Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Candles, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I want Trump to win, it'll be the most hilarious 4 years where I get to say in your face plenty of times.
  2. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    I look forward to his presidency as well so you can brag to me about results from policies that you disagree with but I support. You'll be happy that you are able to brag, and I'll be happy that the policy was good. We both win! See, when you support him you don't get tired of winning and he's bringing us all together!
  3. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    and Kennedy screwed around while being president including with Marilyn Monroe
    if we had audio tape of bill Clinton the ultimate sexual predator who used his presidency to assault woman it would most likely rival trumps

    the difference is trump was a private citizen a billionaire playboy talking smack like most guys do. He was not the president of the USA
  4. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    I'm getting a little tired of hearing this 'like most guys do' argument from Trump supporters. I've always considered such guys to be the scummiest of scumbags.
    flasche likes this.
  5. Paradox

    Paradox I am a gigantic asshole who loses people's hard wo

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    I dont quite understand why you guys are throwing mud at the husband of the president? Like the guy has already been president and is now the husband of hillary, why does hillary get shit for something someone else did.

    If my brother killed a guy in cold blood why would that reflect badly on me?
    If Bill cheated on hillary and acted like a fool it shouldnt reflect on her, the only reason I could see that it reflects on her is that she's 1. a very forgiving wife or 2. a fool for taking him back. But that really doesnt reflect on her as a presidential candidate.
    American debates really need to stop slinging mud to people not even in the race. Imagine if they started attacking trumps daughter for random shit. Wouldnt be nice or civil or justified at all.

    if hillary did the things you said ( havent researched it but it sounds believable ) the attacks should be on her that she did those things and not deflect towards bill. In the debate instead of attacking hillary for going after those women, trump focuses on bill which doesnt make sense if your iq is higher than 90...
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  6. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    "daddy what did you do when you were 20"
    "i roleplayed as a guy who raped people on a forum of 10 people"

    add another to the "dumb motherfucker" list
    thinks that a person bragging about groping and forcing themselves on women means he doesnt do it. not to mention the whole "he didnt grope me so he never does it ever" line.

    vicki you were so rightous about sexual assault and gropings by syrian refugees not so long ago in this very topic. not to mention your thoughts on bill cosby and michael jackson's actions. i wonder what the difference is between cosby, jackson, syrians, and then trump? hmmmmmmmmmm
    flasche likes this.
  7. Deiform

    Deiform Member

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    I also like the argument that Trump wasn't the president when he did these things from Vicki. I guess he'll change when he's president, right?

    It's ok to change your mind and vote for Hilary.
  8. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Because Hillary ruined these peoples lives... that is what you aren't understanding. Bill's actions were horrific, but Hillary ruined their lives by threatening them if they went to the public with these stories. Her campaign, at one point, had the slogan "Every woman deserves to be heard"... until these cases came out in 2016. That slogan was yanked from Hillary's website because she threatened them.

    He wasn't the president, he was a private businessman. Now let me put it this way, have you ever watched porn before? That demeans women. And I am SURE you have NEVER talked about your sex life to ANYONE, not even close friends before. Ever. Not once. Cause, guys totally don't do that, nor do girls... even though in college I hear it ALL the time.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  9. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    yeah they seem to be clueless of who Hilary is and what she has done. and really it doesn't matter what anyone's opinion is people vote for who they want for w/e reason they want regardless of what anything thinks.

    caring more about some stupid private conversation than murder (Benghazi) or putting a country's security at risk is not the way I think.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  10. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    I also love how they are telling you, a woman, how you should feel about Trump. What sexist mysognistic pigs for not letting a woman develop her own opinion on the matter.
  11. complete_

    complete_ lamer

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    im so glad that when a guy in private straight up told me that a girl accused him of rape and that he didnt really do it that was just all talk. normal talk
  12. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    like I said Their opinions matter none to me. As most know I am not happy trump is the GOP nominee but never ever do I want that lying self serving criminal Hilary to be my president, as trump just said, if it wasn't for the media Hilary couldn't be elected dog catcher.
  13. Señor_Awesome

    Señor_Awesome Member

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    Both sides can be wrong, just because you hate the other more doesn't mean you have to justify the wrongdoings of the one you chose.
    blizzerd likes this.
  14. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    See, this is where I think you don't understand the conservative/republican Mentality.

    Trump is under a lot of fire, a LOT more than any other republican candidate, ever, I think. The media is ALWAYS out to get the republicans and CRUCIFY them in ANY way possible, and we are seeing that with Trump. The reason we defend Trump is not because both sides are wrong and we need to justify his actions to support him, it is because of the really liberally biased media in the good ole USA. I think both Vicki and I are in agreement what Trump said was disgusting, it was, but it is also just talk. These tapes however, are "covering" for the latest email leak from Hillary that show her, once again, selling out our country.

    In the latest email leak we learned:
    She still doesn't like gay marriage and wants to reverse it (She came out in 2012 finally in support of it). Both her and bill are on the same page here.
    We learned that her administration wants to dumb down our education system again because there is less of a chance that people will break from the pack (See common core). They directly called American's "keep them unaware" and "they are becoming no longer compliant"
    We learned she is going to use Executive action to remove the Second Amendment
    We learned she is instructing the MSM on exactly what to say, literally sending scripts out to news channels.
    She, once again, was exposed on emails having it directly stated she aided in deleting some
    She accepted 2.5 million from George Soros
    We learned the Clinton Foundation was directly included in the talks during the Russian Uranium Deal
    We learned that her campaign has been afraid of the Bill Clinton stories coming up, saying it could tank her campaign... Uh oh look whats happening.

    We also learned she has a "public and private" position on the issues... in a speech she gave to her Wallstreet donors which she then tried to say Abe Lincoln did based on the MOVIE she watched. That movie she referenced is not historically accurate, she literally is blaming her idiotic statement on a movie and it is sliding fine, no one is reporting on it. While were at it, I also heard Abe Lincoln hunts vampires, and he faked his own death at Ford's theater to hunt more vampires. It was in a movie, its GOTS TO BE TRUE!

    On top of this, we have CNN caught COACHING an "Undecided" panel of voters right after the debate on who they thought won... Seriously, that quote as well is just retarded, "America is great because we are good"...

    Google also manipulates searches to help Hillary. Bill O'Reiley ran a piece today that stated that stations gave the order to "bring Trump down". Emails also confirm this is a reality. Now why would the MSM... our government, and the governments of the entire world who are moving towards Globalism not want Trump? Oh.. because he is anti-globalist and pro-America. This level of collusion by the Rothschild's, Soros, and all the media is unprecedented.

    The media has been lying to the people, the media is corrupt, the media is in the bag for Hillary. It's the reason they have lost all credibility, and everytime they run a hit piece they lose more and more among the American Public because NO ONE runs ANYTHING negative on Hillary. As a republican, I have seen this first hand throughout all the years come any election season, it was ONLY the republicans getting negative coverage and this year it is cranked into overdrive and is extremely blatant which is a reason we defend him. We defend him because Democrats are far, far, far worse and it is all spilling out this year. Trump is the bannerman that is actually calling out the Democrats for their shady dealings, so people rally behind him to take down the Clintons.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  15. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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  16. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    DY did you see this?
    Jerry Falwell Jr. Thinks the GOP Establishment Leaked the Trump

    Jerry Falwell Jr. told WABC Radio host Rita Cosby he has evidence that GOP establishment insiders leaked the now infamous “Trump tape” in a pre-arranged move to sabotage the Republican candidate’s campaign.

    The tape, which emerged two days before Sunday night’s presidential debate, featured Trump making crude comments about women and was seized upon by some establishment Republicans as a reason to withdraw their lukewarm support for the Donald.

    “I think this whole tape… video tape thing was planned, I think it was timed, I think it might have even been a conspiracy among establishment Republicans who have known about it for weeks and who tried to time it to do the maximum damage to Donald Trump, and I just… I just think it just backfired on them,” said Falwell, son of the famous evangelical pastor.

    Commenting that nothing on the tape was defensible, Falwell said he had received “independent information” that “some of the establishment folks who reluctantly endorsed him had this planned all along as a way to slither out of the endorsement.”
  17. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    Yea I saw that, I wouldn't doubt it. No offense to you, but the GOP is full of a bunch of globalist shills as well. Those guys who "dumped Trump" were ready to jump ship at the signs of ANY distress, and now they regret it because Trump did something EVERY Republican supports, hammered the shit out of Clinton on a lot of her scandals.
  18. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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    yeah no offense taken, there's a lot more going on than we will ever know. what gets me is the dems stick to their candidate no matter how many scandals or laws they break but the GOP jumps ship at the drop of a dime.
    I'm miserable trump got the nomination but it is what it is and we need those conservative Supreme Court Justices.
  19. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump Member

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    I dislike the GOP, it seems they are all supporting the same as the dems. Hell Jeb Bush wanted to provide amnesty to illegal immigrants as well... literally, the GOP is turning into the Democratic party. It was turning into a one party system. The GOP always talked differently, yet did things very similary to the dems. They all jumped because they thought Trump was done, they don't care if he is GOP or Dem, he is an outsider that won and the career politicians are actually scared of him.

    Also, the dems are sticking with Hillary because this is the last battle the dems have to put up with, if Trump loses this election it is the end of the GOP because Hillary plans on flooding the US with Mexican Immigrants and Syrian refugees which will vote dem for generations. The Dems don't care what we find out, because their opinion of the general populace is we are all sheep who will follow blindly, it's why they introduced common core, because "Math is racist" (Quote by the guy who created common core). Dems have successfully covered up that Republicans freed the slaves, dems have successfully sold their soul to the globalists... all started by the KGB (Ex-KGB agent started the SJW movement to bring about the decline of the US).

    Edit: Apparently this was mainly staged by Paul Ryan (the Trump Tapes) and apparently there is now a counter ousting attempt aimed at Paul Ryan. Heh, good.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2016
  20. vipervicki

    vipervicki Member

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