Aircraft ideas (no concept images) and armour platings

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Mr Pling, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Mr Pling

    Mr Pling Member

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    I was on emp_silo_sr3* and I saw two aircraft models, I downloaded the empires model pack for GMod (sadly, only includes BE :( ) and the aircraft seemed versatile, but to be honest, more could've been done to at least model it better (though I heard you ripped it from a game (:eek:)), because it offence, really bad.

    I'm no modeler myself but ._. at the thing.

    Like the ground vehicles, if we had air maps, the air vehicles would need different aspects on how they play.

    Now I had some ideas for the aircraft, please tell me what you think, good or lame, I just want some criticism on how I would think of an aircraft. Also, this could be a disadvantage, because Aircraft Factory's can only be build on special pads called 'Air Pads', which should be placed in Hammer, unless you don't want to.

    VSA: Versatile Scout Aircraft

    Speed - 1.5x faster than the jeep. When Gas turbine engine is added in Aircraft form, an engine is added, it's speed increases by 2.5x faster than the jeep.

    Looks - Look's like a helicopter, with a rotating blade, and a light cannon for tilting forward and shooting downwards, one slot available only: one machine gun slot, for the standard machine gun or chain gun.

    Seats - Driver seat, and two extra seats, so the passengers can fire out of it.

    Health - 2x jeep's health, can only use one armoured plating of either plain or composite armour.

    Pros: Quick to get to long distances, is light and cheap, when death animation (it start's to spin (all passengers die if they are in it when it's killed) and start's going in a random direction (left, forward, backwards or right direction) and creates an explosion which you can possibly kill someone.

    Cons: Vunerable when no movement keys (W, S, A, and D) are being pressed, light armour, easy to destroy.

    W + S = Up and down
    A + D = Strafe left and Strafe right
    Mouse = Turn helicopter in directions (but it should have a limit to how far it tilts back and forth, like; limit for going forward is 30 degrees, limit for going backwards is 27 degrees, etc, this way you don't over-tilt yourself :3, unless you want a BF2 style helicopter movement)
    Mouse 1 - Fire gun

    Passenger's damage is decreased by 20% if shot from someone below, but in return the passenger only does 40% less damage done from the air.

    FAT - Fast Agile Transporter

    Speed - 1.5x faster than the APC, if Gas Turbine is fitted, then 2x the speed (this way it's still slower than the VSA)

    Looks - Hover aircraft, engines rotate as it lands, etc, is fairly small, if vehicle is 100 feet in the air (make something that trigger's it's height :D) and passengers leap out, then they are dropped down in pods (similar to BF2142, but they just drop down and take 15 hp off the passenger) or parachutes if they are under 100 feet but above 25 feet, can use grenades that are powerful enough that just one grenade will destroy a jeep.

    Seats - Driver seat, cannon seat (2nd seat player controlled gun who fires whatever gun is in the machine gun slot :3), and 6 passenger seats.

    Health - 3x the jeep's health, same amount of armour and any armour can be put on this as the APC.

    Pros: Can transport alot of people, is faster than the original APC by 15%, and 30% if Gas Turbine is installed, safe dropouts if passengers hop out at insane heights.

    Cons: Dropouts from passengers are extremely slow in parachutes, but quick in pods that take 15% health off the passenger, thus which makes the enemy team more able to kill you, because you have the most extremely bad aim ever, it's so innaccurate it's insane.

    Same as above.
    Space = evacuate everyone in the vehicle within 5 seconds (no-one can manually exit in that time, so you must time it right :3)

    You can think of the rest, if you want, PM me more idea's and I'll put them in here in your name :D

    Next subject:
    Armour Platings

    This is more of a null feature request, to be honest.

    You know if you buy said vehicle with alot of armour, it doesn't look any different?

    I was thinking about how you could add different amounts of plates on the side and using colour coding to determine what armour was used :D

    For grenadiers using Armour Detection, if they look at a tank, a small word pops up and tells you what armour it is ^^.

    If I put 2 armour plates on my Medium tank, I expect to see two pieces of thick metal placed on the side of my tank, and a small gap gets bigger with each health of that armour plating going: e.g. a gap in the middle of the armour if it's on yellow, and a giant gap on the plating if it's on red, and only two small strips of armour attached the either the tank or the armour behind for effect :3

    Meh, just some idea's I wanted to throw out there.
  2. Sneaky

    Sneaky Member

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    You're calling a fast agile transport "FAT"?
  3. Roflcopter Rego

    Roflcopter Rego Member

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    Source does not allow people in other seats than 1 to use tank weapons as far as we know.

    By Health I assume you mean hull health, in which case why does a tiny craft have so much health and have armour capabilities? makes no sense.
    The current model for BE drop ship is indeed hijacked, I think it looks perfectly acceptable, though physbox is ridiculous.

    Because maps are too small, craft must be all VTOL and hoverish, jet planes don't work. 3 times the speed of a jeep is fast, no idea how you'd handle that in a map like slaughtered. Also no idea why gas turbine would be singled out, it would seem logical that engines work the same as they do for tanks.
  4. Mr Pling

    Mr Pling Member

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    It's fast, capable of transporting, and yes, it's fat. Basically very wide to hold many players :3

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