Bad Squad Bug

Discussion in 'Support' started by -=GODS=-EZEKIEL, Dec 3, 2007.


    -=GODS=-EZEKIEL Member

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    Hi my name is ezekiel. i have known of this mod since battlefield 1942 and i have seen great progress to the point where i will surrender my balls for this mod. i am an experienced beta tester/critic and i will help you guys out as much as i can.

    enough introduction, now the bug:
    when you are a squad leader and you press your radio (F default) and choose squad menu, there is an unused button on the top. though unlabeled, this button is actually mapped to 'create new squad.' i used to use it as a shortcut to exit the menu and it would make me leave my squad, messing up my squad's integrity. please look into it.
  2. Krenzo

    Krenzo Administrator

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    Yeah, one of our testers found that like a day before release, too soon to do anything about it. It's on the list to be fixed. You can press the same button you used to get into the menu to quickly exit it.

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