5 Straightforward ways to make griefing much more difficult

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by sickre, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. sickre

    sickre Member

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    Griefing is really quite a problem on a few servers - which should be anticipated because Empires gives players so much control compared to standard FPS.

    90% of observable griefing could be cut out by making the following changes:

    1. Code mines to not blow up (physically) friendly vehicles, or at least friendly comm vehicles. This would obviously stop comm flipping.

    2. Allow all engineer buildables (except walls obviously) to be passed through by friendly players, much like they can be in Team Fortress 2. This would stop players blocking in other players on tight maps.

    3. Allow friendly players to 'pass through' friendly players, again like in Team Fortress 2. This would also stop players blocking spawn.

    4. Disallow walls on ALL non-classic maps. This will stop players walling in vehicle factories, and also make the currently stagnant gameplay on maps like glycencity much more fast paced.

    5. Give the commander more power. He should be able to control whether individual players can build or occupy vehicles, lay mines and engineer structures - for example when a player is selected by the commander, an 'identify griefer' option could be ticket on their unit card, disallowing them from doing the above. This feature could be prone to abuse, but on the big servers like Mittoes the quality of most commanders is very high, and its the teams own fault for voting in a bad commander.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2008
  2. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    I only agree with 4

    The rest is really the servers fault.. 9 mines working on friendly vehicals helps your team get CV's Unstuck and Unflipped.. If you see a team mate laying mines near your cv just drive away.. And giving the commander more power could also make more ways to grief..

    I would say make players able to pass thru each other only in certain buildings.. like armory, barracks, VF
  3. Private Sandbag

    Private Sandbag Member

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    1. There are needs to use this in a non grief way. for example, if you command vehicle is flipped or stuck. stuck especially will be hard to solve if this is removed.

    3. Spawns can't be blocked. Armorys can, but then they can be recycled.

    4. I love the walls in glycen, it makes for some of the most interesting gameplay, because the map is always changing and there are new situations always occouring. Stale is what you call the same map happening over and over again in the same way. seriously, don't remove walls, they're one of the best things glycen has going for it. I don't see what's so "stagnant" about gameplay on that map either. not being able to move an inch because of lev 3 turrets is bad. walls are really not.
  4. Dubee

    Dubee Grapehead

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    actually NF spawns can be blocked by 2 people and BE spawns would be 4 people..

    also I dont think you have experienced how bad wall spam can be on glycen :rolleyes: also the admins have no idea who to kick and ban
  5. Vaun

    Vaun Member

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    Letting people pass through turrets would be great, im always on a map when i see a retreating tank get stuck on a turret. and maby mark engi walls with the builder's name. Making mines explode if 2 are too close together would be good against 9mining, but could also be dangerous if grenadiers dont know if theyre far enough away and kill themselves. Another grief is when people build something and block vfs. To remedy vf blocking, they could add a door so a complete vehicle could automatically roll out and not be able to reenter the factory.1 thing i hate is how u can get on top of be buildings (even the vf somehow). building turrets up there would be nice.
  6. Z100000M

    Z100000M Vithered Weteran

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    Lets make it that way:
  7. ViroMan

    ViroMan Black Hole (*sniff*) Bully

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    I do believe this thread is piratically a copy of another thread in testers area.
  8. Cokemonkey11

    Cokemonkey11 Member

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    i agree with everything but 5. 5 is a horrible idea.
  9. LordDz

    LordDz Capitan Rainbow Flowers

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    Vaun, what you're saying is that you want to DISABLE the ability to 9 mine? Think of that it's first purpose is not to grief, it's to kill enemy. And, if you just want to place 3 mines to kill a tank, should they explode then causing a chain reaction blow up everyone ones mines in the area? It would INCREASE griefing, so no, I don't agree with that.

    Damn, I write a lot when it's night..

    1. That's what bans are made for.

    I mostly agree with 2.
  10. Chahk

    Chahk Member

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    They already do that. Another friendly Grenadier's mines in the blast radius of yours will get set off as well when your mine detonates. That's how you can quickly take down the wall (next to the NF's last flag) on Escort. 18 or so mines take it down on one blast from 100% health, even if continuously repaired from the other side.


    #1: This is needed for un-flipping your own CV, or getting tanks unstuck from ditches.

    #2: You can easily avoid being blocked by deployables by crouch-jumping onto them or using emp_unstuck if you accidentally get clipped within one (the game will do that for you, btw).

    #3: I agree with this point. Countless times I have seen players blocked by friendlies in doorways. It's not always intentional griefing, but it is always annoying and wastes precious time better spent on other objectives.

    #4: I can hardly call gameplay on GlycenCity or UrbanChaos "stale". Even with all the wall-turtling that usually goes on on these maps, the pace is always furious. At least that's what my observation has been ever since they were introduced. In terms of blocking the VFs, the mappers can easily fix this by covering the area directly in front of these pre-placed structures with the brush that disallows deployables. Engineers could still set up protection on the sides, while the no-build area will allow vehicles to roll out unhindered.

    #5: Now imagine a griefer getting into the CV and restricting everyone on his team. The Comm already has enough to do, it's not his job to babysit the griefers - that's what the admins are there for. Most servers have the means to get in touch with admins (IRC, forums, e-mail, etc.) Just pass along any evidence and I'm sure they will be more than happy to investigate and issue bans should they feel it necessary. That's the way official server is run, and griefers there are dispatched quickly and decisively.

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