About map problems.

Discussion in 'Game Play' started by Sirex, Jan 23, 2009.

  1. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    so servers should be forced only to play certain maps for certain amounts of people?

    that's bullshit.

    Play on a smaller server if it has a choke pointed map. Play on a larger server it the map is open. If can't find a server that doesn't meet your criteria, don't play.

    This thread shows nothing but arrogance on your part. You stated an opinion, and when other people said something against your opinion, you told them that they weren't reading and didn't understand your brilliance.

    stfu please.

    Nothing like this should EVER be hard code implemented. This is solely up to the owners of servers to implement. Likewise, this topic should probably be discussed with those owners of the servers. They are the ones that can implement this.

    To say that everyone should play the game so that YOU can enjoy it more, and still preach about teamwork and teamplay, that's a complete pile of shit, and you should go flush it down the toilet.
  2. Sirex

    Sirex Member

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    I did not say that you ignorant bastard, i was just pointing it out for discussion.
    Point being?
    No people miss interperd my and thought i wanted new maps and told me to build them, i was talking about existing maps thus they flamed.
    stfu learn to read.

    I did not want it to be hard implemented i only lifted it up for discussion. Ignorant bastard. I lifted it up so players,devs and server admin could discuss the issue.

    No that was not what i was saying, you are not bringing up any arguments only flame. I said that certain maps on certain player amounts brings up different game plays. And clusterfuxks appear on small chokemaps with lots of players, and engineer ninja on open maps with big player amounts. And i wanted to bring this up for discussion, whit my opinion that those two scenarios are not fun. And now you are flaming like an idiot.

    You should flush yourself down the toilet.
  3. Satanchild666

    Satanchild666 Banned

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    Look below:

    So, we just kick people off the map when the map switches? Or something like that? Playing with a different number of people gives a different gameplay experience.

    Stop the whole "1 Ninja owns everyone on a big open map, you cannot stop him! He will scorch your base!" because that is not true. There are a qaudzillionmiliontrilion ways to stop ninjas.
    Radars, Gaurds, Cameras, Radar Diches, ect.

    YES, I agree that an engineer can take down a lone building all by himself. Every class can. If you build a barracks or whatever building available without propper defence it will sooner or later be destroyed. Every multiplayer game has lone wolfs, and yes a single Ninja can be effective. But a sqaud of people is way more effective. And good communication can lead to better tactics, wich will prevent people from not joining sqauds or letting ninja's trough there defences..
    Do you sugest that 1 engineer on cyclopean(just an example) is better then an entire sqaud? Do you sugest it only takes 1 engineer to take the city? It's possible aslong there are no other enemies.

    A single Engineer on a big map is very usefull, and it is possible that he can do significant damage to the enemy. But it is likely that if the enemy has propper defences that he/she will not be able to do that.

    Stop telling people that they are flaming and trolling, you are doing it your self. Your using their flaming as an excuse so you can rage and insult them.

    Seriously right now you are acting like a troll. If you won't know what a troll is exactly search the article on wikipedia, it will explain everything.

    They told you that if you are not satisfied with the current maps that you should build your own map, maybe this was not the answer you hoped you would get, but it is not a reason to insult them.

    Yes you do, maybe you didn't intentd to make it seem like if you did but it seems like if you were sugesting that this should be added to the game.

    Most of the time you are flaming aswell, once again this post proves that.

    You brought this up for discussion, With as a goal to one day add this feature to the game.
  4. Metal Smith

    Metal Smith Member

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    holy shit, that may be your best post satans child >_>

    (no sarcasm)
  5. Sirex

    Sirex Member

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    That is what i wrote.

    No i was just pointing out this phenomenon for players,devs and server admins, thus they could discuss it, and if server admins feel the same way they could change their server list.

    I am all for that squads are good and should be improved. BUT on a open map with few player there is simply not room to have squads cover all of the map, that is a fact. Thus a lonely ninja engineer can sneak up and use imba seismic grenades to take out atleast two refienrys by himself.

    What i am suggesting is that on cyclopean one engineer on a server with 16 players can destroy 3 refinerys in the middle him self sence the other people are needed to fight in the north west and in the city. Proper defences? That mean like at least 5 mg turrets on each refinery so the turrets can cover each other from every angle. And also they need to be placed far from the refinery or he will just nade spamm the lot.

    It was sence i several times explained to them nicely that i meant existing maps, if they had bothered to read the whole thread they would have seen that. But instead they choose to continue intentional derailing the thread from the topic and asking me to build my own maps with no relevance to the topic. They derailed my thread and trolled. I had every right sence i was only discussing the current maps and i had made that clear several times.

    No i did not, as you seen previously in this post i just wanted people to be aware of the issue, yes my personal opinions is that server admins should adapt, but i never had it as a requirement with the thread, i was not outright demanding it.

    Look at this convesation from this thread.

  6. GoodGame

    GoodGame Member

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    Well i'm more aware now. :)

    To me, as players/mappers we should focus on developing a mappers guide to help in the design of better maps
    If the devs feel there is a fundamental problem in game mechanics, then later they can work out a coding solution.
  7. Skyrage

    Skyrage Member

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    Some Natural Selection servers solved this whole issue pretty nicely. Some maps were playable with small numbers whilst other maps were more ideal for larger number of players.

    The map list simply had a number next to the map name and if the number of players were equal or higher than that number the map would be included in the rotation.

    Gave mapmakers an opportunity to make all kinds of maps with a suggested minimum number - which of course the server admins could also change by simply altering the number.

    Dunno if other mods had a similar system or not though.
  8. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    people wouldn't join a server that only plays inf maps because of low players tbh..
  9. Dr. Rockso

    Dr. Rockso Member

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    I didnt read the entire thread after the first few posts because yarg, but anyways, ALL maps are clusterfucks usually. You could have a wide open map with no terrain, and as long as there are map goals people are going to congregate there. make multiple paths? GG, walls. If anything maps like slaughtered are less of a clusterfuck then wide open maps simply because you can at least approach the frontline without being picked off by whoever established a presence first.
    More maps like slaughtered where I can get through a choke by driving sideways!
  10. Sirex

    Sirex Member

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    Wait what. You feel that slaughtered is less of a clusterfuck map then cyclopean? Well that simply is not true.

    Yes as long as we have map goals peopel are going to go there, but there is a different with the option to choose where you want to put your main strike and where you want to flank and stuff, as opposed to walking in a big corricdor and drive sideways on the walls.

    The whole clusterfuck maps is just flawed. It revolves around removing as much tacic play as possible and grinding in a small space.
  11. zenarion

    zenarion Member

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    I like Duststorm, since there are no grinding halts there.
    Tanks and other fast vehicles can move around freely, infantry can still ambush tanks, turrets are still useful, but don't mean instant death.
    Even artillery has a certain use: killing structures and bases.
    Also, I don't feel that games where armies just rush to a certain frontline, and sit and hold it for 40 minutes are fun.
    There must be movement, some kind of change, and not trench warfare where you just sit on the same spot, and fire at a guy 20 meters away, and both of you are getting revived.
    What can be done to counter this?
    Add "light vegetation" meshes, where infantry can hide. Lowpoly models that block the path of infantry to a certain point, but allow vehicles to pass through.
    Make more maps, with variation of themes. But that isn't something we as a community should whine about. This is something we should take up and do ourselves: make maps.
    COUGHmapping competitionCOUGH
  12. Sandbag

    Sandbag Member

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    i agree with the OP. it's rather silly that anyone thinks that two maps with very different sizes would be fun to play with large and small numbers of people.

    generally, empires combat works quite well even if there's a huge number of people in a small space. but it breaks down at low numbers- some maps become fairly unplayable. so i'd say maps have varying lower limits - crossroads is probably playable with 5 men per team, but isle isn't.

    the only map which in my mind has an upper limit at the moment is slaughtered. for public play, it doesn't matter really, but for organised play it's a terrible map to have a go on because intelligent teams mean that it's neigh impossible to break through either of the two chokepoints.

    not that that matters for public play though.

    edit: on reflection, as much as trench welfare does work, it's utterly dire compared with a game on say, duststorm, where it isn't a total grind to attack the enemy.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009
  13. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I dunno but imo duststorm is really boring if you dont have a light tank.
    I like maps with battles in tights areas with lots of explosions and stuff.

    EDIT: I like how everyone that doesnt map suggests stuff in that thread like no mapper thought about it...
  14. Sirex

    Sirex Member

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    I think duststorm is fun because you are not swarmed by impossible odds, there are not 15 enemys ahead of you, it is usually you, your squad mates and then the enemy squad and sence the map is so big your squad makes a difference at that area, it can take a refinery, build a base, defences, move on and have fluid battles with the enemy opposed to kill, revive, kill, spawn, walk to death area repeat.

    What are you referring to?
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2009

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