Be able to switch vehicles in the VF and on Repair Pads

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Mr Pling, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Mr Pling

    Mr Pling Member

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    Currently you can only switch weapons, and only on a Repair pad, but I think this would be an excellent addition to have vehicle and weapon changing on both the Repair pad AND the VF, this would be a nice addition on emp_escort, where I accidentally made a tank that for some reason reset it's weapons, armour, and engines and I couldn't swap it, so I had to abandon it, and I can't remember if we won or lost, but it would've helped us win quicker if I could've switched it.

    So, I thought I'd sign up and ask here. :D
  2. Ikalx

    Ikalx Member

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    It's a bit difficult to code though, isn't it? Because it'd be unspawning your vehicle and spawning something different, wouldn't it? How do you even handle that in a non-crazy manner? I mean...your vehicle disappears, then reappears??

    Not to mention the fact that you modify your vehicle from within you'd be inside while it changed lol. It would be nice, but I just can't see an easy way to do it...seems like it'd take hella long to code and be buggy too.

    Probably your best bet would be to get the recycle function in, if that ever goes past. Then you can just let your vehicle 'die' on the pad and spawn a new one...I guess from the VF. I guess you could do it that way then, for changing the vehicle. If you could just spawn vehicles on the repair pad...hmm...still seems a bit difficult though...

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