A note, and a Suggestion :)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Nikolai_Pavlov, Dec 12, 2007.

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  1. Nikolai_Pavlov

    Nikolai_Pavlov Member

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    *New to the forums and Enjoying the game*

    Good job guys on a great game.. Heres an Idea and a Suggestion.

    I Came up with this idea while playin..as most ideas are thought of..lol
    Ive mentioned it around and not one person didn't like it.. and that idea is in 2 words:

    Tactical Nukes..

    I'm still unsure how it would work exactly, Whether it'd be a Class type thing or a Researchable type thing or both, Have it researched and then like the Scouts get it or the Engineers or something to that effect.. and They can Build it or place it.. that would take out anyone or anything within a Certain Radius, say you have the enemy camping your area.. scouts can sneak in and place it,and it would be either Sensitive to FF or just anyone in that radius. Of course it would have to be limited to Prevent Spam.

    Because Whenever you have a war between some form of government and a Rebel Faction Usually one or the other comes up with a Tactical nuke that can clean out a Problematic Area.

    anyway.. Think through the connections of how such a weapon would work if you can..

    I know the Weapons for the faction are basically Thrown together but.. think you could Give more power to the Sniper rifle..Its basically a Pistol with a scope..xD

    Good job and good luck with EMP3.0
  2. Solokiller

    Solokiller Member

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    There are already nukes that are researchable, heavy tanks can carry them. Also, it's a ranged rifle, not a sniper rifle. Headshots will kill within a certain range, and 2 at longer range, unless the enemy has upgraded health. Counter-strike's snipe rifles shouldn't be taken as an example, since they are very unbalanced.
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