glad the NF SMG 3 is gone

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    I still don't know what other servers are usually crammed full of players. Recruiting would be hard for the 9th, but I will push untill I'm there.
  20. Aurora

    Aurora Radiating love, empathy and maternal instincts

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    We're living a period of inter-clan trollage. I'm hoping it will fade out, and I'm already trying to improve relations to BSID. However, we never banned the entire BSID from our server, that was On|E.

    This kind of admin abuse hasn't happened in our server as far as I know. And won't, at least as long as I have power over it. However, put aside unfair judgement, I don't think a bit of rivalry is all that bad. In fact, I think that makes clanning that little bit more interesting. It's one of the factors that merge the members as a single team.

    However, I agree that the rivalry got out of hands. It escalated to the point where it was just ridiculous and people started frowning upon clans. However, it's much better now. Besides On|E, my experiences say that any other clan, which I've been involved with lately, judges FB's members invidually, instead of as a single entity. Yet, being in FB, I can tell that the 'single entity' feeling is a lot stronger "inside" rather than when observed from the "outside" by a non-clan member.

    So then, I'll just think straight and give you a few more points as to why one should join a clan. First of all, you get a bunch of good gaming buddies, and you form a team. I believe I don't need to write a novel about why teamplay should be fun. :)

    Secondly, you get a few goals that make you want to play more. For example, getting promoted, getting a clan-based medal, winning a clan match, completing a mission, whatever you like. And at least I usually have a great time after such achievements. Running FB, I can say it's not just a task that anyone could take. It's difficult sometimes, but succeeding really is delightful.

    Thirdly, it's cool to have something special of your own. Secret strategies, inside jokes, other secrets, it's like a normal circle of friends. I don't think many clans play to get insanely good stats, or rank higher in clanbase or something. Nor do I think that people play under the same clantag for the fun of it. I, and probably most of the people I know, play in a clan because it's awesome.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2006
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