Changes made on BSID server

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by MOOtant, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    I don't like appeasing requests anymore like I used to. Just look at the scout rifle. People on the forums demanded it be made more accurate. I gave in. I can't please everyone so I try not to waste my time doing so.
  2. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Well, we occassionally open the "Research And Development" Server to the public and have matches. If people want to request changes, they should ask here, in the BSID forums, or in that server.
  3. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Rather in that topic because I'm banned on BSID forums. :P (BSID isn't official empires clan either or anything that says what is right and wrong (even if Thor says so: P))

    Krenzo: "you can't please everyone" that's obvious. But giving one person/clan decision what to change is even worse than instantly changing things that people don't like (not anything against Beerdude).
  4. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    That's why I don't change anything unless people comment. :p
  5. Goose

    Goose Member

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    Hrmm it seems that Krenzo is one person. He has a decision to change weapons. Krenzo doesnt see the game for its entirety. Sorry for Krenzo he sees it based on the code, while we all have the privledge to see it for what it really is, a great game. Krenzo doesn't play the game mad like some of the players on these forums. Therefore, Krenzo would not know where to start if he was wanting to balance weapons. Basically if he balances now based on forum comments, he is usually only getting one side of the item. "Pre 1.03- Oh man the scout rifle sucks make it accurate" - Everyone. "Oh man its a one shot kill, nerf the scout" -everyone after 1.03. Catch my drift. Krenzo changes one thing to a weapon to please people and he gets bit in the ass.

    The point of the R and D server is for everyone to have a voice in what they want changed or like about the weapons. So far, everyones input has contributed. Sure let's say Beerdude makes the initial change to all weapons. Beerdude's changes is just a starting point of what the guns are like. We as a server check out what we like and dont like, and make changes according to that. In some cases, his ideas are all together scraped. So if you still think its a clan that is making all the decisions you are entirely mistaken. People need to join up, say their concerns, and they will be heard. But I can say this is Krenzo's better ideas. 1) He works his ass off and attempting to balance something he created but has little idea how it works, isn't the best idea. 2) Giving the people a chance to voice their concerns on what they want. 3) Mootant, It is not like we are going out and are nerfing all the nf weapons because we are a BE clan. It isn't like we are trying to nerf only the weapons mootant has equiped. A majority of us have been considered emp testers, from differnt devs. So if its a problem that BSID is doing the testing, I am sure we will glady rename the server and remove our tags, and put up some emp tester tags. We are basically like l3tuce (except not as sweet), except we are only helping test an occasional map from our friend Grizzly, and helping modify weapons for Krenzo and the community.

    Krenzo wants our help, so we are giving it to it. So shut up, join the server, give some feedback and suggestions, so we can start helping out the K-man some more.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2006
  6. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    lol I don't suggest that you may nerf NF weapons.

    1. I can't join without a password. :P
    2. I can't comment on your uber forums.
    3. Example of bad change in 1.03 doesn't prove anything.
    4. "I played/won 100 games as comm" that doesn't prove that you know what will happen after you change scripts.
    5. I don't whine. :P
    6. Scripts should be changed on public BSID server instead of making a separate one with old ones. If we'll play with those settings in 1.08 what's the difference? My whole "whining" sums up to use this settings on public and test them more.
  7. Goose

    Goose Member

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    1. If you can see we open the Research and Developement server to the public. Once we feel that some of the changes are good, we open up the R&D and the public and comment on what they think.

    2. We'll Mootant, No idea why your banned.

    3. It proves everything. Krenzo has no idea how the damages really effect the game. Nothing against Krenzo, but he sees the game from a whole differnt side than we do. The only thing Krenzo can do is give into everyone who is complaining because it could balance it out.

    4. Exactly my point. We have no idea what will happen. That is why we don't change the scripts and just send them out to Krenzo. We test and test, and then when we feel it looks good, we open up our R and D and let the community see how the weapons are. If they don't pass the community test, we fix um and repeat the cycle.

    5. We'll Mootant I apologize. I have never actually talked to you face to face or know you personally enough to judge if you are whining or not.

    6. Some people believe it or not just want to play empires and test nothing. That is why our main server is not changed. What goes on in the R & D while its locked is still being tested. We feel that you don't let people test your product until its basically finalized. So thats what we do in R & D. We want people to enjoy playing with the new weapons and test it out at the same time. Maybe at a later day, once we have the weapons basically finished, we open the public server with the new server weapons and let everyone test them out in a fully functional game.
  8. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    :) I had some great fun at the R&D server today. Only thing I didn't like was that you cut the balls off from engi smgs. :D I had three NF fellows coming at me in badlands and I actually ran out of ammunition before I killed any of those guys and peaches I shot then plenty. Oh and NF AR was somewhat... well it felt like decoration instead of the gun it was supposed to be. BE AR was less powerful at that time, but the accuracy kept it more useful. So my suggestions are these:
    - Increase the damage for the engi SMGs, no one likes to pour three clips into one enemy(well it's more like one clip, but people miss a couple of bullets at times and also network packets do get lost at times).
    - Increase the damage on NF AR a bit.

    What I really liked:
    + BE pistol 2
    + The improved damage on RPG and Mortar. I love it.

    I understand that you took the path of assisted kills that IMHO somewhat makes the skilled players matter less. You can no longer walze into a room and kill everyone before they even understand what's happening, since you need to pour so peaches much ammunition into one fellow to kill him. It's like a plague in team based games. When people no longer think of creative ways of making people stick together they simply take the bang out of their guns. Me no like.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2006
  9. Goose

    Goose Member

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  10. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    I said that and that was not into reply to the weapons.
    Ofcourse Im not gonna know what a change does, but that doesnt mean I wouldnt have a good idea of how to change it.
    Instead of constantly being so negative why dont you say something in a nice way for once. I take your thoughts into consideration like everybody elses, besides someone has to do it, why the guy that has a big mouth and can't even win a game against a team with no commander? Why not the guy that actually played so many games he dreams of it and has actually beaten every good comm out there atleast twice, without laming...
  11. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    I found that the engie class has absolutely no use for a primary weapon, it is completely useless in a fight with a rifleman or a group of random classes. Use the pistol, unless you've managed to ninja a group of people, in which case unload the smg which will mow them down rather rapidly.

    I wouldn't mind the engie not having a primary weapon at all tbh, as long you get to hold more ammo for the pistol and maybe a few more bullets per clip.

    This is really a developers issue, as you can't really change this on server (or maybe you can, I'm not an expert =P).
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2006
  12. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    SMG1 is weak because it pwns at longer ranges. SMG2 is stronger (only by 3 damage more), but isn't very accurate at longer ranges.
  13. DonMegel

    DonMegel Member

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    M00tant, settle down, BSID is makeing the changes, contribute constructive critisism or dont contribute.
  14. Beerdude26

    Beerdude26 OnThink(){ IsDownYet(); }

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    Actually, the community is making the changes but nvm :p
  15. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Test server with changed settings is of course good idea and good job. Happy? Constructive criticism were all that pages where I wrote about arty. I posted a lot already about deploying arty. The thing that making such server and changing it is just obvious to me and I don't see any point in talking about that.

    Maybe I should quote Thor for you to show you some constructive criticism? (Frontline training topic)
  16. Wereaser

    Wereaser Member

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    I understand that they are meant to be a support class, but this game revolves around killing people and destroying things. If you take that ability from one class it the class becomes something that's not fun. Games are meant to be fun, right? If I'd want to just poke buildings with a TI-83, I'd go outside with one and poke those buildings with the calculator. Hell that would be even more healthy than poking the buildings in a game of Empires. I'm only looking at the big picture here and I think that my idea of fun isn't that far from what other people think... Support class or not, an experienced player should be able to take down an inexeperienced or surprised enemy whatever class he may be playing.
  17. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Amen Wereaser; No matter how you put it, a person that has spent time playing a game should be better then someone who has just picked up... By making some weapons feel like pea shooters you are taking that away; a rifleman could still kill engineers just as easy (except the way it is now, the rifleman can just stand up and spray death as the other classes pea shot him, instead of using cover, and taking smart shots)
  18. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    Riflemen shouldn't feel all powerful, they may be good at medium range, but at short range engies should be the powerful guys. Either give them an overpowered shottie or give them no gun at all. All the SMGs are a waste of a gun, they do nothing when faced with anything other than an engie.

    Engies are builders, so if a rifleman starts jumping all over the main base and the engies are just hiding behind their turrets, then the rifleman is gonna win if he can stay out of turret range. If an engie had a shottie however, then he can blow the annoying riflemans head all over the buildings.

    Or maybe a really good engie can manage to box the rifleman in and build the walls really fast so the rifleman can't get out. Then ban the kill command.

    Actually, who cares...I'm just rambling on, these ideas probably won't work anyway and will most likely get shot down by most of the community. =P
  19. Shinzon

    Shinzon Member

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    Actualy engineer shotty would be very usefull and probably make more sense then anything else...

    Would certanly help when building a base and they get APC bumb rushed; so at that close range they can blow the rushers brains out, but if they attack propery form a distance, they can't do anything... (Nothing like the scout 1 hit rifle though, fairly good damage per shoot around 40% at point blank, and a medium RoF should make everyone happy)
  20. Dafleck

    Dafleck Member

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    Definatly... noob tube ftw!

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