Anti team switcher and griefers system. [ASTG]

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tuxu, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. Tuxu

    Tuxu Member

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    These r some thoughts I had about the team switchers plague we had been suffering l8ly.

    A. When a guy joins a team the console announces it in big white letters on the screen.

    (if someone switches team due to loss, the system will notify everyone and we'll know that he is basically grieffing his old team)

    B. It would b nice if the game could remember which team I had chosen to begin with and would had a temp log for each game and each player that would determine if a player is a team switcher or not; In case a player is a team switcher(switched to enemy team) he loses 75% of his points; in case a player only switched to spec and return he loses 10%.

    (there should b a deterrent against cheaters who go spec for ghosting, but it should remain relatively low 'cause we all go AFK once in a while and don't want to be registered inside a team as an active player, thus creating a "negative stack")

    C. If the map is ticket oriented like escort, I believe that there should b some punitive measures against tickets wasters. If a player dies to quickly after spawning a timer start counting how long the player had waited to get revived; Over a minute after the mandatory wait time is a successful count - under a minute after the mandatory wait time is an unsuccessful count. If the count fails the players mandatory wait time is prolonged by 10 seconds for each fail. Player can still be sqd-rev or engie-rev. While being dead, the player will see changing tipsO'theDay flashing on the screen (which should go black, because he is DEAD!!i!), new one every 15 secs. This will help to pass time, reflect upon methods of getting more proficient in the game and to ponder on a long lost waisted ticket.:rolleyes:
    You know what? The hell with "ticket oriented maps", do it on all of the maps!:headshot:
    All that needs to b changed is that on comm maps the penalty and wait r halved.

    (I can see how this one may raise problems on these critical "GET ON THE S BAND FLAG!!!" moments when u just have to spawn but I believe it would make engie revs more needed and we actually might stop seeing useless newbies going scouts or something)

    These are just some half-way thoughts, maybe some one has a better idea.
    I haven't the knowledge to write server plug-ins otherwise I would have written these things long ago.
    Seems to me that these Ideas shouldn't b on the server side but a standard of the game, even though it might b a good idea to have the first test run as plug-ins on training or something...

    I'll b happy to hear constructive reviews if my suggestions r even possible and had not been proposed before.

    Have fun ppl :)

    Anti Team Switcher And Griefers System=[ATS+AGS]=AS(T+G):eek: --> ASTG
    just being dumb, shush...
  2. Dawgas

    Dawgas Banned

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    We have this already.

    It's called server administration
  3. Demented

    Demented Member

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    These after-the-fact punishing schemes are typically overcomplicated, somewhat intrusive, and no replacement for a good server admin. (Look for the thread about the teambalance script for a prime example.)

    While I sympathise with the concept of dealing with griefing and other such negative gameplay issues, I'm firmly in the TF2 school of preventing griefing before it happens. (I.e. Why punish blockers when you can just make it impossible to block?)

    Though, Empires is pretty resistant to design changes...
  4. Tuxu

    Tuxu Member

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    that's the problem, we don't...
  5. Tuxu

    Tuxu Member

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    I know it might b hard 2do, but so was it to win today on crossroads when my team had no real base and I had to walk all the way on foot and 9mine -Darkan- (enemy comm), lol :p

    I don't understand, what r u proposing?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2008
  6. Wilson

    Wilson Member

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    What about if someone is switching to the losing team to help them out? :confused: Then they get doubble screwed.
  7. Cloud

    Cloud Member

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    The C isnt very smart if your base is being raped by the enemy, and ya have to spawn quickly to kick em outta there.
    Or if the cv is being attacked and ya have to killspawn to save it.

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