The shading is slightly off because of those triangles (shown in green), try to get rid of them by adding / moving / removing horizontal loops through the head, or move the tris to the back of the head. Also at this stage you might want to consider to balance out the amount of edges you have, as in try to divide them evenly across the whole head. Don't worry too much about the precision of the curvature, simply smoothing the model one or two times will fix this for you, but before you can smooth properly, you need those extra eye and mouth loops I depicted in red, and you will also need to get rid of the overuse of edges on the eyes. Only use edges to define a change in direction, let smoothing or subdivs handle the smoothness of the shapes. An example of what I mean: If you look at the edges you've used to make the semi circle shape of the eyes, these edges go all the way back around the head, but if you look on the sides of the head (on the above pic) you can see that those edges you've used for the eyes, have no effect on the sillhouette of the head, as in, they don't define a change in direction on the mesh. These are the edges you don't need. They also don't really define a change of direction on the semi circle shape of the eye, they just make it slightly more round, as in, smooth the shape. Which is the thing I meant that you should let smoothing actions take care of.
That's the scene count, I have several meshes hidden incase I screw up royally. So, don't try to define the curves of the actual eye, let the program's subvision deal with it? Also, evenly spread the edges evenly, and add those loops (which the best way would probably be a bevel) ok, gotcha dizzy. I've never messed with this kind of modeling before so I appreciate the help man. Edit: Ok, I redid the entire head and it still looks off. Don't think I can make the mouth without having edges so close, maybe less defining of the mouth?
Only define changes in direction, think of the smoothing algorithm as bezier curves (although its not actually bezier curves). Less polies means less complexity in how you define the curve, but its also a lot easier to get smoother shapes etc etc. So the only thing you should keep in mind is to use the polies only if you need them. define the flow of the curvature, but not the smoothness. For instance, if you want to make a perfect sphere with polygons, a 12 sided sphere or even a cube will be all you need. Smoothing takes care of the rest. In the case of the eye that you've made, your topology is too dense (uneven distribution of loops) for it to smooth properly, it will start pinching at the spots with dense polygons. This is also why you're seeing errors with shading, although I wouldn't pay attention to those for now. It's looking good though, I'd keep at it and try to smooth the pieces and keep the basic rules for smoothing in mind: - always use 3 edge loops for a change of direction, as in >90 degrees change of direction (the denser these 3 edges are, the sharper the change in direction will be) - remove triangles from your mesh as much as possible - even distribution of edge loops across the whole mesh - think of the edge loops as the flow of your mesh, and what they look like as a silhouette.
I get what you're talking about now, but I can only minimize triangles so much in the front, the corners of the eyes just REQUIRE triangles otherwise it looks absurd and creates like 60 more polys. Or I get funny quads that are just triangles with a fourth point. Edit: This is what I mean
no its just a misunderstanding dizzy said triangles because every flat shape reduces to them in the end he means you should just keep your poly-/tricount low in general and on the top right of the eye you did exactly what he meant
There are a couple of way to get rid of triangles and replacing them with quads. It's one of those things you just need to learn and remember. If you google on it you will probably find a video or something on it showing you how to get rid of triangles. I took your image and edited it to show an example of having an all quad mesh. Keep in mind that I did not spend much time on it and that its just one of the many ways, I did not spend time on improving your topology and edge flow, so you might want to get rid of your triangles in some other fashion based on how you want your edges to flow around the mesh. As you can see, they're all quads, it might mean I just moved the triangles to somewhere else however, in that case you would do a reverse split, where you add an edge loop that starts from the triangle, effectively turning a triangle into a quad by adding a vertex to it and extending it as an edge loop around the model. (note on the left side of the eye I did not finish the most left edge loop, but this is as I depicted in my last post.) Hope this helps. No, I mean triangles, not polycount.
ok you are right but i just dont get why you want to have quads at any circumstances all gets reduces to tris in the end anyway and i find it far more difficult to try to make it all quads then using the form most suited for the current situation as you said, you can use that to define the rough shape, since most 3d progs triangulate on their own just one thing to remember when trying to smooth polygons: try to keep them convex
Because of the approximation scheme used for smoothing and subdiv surfaces. Quads allow the curves/spines to flow across the model smoothly, triangles and ngons cause the curve/spline to either end, split or deform(pinch, wrinkle etc). This usually makes for unintended smoothing and artifacts on your model.
yeah well now that you say it, i mostly go with quads too but that doesnt mean i dont take tris or n-gons at all
You sound butthurt, as usual. Try going out more. Talk to Dubee or commie, they might explain the phenomena of going out more.
Because of the content of your posts, it's as if you need to measure yourself constantly. I never criticized or commented on you or your work, so I'm not sure why you're taking things personally.
lol im taking nothing personally here :/ im just discussing what may be the better method and giving powned some tips lol could be that it sounds different cause my english isnt perfect you know...
This thing is still giving me a buttload of trouble, can't evenly distribute the edges or and fix the shading. Shit, I don't think it necessarily matters when I export it unless it's tris and not quads. Edit: What the hell? I can't open my scene file? Oh come on now.