Roll the game back.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Empty, Feb 25, 2017.

  1. w00kie

    w00kie Mustachioed Mexican

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    Played in yesterdays PUG after a year of abstinence from empires:

    - the NF sounds are unbearable, had to overwrite with old sounds
    - the squad-mate markers, or whatever those half circles are are confusing as hell and did not help at all
    - somehow the bindings to zoom in on minimap are broken for me
    - some menus look weirdly stretched in 21:9 resolutions
    - some menus are off center
    - is there a way to turn the white onscreen guide texts off? they are huge
    - I had trouble telling friends from foes at a distance, don't know what got removed or changed there in the past
    - might just be me, but the F-menu gave me trouble. Did it use to have a 50ms delay between inputs in the past? I somehow kicked myself from squadlead with a single button press.
    - BE engineer smg1 has 3 hands on screen in ultra wide resolutions, it has always been like that, but just now with a 21:9 screen I see it myself. Maybe you guys go fix that.

    EDIT: some shit I just now remember
    - BE Tanks kept getting stuck on the inside edges of repairpads for me, I don't recall seeing that problem ever before
    - I managed to flip 4 mediums with an NF jeep by simply driving into their side at speed
    - Medium vehicle MG does no DMG when fired continuously, or the hit prediction is way off then. No problem when fired in short half a second bursts.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  2. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    At this point in time, we have no sound guy and no UI (at least in its current, photoshop-heavy iteration) guy, so NF sounds and various 21:9 ratio issues are going to be hard to fix right now. Still, if you could document the problems in more detail (which menus are wrong, screenshots showing the problems, etc.), it could come into play further down the line.

    Those bits of circles should probably be modified to be numbers (and each squad member has a number assigned to them), but, again, UI trouble. It sure sounds codable, though.

    You can turn off those huge hints in the options menu, in the Multiplayer tab.

    Nothing changed about player and vehicle models in the last many months (years?). I'd blame problems with discerning targets on rust.

    There is a small delay for the F menu that you have to respect. It's been a thing for a looong time, but never properly reported.

    There is an issue with the smg1 animations that makes removing that hand difficult. @Smithy would know more than me.

    Tanks get stuck not only on repair pads, but also on walls, displacements, and other tanks. Something in the engine makes the wheels skip to a different position than they should be in, getting the immovable object stuck between the wheels. It's pretty difficult to dislodge such a tank afterwards, particularly when it's in the ground.

    Jeeps flipping tanks (and other such exploits) are going to be a thing until someone brave enough overhauls vehicle handling scripts and figures out a way to differentiate each vehicle's weight (they're all the same).

    No comment on Medium CG, it's too heavy to be viable IMO :rolleyes: I did not notice this kind of problem with the machine guns I'm using. Further testing is most likely required. *hint hint*
    w00kie likes this.
  3. w00kie

    w00kie Mustachioed Mexican

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    Thanks for the reply, this was mostly a list of weird things I experienced, some of them (3 handed engineer) are very very old, not ment to all be fixed :D

    3 Hand Engi on 21:9

    First report in the forums on it is from 2008:

    There is a post somewhere on the forums that shows off that the third hand is needed for some animation (reloading?) but I cant find it.

    Regarding sounds:
    This seems like there is currently no QA. I'd seriously just revert to the old sound files and only keep sounds that have changed meaning, like "Request commander Assistance".

    Yes, to me it felt that is currently missing. That forced me to be careful to not fatfinger kick myself from squad. Or maybe I'm just getting old.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  4. D.D.D. Destroyer

    D.D.D. Destroyer Member Staff Member Moderator

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    You may have missed it, but you became SL during mvalley exactly because I FSS'd myself out, so no, it's not just you ;)
    w00kie likes this.
  5. w00kie

    w00kie Mustachioed Mexican

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    Oh one more thing:
    Since when to people stand in jeeps?
    Didn't we use to have a sitting animation?
  6. Xyaminou

    Xyaminou Member

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