Cause I can't afford a clan site or server

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Al Fire 101, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. Al Fire 101

    Al Fire 101 Member

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    This is THE clan, a clan of a few highly trained members, these members are part of the greatest team ever created the A-Team. As any who have watched the show, The A-Team, know that it consists of 4 main members Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, Captain "Howlin' Mad" Murdock, Lieutenant Templeton "Face" Peck and the fan favorite Sergeant Bosco "B.A." Baracus.

    There have been already two members automaticly inshrined into the Empires A-Team clan myself Al Fire 101 (Hannibal) and Bob (Murdock) [ingame name] while the other two spots are open to the first 2 people that ask ingame to me to become a member of the Empires A-Team Clan this will be of course open to strict consideration on playing style and ability by myself. As these two spots are filled new spots opening up with the names of associates of the A-Team and enemies of the A-Team. So far in the first three games that members of the A-Team have played in each game ended in a win for the A-Team's side. The Empires A-Team Clan perfers the Northern Faction side to confront their Empires enemy the Brenodi Sixth Infantry Division but can be friends on occasion. Remember all applications are in game and on a strict watch of playing ability.

    Good luck for all any that may apply and if I could I would post an episode of the A-Team, but I can't find one so here is a gallery showcasing the A-Team
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2006
  2. 2TM

    2TM Banned

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    I've never heard of you, nor bob?! You dont have the authority OR the talent to call you self the best
    I've been thinking about doing a marker like this but GAWD dont call your self the best, say your good at least
    BTW if you tune down ill pay 4 ur site
    PS ill 1 on 2 both ur asses!
    You get the extra player!
    P.S.S Go to the offitial server and we'll see how good you are.
  3. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    hah I remember one game with Al fire

    I dropped 6 to 8 light tanks, all 3phase and some nice armor
    and he keeps asking for a jeep, refuses to get a tank and even when the light tanks are swarming the enemy base hes still asking for one

  4. 2TM

    2TM Banned

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    In anorther post fire said all he does are ninja comm things, best time too attack is when the enemy is attacking because they dont care about some dude in a jeep
    Also any good commander knows this guys do better in tanks that they make, there own way1!!! I HATE WHEN COMMS DO THAT Zippy at least alloud me to make my own tank cause he knew i made good ones
    EDIT: Fire are you f*cking retarded wtf is this A- Team bullshit with Mr. T?!?!
    HERE TRY MY MR.T, Tea :) family guy
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2006
  5. ^Dee^

    ^Dee^ Former Super Moderator

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    You actually make a point there =o

    I hate using comm made vehicles. I like my custom tanks using my own slot arrangements :(
  6. Miss Mary

    Miss Mary Member

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    yep it pisses me off because most of the time the comm gets it wrong and forgets to assign a weapon or two
  7. 2TM

    2TM Banned

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    Every good commander knows that
    RPG are you trying to say something? :)
  8. MOOtant

    MOOtant Member

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    Miss Mary: shit happens but it's usually better than whole team buying jeeps.
    Al Fire: not sure why but I think that it will be a noob clan. :P
  9. Al Fire 101

    Al Fire 101 Member

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    The Empires A-Team clan is about not only winning as many matches as possible but having a good time doing it. Using the crazy rationale of Bob (Murdock) we reck havoc on inbound tanks while our newest member Razorbud (Face) faces (pun intended) the enemy head-on while never backing down to anyone. Bosco "B.A." Baracus's position still remains open at this time and more positions will open up after B.A.'s spot is filled. When more then 2 members of the Empires A-Team Clan are playing they account to atleast 4 wins and one unfortunate loss due to late arrival of the team members (on the flag map with Brenodi tanks and their "count down timer"). The loss was with only one minute left for the final flag capture of the Brendoi Empire. If you want to join the A-team please contact me ingame and I'll look at a number of factors to decide if you have the ability to make a plan come together.

    If jeeps are bought by the A-Team, including myself, there is a reason behind the rationale. As in using speed to sneak in and destroy important enemy targets to getting to important refinery locations. The purchase of a A-Team Clan jeep has reasons going beyond the "waste of resources" many of you speak about which will inturn make more money for the team or take much more away from the opposing team. Even though this might not be the most "official" or "best" clan in the Empires community it is always welcome to hearing the comments of others whether they are positive or negative. By having this clan it hopefully is helping more people become more important in the Empires community and allowing the Empires fanbase to continue to grow and prosper for many betas and offical releases to come.
  10. 2TM

    2TM Banned

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    this clan is (censored?)...
    role playing is (censored?)...
    Do you have a life besides this (Censored?) tv show, that no one has never heard of?

    YOU (Censored?) (Censored?) (Censored?) (Censored?) ER!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2006
  11. MrBojangl3s

    MrBojangl3s Member

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    The A-Team can't handle 4v10, which is the numbers the BSID brings to the table (the 10 that is). I'm pretty sure even the 8th infantry division of the Brenodi Military could handle the A-Team! And the 8th division, as everyone knows, is just a bunch of drunkards with SMG's.
  12. dumpster_fox

    dumpster_fox Member

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    Christ, Mikey, tone it down a bit.

    You're just not old enough to know of the A-Team, by the way. Most people do know of it.
  13. 2TM

    2TM Banned

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    Im 16, i know everything. lol
    Looking back on what i said it is harsh but i mean gawd

    EDIT: Bojanles are you crazy?!
    He said he has the best players in the world, on his team :p
    He can take on jesus :o
  14. Razorbud

    Razorbud Coder

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    As I hope everyone realises, Al's A-Team is not a clan expecting World/Empires domination - just a group of people (mandatory sense of humour) who play empires for ... wait ... :eek: that's not it surely ... okay it must be ... that's right ... ***FUN***

    Would you like this great-game to gain the widespread popularity it deserves, or for the player-community to become narrow-minded and elitist.
    I'm hoping that doesn't happen anytime soon, as I still enjoy this game and hope to continue doing so

    Real-life is hard enough without some faceless g*mb**n(prize for whoever gueses that one) stomping on newer players who're just out to have a bit of fun

    -- Razorbud (Face) --
  15. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    haha you guys are funny
  16. katana9000

    katana9000 Member

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    Ok... Well I very much doubt your the best clan out there. I have my money on a 4 vs 4 match with you and [BSID]. (Note that I am not a member of their clan either) Calling yourself the best is not going to make you many friends here.

    PS: I understand you not knowing what the A-team is mikey, considering your age. Its a very old tv-sitcom like show that still occasionaly comes on USA (The channel) on weekdays in the morning. Its certinly not one of my favorite shows either.

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