building ideas

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by blizzerd, Jul 5, 2016.

  1. blizzerd

    blizzerd Member

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    e-repairresearch is a horrible idea, we need to move away from hugging walls not towards it...

    suggestion; short range building.
    think the tf2 medic healing. You aim at a wall or structure, shoot, and a visible particle stream comes out of the calculator to the building. You can nowlook around and walk while you build and the stream will stay intact.

    repairing behind cover
    looking around and staying aware of your surroundings.
    depending on implementation you could make engies able to switch back to other weapons while they build as long as they stay close enough.

    the whole idea is a stepping stone to give everyone build but only the engineer gets this kind of build where he can stay operational.

    then to top it off we give the commander the option next to recycle to autobuild a building for 20% of the buildings cost. Restrictions like has to be placed close to friendly ofc still applies
  2. Awpolt

    Awpolt Member

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    This may or may not have been suggested before but what about this:

    - Make all structures auto-build when dropped by the Commander (slowly, of course) so that if no Engineers are nearby, the structures still have a chance to be completed.
    This would eliminate the need for e-build.

    As for e-repair, what about drawing Team Resources instead? When a structure takes damage, if decided by the Commander, it can auto-repair itself, at a cost.

    - Maybe add some sort of protective barrier when structures are not fully yet built?

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