There have been many debates about what to do with the economical aspect of Empires, some want a lot of resources, some want few resources. I believe I have finally found a solution that everyone can agree on. Remove resources altogether and replace the refineries with vehicle slots, the more of these points you capture the more vehicles you can have. Some vehicles such as APC would require fewer slot than others, such as heavy tanks, so they can be rushed all across the map to keep the gameplay dynamic and the commanders on edge. This is just a basic idea but I do believe we can build from it and change the game for the better.
I like the idea, but I suspect we'd need to rebalance a large portion of the map pool (if not its entirety), which would require a major amount of work that would need to be done all at once - it'd be a massive undertaking.
Buff wages. Make wages give player a steady income based on rank. Make refs/resources be used strictly for commander.
Nah the idea is to use the existing balance. No I'm completely serious, I even added a poll so the community can vote on it because it's important to let people have a say in everything. If this idea goes well we can move on to the next phase which is to remove commander and have pre-placed buildings and vehicle spawners. Once all this is done we can start thinking about porting the game to frostbite engine and renaming it to battlefield VI.