[2.2] About Asserts

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Kylegar, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. Kylegar

    Kylegar Specstax Rule

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    Just letting you guys know, The current binaries are built in Debug mode, as we were trying to track down a few crashes. Because they are in debug mode, you may get error popups from time to time. These are called Asserts, and are only present in debug mode. Asserts are tags in the code for coders to tell us if something comes up as a certian value. Normally, they can be ignored, as most Asserts are left over from debuging (when built in Release mode, Asserts do nothing).

    However, If you get an Assert message, simply screenshot it, then click Ignore. If you keep getting the Assert message, Post it here with a description of what you were doing, as well as the screenshots. Also, if the game crashes after you click "Ignore" on an Assert, Post it, just make sure you get a screenshot.

    So, Remeber, If you get an Assert message, screenshot then click ignore. If it doesnt happen again, dont really worry about it. If it keeps happening, theres a problem, so let us know.
  2. Silk

    Silk Mapper

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    Thanks for the info. I'be been having one a lot, next time i'll take a screenshot.

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