[2.2] RC5 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kylegar, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    Post bugs and feedback here
  2. Empty

    Empty Member

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    BECAR is fail.
    Pistol1s are fail.
    Tanks need tweaks for handling.
    No APC spawn sucks. More cases where it fucked people over than it improved gameplay imo.
    Maybe enable APC spawning if a building other than a turret or camera is nearby.
  3. Jephir


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    Target spamming needs to be removed.
    Auto build needs to be reimplemented.
    Voice chat does not work as commander.
    Rotating commander view does not work if the key is bound to a mouse button.
  4. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    BECAR is fine, empty cant aim
    Pistol1 is fine if you dont want to snipe like in 2.12

    3x Standart MG still is the best anti infantry weapon

    The major problem with no comm rush and no apc-spawn
    is that the team that failed the infantry rush at maps like
    mvalley almost automatical lost the game cause it cant get
    back ingame

    EDIT: I still have sometimes the bug that I cant get new mines if i layed them all
    I still get sometimes the bug that i repair, build a building and the smoke wont disappear

    I crashed after i tryed to place an armory in comm view once
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
  5. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    Okay, let's see what we've got so far:
    -In the research-index, the HIT-missile is still called nuke.
    -When you are spectating a game, it will always show you the name of one player. Switchting between the players won't fix this and it even shows the playername in freeroam-mode.
    -The lt SEEMS to take damage when it drives on terrain that is going up (read my post in the NF LT/CV hitbox-thread).
    -BECAR feels insanely weak and useless. Even the BEAR without using ironsights is better than BECAR.
    -HITs are too weak (1 and a half plate of composite with 1 shot? More like 2 1/2 or 3 (dual-rails are stronger than this)).
    -The well-known smoke-bug (built and fully repaired buildings still smoke).
    -Handbrakes still not working (ask Zealoth).
    -Gap on slaughtered (getting stuck in there. Dunno if Omneh noticed that one and fixed it).
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
  6. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    I dunno what everyone has, Becar is pretty much, point at it, click, it dies

    I think its more like most people are not used to aim exactly on the target in empires.
    It wasnt needed in 2.12 so players are not used to it, I guess that will fix itself with time.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
  7. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    For me, it wasn't. Using the BEAR was way more effective.
    However, some more things:
    -Rescounter does not show up.
    -Sometimes, effects such as explosions don't show up.
  8. Reef

    Reef Member

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    pistol1s are fine

    : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: You broke the grey text

    DarkTerror: the research index still says nuke

    Reef: map graphs (ain?) keeps downloading
    Reef: chat window is still visible after map change
    Reef: Map change timer is set for too long, after the cv is killed We had to wait like 30s
    Reef: game crashes at Brutos and mayama's PC when placing buildings
    Brutos: voicetalk doesn't work when in commanders interface

    21:17 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: http://brutos.org/download/empires/bugs/Steam__3575__2008_11_1T20_9_2C1537954.mdmp

    Reef: healing someone who moves doesn't work (need to increase range?)

    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: http://brutos.org/download/empires/bugs/Steam__3575__2008_11_1T20_29_15C669988.mdmp
    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: next crash
    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: Crash: Just got out of the comm and I was building a barracks
    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: It was half up
    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: and then bam dead
    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: I wasnt even talking
    21:30 - : ][CW][ : Brutos <Sgt.>: But I was talking for a LONG time before

    Kill3rTomato: the smoke doesn't go away after a building is sabbed and then repaired to full health

    Reef: sometimes cvn interface locks in attack order creation

    Zealoth doesn't understand how handbrake works

    22:08 - Reef: how did You crash?
    22:09 - Mkoll: game closed down
    22:09 - Mkoll: just closed down
    22:10 - Mkoll: no crash dump
    22:10 - Mkoll: while in the command view
    22:10 - Reef: what were You diong befiore it happened
    22:11 - Mkoll: i was clicking on the mini map
    22:11 - Mkoll: in north east
    22:11 - Mkoll: clicking from C3 to NE

    Reef: "waiting on loadout change" does not work until the window is reopened

    22:33 - Reef: apc has no spawn on glycen
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
  9. Brutos

    Brutos Administrator Staff Member Moderator

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    I have talk bound to MOUSE4 maybe thats why.

    I have another Problem with keys, I can't bind anything to *.
    I had suicide on there in 2.12 now it doesnt work anymore
  10. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    yeah i had no crash dump too after crashing.

    and the text of the minimap is still not in the blue box
  11. Empty

    Empty Member

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    The BEAR feels like you're throwing woodchips at anything beyond 5m.
  12. Brutos

    Brutos Administrator Staff Member Moderator

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  13. kill3rtomato

    kill3rtomato Member

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    I'm testing it some right now, and that seemed to be a one time thing.. I can't get it to happen again. I did however manage to get one of my own turrets to kill me x_x

    Working on that odd one too..
  14. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    I have to add that the titles are a bit out of place. I mean, the fields where the class etc should stand are a bit too much to the right (or better say: the description is a bit too much to the left).
  15. Zeke

    Zeke Banned

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    Well it was my first testing and i only played "2,5" maps and i can say the following:
    -NF heavys is too good due to missiles being divine weponry. (i tried the diffrense between having 2x railguns against 1 UGML + HEMG as BE... railguns failed in terms of damge and it also reduced my armor...)

    -certain armors need to be revised in terms of costs imo since composites biggest backdraw being the cost is pretty much removed now from how i see it.

    -no spawns in apcs along with having them this slow makes them useless for pretty much everything, going for better tanks is more beneficial... especially when u have to pay 900 for a reflective apc instead of a 1100 compo heavy :eek:
    with no natural spawnpoints and this slow acelleration they cant avoid missiles as they could before (i tried fission engine apc)

    -The infantry weponry... i honestly have to say you guys fucked up rather majorly on it, no offense but these wepons are nowhere near natural.
    BEHAR has a too slow firing rate in comparsion to caliber to be a CC wepon which from what i understand should be its superiority.
    BECAR has too long waittime between bursts and too low killing potency to make it a usefull rifle, at long range BEHAR works better. It doesnt matter if its a 3shoot burst if only 1 of the 3 shoots hit.
    actuall combat is shitty since pressing while the burst is on "cooldown" doesnt make it fire... which in turn makes the player having to click an aditional time that lowers accuracy and rof due to delays.
    NFCAR - the divine wepon. it is by my oppinion the best at all firing ranges except long where NFHAR is slightly better.
    SMG1 - Too good at non-short ranges... i mean wth? it shouldnt be capable of competing even near the accuracy of a long barelled rifle.
    SMG2 - never tried it so no comment for the moment :p
    HMG's - masskillers... makes sence i guess...
    standard pistols - beats BECAR in CC due to consecutive firing + higher ROF which makes them more potent killers... sad...
    never tried type 2 pistols.
    All in all the wepons dont got neither the killing potency from their bullets and neither the rate of fire you would expect.
    the fact you go around with railcannons, HIT's (baby-nukes), fission engines and biological self regenerating armor... makes the reasoning of having worse weponry than WW1 kinda... abnormal...
    Also the bullet sounds... well they simply dont match the rate of fire...
    well the caliber doesnt match the rate of fire in comparison to accuracy either...

    -Infantry stand no chance against veichle MG's anymore... and i dont mean they got a tiny chance, no chance at all >_>
    along with tanks and grenadiers being the new mainfocus now...

    -the advantage of rushing a defenselocations walls as a rifleman is wiped away by engineers having just as powerfull weponry as urself due to the extremely slow rate of fire which allows them to react and fire back before dieing while being attacked from behind.

    well it was my first time testing this new layout so i need to adapt to the changes by attending to more testings i guess.
    but sadly enough from the changes i saw i have to say that i greatly prefer 2.12, a minor tweak from the 2.12 and things would be nice but this overall change of combat is slightly too much for my taste.

    sadly enough from those i talk with all seem to feel similiar thoughts...
    too many things are fked up. :pathetic:

    I know you guys try your best and all, but i think as a tester i should be honest about things instead of trying to be nice and not tell the truth.


    edit: oh and is it just me or is the burst firing diffrent in sound/rof while running and firing repeative bursts compared to being stationary while crouched?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2008
  16. Lollum

    Lollum Tester++

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    That's why I said "give the standard MG a scope".
    Seriously. How is a gren supposed to just damage a vehicle if he dies in 0,5 secs?
    Now that we are mentioning the gren... the RPG's rocket fly so slow, even a turtle could avoid it. I would rather throw stones than using the RPG, simply because the stones would at least hit the ground 1 sec after the vehicle left that place instead of 10 secs.
  17. -Mayama-

    -Mayama- MANLY MAN BITCH

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    Why not give the rifleman 200 health or 50% damage reduction
    and give the model-skin some armor plates and stuff to show its
    robust character???? That could really balance it, maybee...

    the brenodi pistol2 is more like gambling
    I shot enemys 3 times in the head while running
    and next time not a single bullet hit while crouching and aiming
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2008
  18. Empty

    Empty Member

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    100% Agree.
    Infantry combat sucks. As BE, you have no chance of running around a corner and gunning even 2 people down, even when they didn't know you were coming, the BEAR is pathetic, melee is better, and the BECAR might get one guy, if you manage to hit him in the head. Once you land 1 shot, they'll turn and own your ass, because it takes about 5 minutes for your BEAR to chamber a new round, letting them fill you with holes. Not to mention the BEARs awful recoil, on top of shitty accuracy.
    The NFHR is also wtfpwnage, I got raped in close quarters so many times.
    The SMG1, despite apparently being made less useful to make rifleman more valid, is not. It's still a god damn death ray.
  19. dizzyone

    dizzyone I've been drinking, heavily

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    * is a numpad key, just doing bind * never worked AFAIK. did you try kp_*? I'm not sure what the exact command is, it should start with KP_...
  20. recon

    recon SM Support Dev

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    Just bind it to some command and look in your cfg file like it says here.

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