I am fukin english!!! Im just a bad typo and a shit speller. Born in Portsmouth! Also i ment to put if he keeps makin loads of stuff. Not cus he made 1 ship.
Then get a spellchecker. Get Firefox and get an addon which does it, there is even a British one which I use, which would probably make you happy.
"Don u aut to put Zehtuka as a modler under his name." Have I missed something? Anyway whats wrong with your grammar? Do you have dyslexia? just because he does stuff for the community doesnt mean he gets a user title. if he had the title of Modeler then people would think hes a dev, which he is not. also Someone who does stuff for the community is a "Contributor"
Progress on the Z-class Destroyer (Its not the official name lol) is getting near the end. -removed missiles -added an extra turret at the rear -reworked the rear -added a flag (plz dont laugh) -finished the hull
He said in the post above yours that there will never be any finished model, and since he hasn't posted anything in a month, you can easily determine that there will be no more updates on it.
No more updates in like, No more pictures of it or has he given up on it? Zehtuka if you can can you put a ladder on it or a net or something to climb up on to it if someone falls off?
If your not working on it anymore, upload it to a long term host and link it so people can finish it. What you have is a good start and I'm sure the dev team would appreciate a finished quality model, regardless of who finishes it.