Tank Aiming

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Mikleo, May 1, 2017.

  1. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    The blue crosshair, in my opinion, needs to be much less dominant and it needs to always line up with the red one if you stay still for a second. It should have the same characteristics of the red one, locked to the rotational view of the turret (IE It can't go too far down and it can't go too far up where the gun can't actually aim) for it to be fully functional.

    I like the update, but even muscle memory won't help me in this department. I get that I am so used to the old one and I am willing to try this new system, but I fear I will never stop being frustrated when I am using the freelook cursor to aim at an infantry who is running up at me and see my cannon shooting well above their head. That is the most aggravating part for me.

    I've attached a very shitty picture detailing my complaint. Keep in mind that this rifle with sticky will be more likely to sticky me because my MG/Cannon simply can not hit them when I am aiming at them, thus I get super annoyed because I was aiming at them yet nothing was killing them. It SEEMS confusing, I get the idea behind it but to a new person they'd probably be like "DAFUQ I WAS AIMING AT THEM"


    If there was someway to lock the turret so the blue thing was locked to the same view as the cannon crosshair and they gave the same feedback, I think this would fix it. Make it so when you hold alt or something you get freelook. Edit: I was originally against this idea because my dumbass in DayZ would accidentally press * or hold alt in the middle of a fight and it would get me killed, but I think it is necessary here.

    I'm not so much annoyed by walls, I'm more annoyed by the combat messed up by the view and that I can't hit anything close to me. There was the problem before of not being able to hit a light tank with an AFV because your barrel simply couldn't go down that far. However, now that I can look down directly at the tank I am more annoyed that my shots do not go where I am looking.
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  2. Mikleo

    Mikleo Member

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    Yea I also agree that your view shouldn't go below where you can aim. However I like the fact you can see above where you can aim. I don't think there's any issue there. But yea maybe just fix it to where you can aim unless you use a freelook button.
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  3. Kidpaler

    Kidpaler Member

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    I think this is THE most aggravating part of the whole thing because even when you move your mouse up the turret doesn't move up till your blue crosshair is past it. It's like needing to brake but theres a solid 6 inches where the brake pedal does nothing and then suddenly you come full stop. I don't think the issue is the crosshairs not matching up, I solely put this on the fact you can aim lower than your turret allows which makes combat extremely odd.
  4. MartinPL

    MartinPL Member

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    I'm gonna make my own video from just testing fly-by. In my video, accidentally catching mouse cursor on recording, so it gonna give (i think) even more accurate pointing.

    EDIT: Well, i think only gun depression is weak and blue static crosshair should be changed to ultra-thin white circle. Everything feels not bad, well more advanced than no-brainer point-and-slam, best thing than just need small fixing. Just play first War Thunder to learn about something more advanced in tanks and then go Red Orchestra 2 and learn that mouse is only for periscopes, binoculars, turrets and cannons are steer by 'wsad' keys, like true Man!
    EDIT2: i feel hatred to me in the air... Well i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Last edited: May 1, 2017

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