Don't quote me on this, but I think I heard one of the devs considering different impact effects for different armors, like sparks for reactive.
I expect I could make some outer casings for tanks, different for each armor, and maybe even animate them so they crumple, which could be controlled with code. Spawn the casing with the tank when that armor is equipped and then tie the damage percentage for that side to the animation frame for that side's plating.
Going one step further, for the NF APC where there isn't a gunner's seat, could you remove the turret entirely if it was unarmed? Replace the turret with a hatch model instead perhaps? There are, after all, times when a fast, heavily armoured but unarmed APC is a very useful tool.
The NF APC not getting a infantry hatch is part of the balancing system of staggering abilities between vehicles. I believe the NF get the 2 extra jeep seats in exchange for not having that hatch (thats how I recall a dev explaining it some months ago).
Very coool. Ditto cool. @Jessiah. I think they've remodelled or going to remodel the jeeps to be more like assault buggies. (driver and gunner)
Jonat, I know. The NF Sidewinder. The last thing you see before one runs you over is the teddy bear strapped to the grill