"assist" points based on damage

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by OuNin, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. OuNin

    OuNin Member

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    there's been a lot of talk of implementing assists by awarding points for performing so-and-so amount damage, but not many explicit DAMAGE FOR POINTS threads, so:

    in empires, it doesn't seem absolutely necessary to implement assist complicated assist notifications a la TF2. The game already quietly informs players when they have repaired, healed, etc. enough to gain a point. This can be applied with dealing X damage giving the client a notification upon receiving a point for performing so-and-so damage to infantry or vehicles.

    Infantry damage points should be given at every 120 damage dealt (1 mortar to the face).
    Vehicle damage points should be given every 240 damage dealt (approximately 2 RPGs).
  2. -=SIP=-

    -=SIP=- Member

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    I only see the need to add assists points for damage to vehicles done by infantry (Engi calc, stickies, sticky stuns, RPG, Mortar, Mine).

    And for this I think 1 point for 400 or 500 damage will be enough. This should mainly give grenadiers some more points when they are fighting against tanks.

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